Hank Kingsley
The Kingsman
Quite liked the latter.
The Kingsman
Quite liked the latter.
Jackie Brown was a great movie.I really need to give Jackie Brown another viewing. I dont think I have seen it since the theaters. And I usually like Tarentino movies better the second and third time around.
I couldn't have said it better myself.This one even had pretty good cgi, but understated and not so I your face.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Well, it is hard for me to say "it" better when I have no idea what "it" is...Not even without the typos?
I thought the chick with the metal legs was a cool villain henchwoman.Quite liked the latter.
Finally saw Ex Machina last night, and it was freaking amazing. One of the absolute best ever sci fi "thinking" movies whereas they usually just get the cgi treatment and get turned into the latest "summer blockbuster." This one even had pretty good cgi, but understated and not so I your face.
I plan on watching again sometime this week, it was that good.
That might be the best movie I've seen this year. Only complain was that I thought it should have ended about 5 minutes earlier than it did.
If you liked that movie, you'll enjoy the TV show 'Humans,' similarly understated and more concerned with the larger questions than action and CGI.Finally saw Ex Machina last night, and it was freaking amazing. One of the absolute best ever sci fi "thinking" movies whereas they usually just get the cgi treatment and get turned into the latest "summer blockbuster." This one even had pretty good cgi, but understated and not so I your face.
I plan on watching again sometime this week, it was that good.
Lol,......I actually went to the cinema to see "Joe Dirt/1",.......I made sure nobody I knew saw me there.....!Joe Dirt 2
I could only last 15 minutes before I had to turn it off. It was like a spoof of a spoof of the original Joe Dirt. Just awful. It was so bad that it made me think making Super Troopers 2 might not be a good idea.
Saw "the last drop" (came out 2014) on HBO last night,......James gandolphini's last flick I believe before he passed away,.....pretty good movie too,........surprise ending.
....good flick,....gritty,mob,thriller.,.....rated 3-stars in the guide.The Drop. I have that set to record later this week.
they made another mission impossible?