Separate or shoot to kill

.....''heaven's gate'' was on encore/western all summer-long,...I think it's almost 4-hrs. long.....if it's the one with kris kristoferson, William hurt..?Ishtar....
A monumental flop.
But I chuckled once or twice.
The next flop I'm keeping my eyes open for is Heaven's Gate....
^great-flick/great scene^....!,......I watched it last night for the first time in about 17-yrs. [complete],...*and in real-life john candy was the married/family man with 2-kids.LMAO
Watched a couple the past two nights.
Hercules (The one with The Rock) - Thought it was okay but definitely glad I didn't see it in the theaters and rented it at Redbox instead.
Edge of Tomorrow - I enjoyed it. Would have loved to have seen this in the theater but sadly never got around to it.
I agree,.....the ~air-bag~ scenes esp.,......right after I paid for that disappointment I watched ''hot-tub/time-machine'' for the first time and enjoyed that one better...!Neighbors w/ Seth Rogen, Rose Byrne (titties!!!) and Zac Efron.
All the funny parts were in the previews.
Million Ways to Die in the west
It was about what I expected. I enjoyed it, but would not see it in a theater.
I did.
Was laughing my balls off and my popcorn was gone during the previews for some reason.
Thought it was funny. Little better than I expected.