Upstanding Member
I didn't know you still existed

I didn't know you still existed
I'm like shingles; you can't get rid of me that easily.uhhhhh....welcome
I didn't know you still existed
Big Trouble in Little China.
Classic. 10/10
Saw Birdman a few days ago. Definitely good, but not sure it was best picture of the year material.
Big Trouble in Little China.
Classic. 10/10
I saw it Saturday. My fingers are still scorched from handling that piece of crud. Almost pointless and $3.50 I'll never get back....
Saw it for free on a plane so that may have swung my opinion a bit.
I'm pretty sure I had no clue as to what it was about and I watched the whole thing. I mean I do know what it was about but I'm not sure why it was made.....
If you're trying to say that the entire plot was kind of pointless you'll find no argument from me. There are however plenty of movies I've seen and enjoyed that had really pointless stories and this one kept me entertained.
I was hoping that when he shot his nose off they would have given him a huge toucan beak or something. Just seemed to fit better with some of the weird shit going on in that film.
You didn't think he did an amazing job making you buy that he was really post disease Hawking?
Big Trouble in Little China.
Classic. 10/10
since this was more than just makeup, I'm going to disagree. The physical contortions he must have done to pull that off were a wee bit higher than having a humpback or a beard glued on.Oh sure. But so did Dustin Hoffman, Daniel Day Lewis, Charlize Theron to name just a few. Michael Keaton would have won but apparently ALS trumps mental illness.
I'm just saying these type of roles are softballs for actors. They love them because of all the nice opportunities to show your acting chops AND Hollywood loves those type of roles.