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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


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Apr 19, 2013
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Be happy to- they had all the rest rated not as highly as Martin and Locke.

Since you have the inside info on the Lions draft room and scouting department -- I'm curious what the ratings were for the individual punters.

Feel free to add in what they rated Martin as a punter too, as that is something other fans would like to read about as well.


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Then this thread took a turn for the worse(as they often do).

Hmmmm -- I wonder who is responsible for this thread taking a turn for the worse?!?! I think it is the individual poster who looks like this if someone posts something negative about the Lions. :bawling:


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Apr 23, 2013
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I dont even know thundeR. Never ran to his aid before. Read mikes posts alot. Agreed with him alot. Dont think i ever needed to jump in and save him. He holds his own, usually outnumbered by the slappys.

All i said was i didnt see anything wrong with rollings post. I went after TP since he is ALWAYS the one telling other people they dont know this or that.....then as usual you jumped in.....ive only EVER argued with TP on the lions board. I think i had a disagreement with a lionscanwin or lose or sumthin like that a few years back over eric wright. But ive had a few arguments with TP and EVERYTIME you jumped in like his lil bitch....that is all....

Was it witty enough for you?


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Apr 23, 2013
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And how does this "block poster" feature work? I think I've found my first one I'm actually going to have to block.

I thought I actually missed rollingthndr, but apparently his goal is to be nothing but negative about the Lions now that he's on this site.

I can't understand how so many of our own "fans" get so much enjoyment out of trolling like this. Yes, people respond a lot when you type garbage about our team, but it's our of annoyance/anger, not because they respect your opinion and want to discuss it.

Let's look at all the negative things you've had to say just in this thread alone:

1.) He plays a lot like JJ Watt, if he doesn't get there, he will get his hands up. Avril or KVB NEVER did that.

Our coaches specifically coached them not to, because their theory was that it slows down the pass rush. I'm not kidding either, I was floored when I read those comments last year (I believe it was from SLH, who seemed a little pissed off that he was getting in trouble in practice for getting his hands up).

KVB was good two years ago, but time caught up with him hard last season. Avril was a good pass-rusher, and that's all he was asked to do in the wide-9. His ability against the run was an unknown because he wasn't asked to play the run, just rush the QB as hard as he could on pretty much every play. He became the scapegoat last year when he held out over his contract, and suddenly his play took a huge nosedive in the view of a lot of fans who weren't accustomed to players holding out...

2.) 4)D. Taylor- Not very athletic but has great length. Hopefully he gets coached on technique and can become a quality backup.
We already covered why this one is simply wrong. I'm going to guess that you knew that, though, and just wanted a rise out of somebody.

3.) 5) Punter- Straight up Millen pick.
Covered this one too. Being that you're a casual fan, I suppose I can see why you'd be upset that we drafted a punter. Not understanding the finer points of the game makes drafting a punter a little confusing, I'd imagine.

6.) My point is you don't draft a DII punter, period. We could of signed him in free agency and drafted an Andre Ellington,Ricky Wagner or Bacarri Rambo, instead. Nobody was going to draft that kid (let alone 5th round!), let's be serious.
Building on #5... A- He's not a DII punter. No wonder you're so upset, you don't even know what school the kid went to. I'll let you in on a little secret: the internet is full of info about players. That way you don't have to fill in the gaps in your knowledge bank with incorrect guesses and look like even more of a troll on here because of it! Try that next time... B- How do you know nobody was going to draft him? Because Mel Kiper didn't have him getting drafted? These "expert" analysts that get some of you to hang on their every word are analysts because they're not good enough to be real NFL personnel people. They sound like they know what they're talking about and look good on TV, but a whole lot of their job is just selling us guesswork and informing us about prospects.

7.)Sorry, guess I never noticed him except for an occasional sack during unimportant times of a game. That is why he went to free agency and got squat. Only the Lions would pay that guy 10 million a year.
Could have stopped after "Sorry, guess I never noticed..." because that sums up a lot of your issues with the team. You operate on assumptions and snap-decisions/opinions made by watching a guy do poorly on a single play, then he's a scrub forever in your book it seems.

8.) Can't see him making the team over Bush,Bell or Lesuck.
There's a great example of those... um...unusual opinions I just mentioned above. Mikel Leshoure had over 1,000 yards from scrimmage and 9 TDs in his ROOKIE SEASON and he already sucks according to you? These are the kind of fans I have no patience for. Good lord, the kid was coming off an injury that used to be a career-ender, still has a productive rookie season, but he he's "Lesuck"... wow.

9.) I haven't seen his combine numbers but I watched a couple games on you tube after we drafted him.

Do I even have to respond to this? You insulted yourself for me...

I initially was glad to see you finally made it over here. But apparently you're on a mission to be a royal douche bag, so I recant my initial gladness. Now I hope kharma gets you for being such a dickhole about the team you're supposed to like and support, and you get an ear infection, or someone backs into your car or something else harmless yet really inconvenient...

This in MY OPINION is where the thread started towards the worse.....but hell, what is my opinion worth on here? Wonder how nice this board would be minus the people that know everything and dont enjoy a nice debate without telling people they dont know shit and calling fans trolls...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Read mikes posts alot. Agreed with him alot. Dont think i ever needed to jump in and save him. He holds his own, usually outnumbered by the slappys.

I knew Cleaves was a smart man, even though he is a MSU fan.

I actually enjoy the diatribes from TP after someone posts a comment about the Lions he deems as too negative. The best part is -- it is nothing more than another fan's opinion, but I guess TP has annointed himself the Sargeant At Arms of the Lions message board and he isn't going to put up with any negative connotations regarding Lions players.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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And i called it. Knew ole micro would be suckin on his buddys lil thing. Funny everytime i argue with TP his lil bitch jumps in!

Love the irony that you jumped into this debate totally out of the blue, and trying to call someone else out for doing just exactly what you did.

Guess that makes you a lil bitch too...


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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I loved this draft, it seems like the only real complaint anyone has is the team tried to upgrade the weakest part of the team in the 5th round. I don't agree with the complaint, but I can understand it. I feel that in the 5th round you are just gambling on a project who might help eventually, but the Lions got a starter and an instant upgrade at a position that has been a joke on this team for a long time. I actually wish they had taken a kicker in the 6th as well.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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This in MY OPINION is where the thread started towards the worse.....but hell, what is my opinion worth on here? Wonder how nice this board would be minus the people that know everything and dont enjoy a nice debate without telling people they dont know shit and calling fans trolls...

So, to make sure I'm getting this right, he's allowed to give his opinion and trash-talk our team/players/decisions, but when I give my opinion which happens to clash with his, that's not ok?

For spreading so much negative stuff all the time, you guys sure have some thin skin. If you're going to insult the Lions players on a fan sight, common sense dictates that you should expect a fair amount of angry and/or generally hostile backlash. The fact that you idiots don't see that, and then act all surprised and offended that people are attacking your precious opinions is simply astounding.

Are you all that thick-skulled that it doesn't occur to you that talking shit about Lions players on a fucking Detroit Lions fan board might make some tempers flare? You don't come across as much of a philosopher, but shit, that's pretty basic logic in my book... :doh:


Apr 17, 2013
Land of Confusion
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TPaul I did not quote you, however in the reply to muzzer about college, trade school and military. I did not do any of said paths. I am doing fine living in podunk america knocking down over 80K on the rail road. Albeit some is tax free money ( per diem). I will apologize in advance if you were not being pompous about having a education. Now if you were, you can kiss my ever living ASS!!! I


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I knew Cleaves was a smart man, even though he is a MSU fan.

I actually enjoy the diatribes from TP after someone posts a comment about the Lions he deems as too negative. The best part is -- it is nothing more than another fan's opinion, but I guess TP has annointed himself the Sargeant At Arms of the Lions message board and he isn't going to put up with any negative connotations regarding Lions players.

You sure throw the word opinion around a lot.

I'll let you in on a little secret: opinions are like assholes, and some people just can't seem to keep either one to themselves.

Just because you have one, doesn't mean we all going to be pleased when you share it with the group.

This isn't fucking middle school, if your opinion is offensive, expect to hear about it. Don't like it? Nobody is forcing you to be here. You're on a site full of Lions fans, expect to catch shit, as you have been for at least a year now, when you shove your dissenting opinion down everyone's throats. And stop acting like you're not to blame.

If you want to share your opinion, that's fine, just grow a pair and deal with the backlash that comes with it...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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TPaul I did not quote you, however in the reply to muzzer about college, trade school and military. I did not do any of said paths. I am doing fine living in podunk america knocking down over 80K on the rail road. Albeit some is tax free money ( per diem). I will apologize in advance if you were not being pompous about having a education. Now if you were, you can kiss my ever living ASS!!! I

Not everybody is a goddamn gorilla who can just start slinging giant fucking rails around like it's nothing though. :rollseyes:

Most of us need some sort of guided transition period between high school and the real world. Usually ran by the older, more experienced generation to help set us straight. There's lot's that high school doesn't teach you, and if staying in school even longer isn't your thing then the military is a great option. Even if you do want to go to school the military can be a great option.

I think you're more the exception than the rule, most guys don't go right from high school to a productive career. But like I said, you're a physical specimen, and in the real world that's a marketable skill- there's always good paying jobs for big ass dudes who don't mind a good day's work.

Give it 10 years, when the current group of middle school kids hits the workforce and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They're lazy, uneducated, undisciplined and just generally useless. Much worse than my generation, which was 50-50 at best as far as the lazy, stupid thing goes...


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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EVERYTIME you jumped in like his lil bitch....that is all....
[sigh] You just don't get it. I initially replied to thunder himself about him pointing out something incorrect about Avril. That info is right there for you. Hopefully you'll stop skipping over it. And just bc I disagree with miked, thunder, or you, hardly means in running to his aid. But I am not expecting you to understand that.

As it stands, u pop in every few weeks and lay the same shit down. You start cussing and complaining then we don't see u for awhile. I wonder what it'd be like if you never returned? Who would show us how to be a hardass? Hmmmmm.....


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Since you seem to skip over topics you bring up and get proved wrong on, I'd like to go back to the "posting 100 times a day" one. Do me a favor and look at your post total. Then look at mine. See anything similar? And TP is double yours. Hardly grounds for your claim. Thanks for chiming in though. It was greatly appreciated and well worth our time.


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Apr 23, 2013
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[sigh] You just don't get it. I initially replied to thunder himself about him pointing out something incorrect about Avril. That info is right there for you. Hopefully you'll stop skipping over it. And just bc I disagree with miked, thunder, or you, hardly means in running to his aid. But I am not expecting you to understand that.

As it stands, u pop in every few weeks and lay the same shit down. You start cussing and complaining then we don't see u for awhile. I wonder what it'd be like if you never returned? Who would show us how to be a hardass? Hmmmmm.....

And micro i didnt say anything about what u said

And whats funny is mike and I have butted heads before over the whole msu um thing. And mike was man enough to come on the sparty boards an admit he jumped the gun after he counted sparty out before they beat um the first time they played this year. I gave him much respect for that.

I wonder why i dont come on here all the time. Oh boy gandydancer....i enjoy his posts also. Wonder if ill be yelled at for agreeing with him.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Since you seem to skip over topics you bring up and get proved wrong on, I'd like to go back to the "posting 100 times a day" one. Do me a favor and look at your post total. Then look at mine. See anything similar? And TP is double yours. Hardly grounds for your claim. Thanks for chiming in though. It was greatly appreciated and well worth our time.

Ok i guess u never heard of sarcasm. But yeah u are right. I guess it would be hard to post 100 times. U can tell micro is one of them lil irritating fuck that takes EVERYTHING someone says serious. Until i bet they get in his face. Then he weasels out.

He will claim im acting hardass, but all i did was question TP's antics. Especially since last time i was on here, i got along ok with TP during the draft game. You are the one that came at me for what i said to TP about the way he treats people and THEIR opinions.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I loved this draft, it seems like the only real complaint anyone has is the team tried to upgrade the weakest part of the team in the 5th round. I don't agree with the complaint, but I can understand it. I feel that in the 5th round you are just gambling on a project who might help eventually, but the Lions got a starter and an instant upgrade at a position that has been a joke on this team for a long time. I actually wish they had taken a kicker in the 6th as well.


The thing that got this all started is I complained that we took a punter over someone like Bacarri Rambo who could IMMEDIATELY start for the Lions once Delmas goes through his annual 4-8 game absence.

Safety is ten times more important than punter. Punters are usually a dime a dozen. Also, if Rambo got into trouble he could immediately be cut because cutting a 5th rounder isn't a tough pill to swallow, see Doug Houge.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I threw gasoline on this flame, so I'm partly to blame......It was fun watching it burn though.:laugh3:


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Apr 23, 2013
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[sigh] You just don't get it. I initially replied to thunder himself about him pointing out something incorrect about Avril. That info is right there for you. Hopefully you'll stop skipping over it. And just bc I disagree with miked, thunder, or you, hardly means in running to his aid. But I am not expecting you to understand that.

As it stands, u pop in every few weeks and lay the same shit down. You start cussing and complaining then we don't see u for awhile. I wonder what it'd be like if you never returned? Who would show us how to be a hardass? Hmmmmm.....

Also every few weeks? Last time i was here was for the draft game. Didnt know i had to be here everyday during the offseason to be considered a true fan and be included in the IT crowd. I start cussing and complaining? Today was the first day on here i cussed. I just found out other day u could. Please show me where i pop in and cuss and complain. And dont skip the topic like u said i do. All the history is there. Just point to a thread that i popped in on and complained and cussed constantly cuz last time i was here i was happy we drafted ansah.....happy we got quinn.....happy we got bush.....argued that the new DT could also play DE. but ill be waiting for u to show me where i pop in and complain. Im sure u will have some excuse.

My excuses over the last 3-4 yrs

Didnt like eric wright and didnt think he was all pro calibur
Didnt like peterman or raioli
Didnt like delmas cuz he was always hurt
Dont believe in fox
Didnt like the signing of durrant
Didnt like the levy pick
Didnt like the broyles pick
Didnt like our ST last year
Didnt like spievey
Dont like shwartz

But i guess im not a fan cuz those were my feelings and they were negative being a lions fan. I was sposed to think delmas is top 3 safety. Fox is a beast. Durrant and levy are above avg LB's. but anyways show me my complaining. 4-12 makes fans complain tho


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My excuses over the last 3-4 yrs

Didnt like eric wright and didnt think he was all pro calibur
Didnt like peterman or raioli
Didnt like delmas cuz he was always hurt
Dont believe in fox
Didnt like the signing of durrant
Didnt like the levy pick
Didnt like the broyles pick
Didnt like our ST last year
Didnt like spievey
Dont like shwartz

But i guess im not a fan cuz those were my feelings and they were negative being a lions fan. I was sposed to think delmas is top 3 safety. Fox is a beast. Durrant and levy are above avg LB's. but anyways show me my complaining. 4-12 makes fans complain tho

What is worse, the Levy pick or the resigning afterwards? :lol: