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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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The thing that got this all started is I complained that we took a punter over someone like Bacarri Rambo who could IMMEDIATELY start for the Lions once Delmas goes through his annual 4-8 game absence.

The other side of that coin is Delams stays healthy and we drafted a backup with known issues and a coach that forces no discipline. Meanwhile our punting unit remains a joke. Both sides have merrit, and either side would have been fine with me.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Hmmmm -- I wonder who is responsible for this thread taking a turn for the worse?!?! I think it is the individual poster who looks like this if someone posts something negative about the Lions. :bawling:

That's funny since the one common denominator that accompanies EVERY single one of threads that turn into retarded ones like this is YOU. That isn't an opinion either, its a FACT.


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Apr 23, 2013
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What is worse, the Levy pick or the resigning afterwards? :lol:

No comment....im in enough shit. Something about levy....i just never liked him. Dont kno if its because hes a badger or what. But if he was good it wouldnt matter because i loved spielman and he went to tattoo U. Just seems like we have lacked playmaking LB's for awhile.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I don't know why the Levy pick is so hated, he has been average to slightly below average for us, but if you look at the other picks that got just after him it is not all that impressive. Louis Vazquez and Mike Wallace are the 2 Clearly better players. MAybe Ladarius WEbb, but all in all he was a decent value compared to the other players drafted in a similar spot


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Im not saying it was a horrible pick. Just didnt like it myself. I remember when we got zach follet...was that his name? From co.....didnt like him either and i remember someone on cbs saying he was a steal and gonna be good.

Im not saying im always right. I can admit being wrong.

Wanted c rogers
Loved the trade to get kevin jones
Wanted j smith instead of stafford cuz i wanted OL first. Figured bradford next yr. woulda missed suh then
Loved andre ware pick
Chuck long pick
Still luv me some scheffler tho
Thought b westbrook was gonna be a stud
Thought rudi was a good pickup at RB
i didnt want harrington tho. Wanted peppers
Wanted laurinitus too
Didnt care for cherilus pick
Loved scott mitchell when we got him
Thought julian peterson was gonna make us better

Just cant believe looking back at things i thought and wished for, that fans would get mad at fans having doubts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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That's funny since the one common denominator that accompanies EVERY single one of threads that turn into retarded ones like this is YOU. That isn't an opinion either, its a FACT.

Maybe you should read the thread and see the thread blowing up into a pissing match had NOTHING to do with ME (See I can capitalize words too).


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Apr 19, 2013
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You sure throw the word opinion around a lot.

Unfortunately -- simple minded people like yourself need to have it spelled out in writing when you are stating an opinion. That is why I have started using "IMO", "I believe", etc. etc. -- You'd think it would be quite simple to decipher opinion versus fact, but that is not the case on these boards.

I'll let you in on a little secret: opinions are like assholes, and some people just can't seem to keep either one to themselves.

I'll let you in on a little secret -- if you don't want to hear opinions from other people -- DON'T COME ONTO AN INTERNET CHAT BOARD. All I can say is WOW.

Just because you have one, doesn't mean we all going to be pleased when you share it with the group.

Hmmmmm -- that is why it is MY opinion and not YOUR opinion. Pretty crazy how that works?


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Apr 19, 2013
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This isn't fucking middle school, if your opinion is offensive, expect to hear about it. Don't like it? Nobody is forcing you to be here. You're on a site full of Lions fans, expect to catch shit, as you have been for at least a year now, when you shove your dissenting opinion down everyone's throats. And stop acting like you're not to blame.

1. What does middle school have to do with anything on this site? Did you grow up somewhere that you could hand out offensive opinions without repercussions? That comment makes no sense at all.

2. I'm a big boy -- I can handle any comments that come my way. Can you say the same? You blew a gasket over the opinions of one person. I'll let you in on another little secret -- not every fan lives in fantasy land where every move the Lions make is genius. It is alright to take off the honolulu blue sunglasses once in a while.

Detroit finished 4-12 last year, yet you want every post to be sunshine and roses, while the team stunk up the field last year. You want to talk about every pick and players signed as if the Lions are knocking on the door of the Super Bowl. The best part is -- Detroit has more question marks going into this season than they did last year, yet you still want to get bent out of shape when someone posts something negative.

If you want to share your opinion, that's fine, just grow a pair and deal with the backlash that comes with it..

Explain to me how I need to "grow a pair"? Do I not respond back to people who have a problem with something I posted? If anything -- I'm the one person who has absolutely no problem defending their stance within the team on players, personnel, coaches, etc., whether it be positive or negative.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Maybe you should read the thread and see the thread blowing up into a pissing match had NOTHING to do with ME (See I can capitalize words too).

You mean like the first page where you start in on the Martin pick, the second page where you start talking about the scouting department, that same page where you start the condescending remarks about whether TP follows the NFL draft, perhaps the part where you dog on Leshoure, or the pages after that where you have numerous posts. You're right this thread had NOTHING to do with YOU Capitalize that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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You mean like the first page where you start in on the Martin pick, the second page where you start talking about the scouting department, that same page where you start the condescending remarks about whether TP follows the NFL draft, perhaps the part where you dog on Leshoure, or the pages after that where you have numerous posts. You're right this thread had NOTHING to do with YOU Capitalize that.

Once again -- I didn't start the thread, nor did I start the argument in the thread. All I did was agree with some of the statements made that TP originally took offense to.

And if you deem some threads on this site "retarded" (classy choice of words) -- DON'T READ THEM. No one is forcing you to read a single thread or a single post on this board. See how easy that was -- problem solved. You can use the extra time you have now to expand your vocabulary, so you don't have to use words such as "retarded", next time you decide to post.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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And whats funny is mike and I have butted heads before over the whole msu um
thing. And mike was man enough to come on the sparty boards an admit he jumped
the gun after he counted sparty out before they beat um the first time they
played this year. I gave him much respect for that.
WTF does that have to do with anything? You expect me to "give you respect" for something?

Ok i guess u never heard of sarcasm. But yeah u are right. I guess it would
be hard to post 100 times.
Putting aside your "sarcasm", you were trying to make it sound like people(I'm assuming myself and TP) post on here all day every day. Is that correct? Yes or no? If yes, that's why I responded with the number of posts you actually made. B/c it's no less than me and about half of what TP does. I am not on here all day every day. I can't speak for TP b/c I'm not gonna look up his time stamps. But if you were trying to poke fun at him for posting on here all the time, you failed. You're on here quit a bit as well. It's what these things are for, to communicate about sports with fellow fans, be it from your own team or others.

U can tell micro is one of them lil irritating fuck that takes EVERYTHING
someone says serious. Until i bet they get in his face. Then he weasels
Wait a second? Is this you trying to be a hardass online? I thought iToughguys were only for punks? Or are there double standards for you?

You are the one that came at me for what i said to TP about the way he treats
people and THEIR opinions.
Incorrect....once again. I responded to your claims about our 5th round punter pick, your grand Ryan Leaf assessment, your "52 player roster" comment, and then simply commented about it being your prerogative to bitch and moan if you like. I also mentioned something about having facts to back up your claims, of which I have yet to see with many of your assessments and thoughts. I'm sure in your "hood", people "come at you" all the time. That doesn't work on here bro. People respond to things written. Nobody "comes at anyone".

TP even apologized to you a few posts later about the name-calling. You subsequently missed that. Why doesn't TP get your "respect" for "being a man and admitting he was wrong" for that? Instead, you skipped over all that and made some asinine comment about FB and being bitches. Yeah, real hardass there, but we covered your feelings on iToughguys haven't we?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I need more kids on this school bus.....I only have 5 or 6 calling names today......It's a slow day.....

Micro and TP you two come sit up here with me.......Cleaves and Mike D you guys go sit in the back......There problem solved.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Please show me where i pop in and cuss and complain.

Why is it if a fan says anything negative, its trolling? I mean, the lions were
4-12 last year.....have had how many winning years in the last 30 years? It isnt
like we have a team full of stars.
Complaining about being called a troll(which I don't necessarily think you are). My definition of a troll is different.

Then TP makes it seem like hes the only one who knows anything
Complaining some more. You spend a lot of time wasted on complaining about him. If you don't like it that much, why bother? Maybe b/c it gets under your skin the way you do to us? Could be. Either way, you were complaining yesterday on your first post.

Today was the first day on here i cussed. I just found out other day u could.
Please show me where i pop in and cuss and complain. And dont skip the topic like u said i do.

And for saying that these lion fans on here are always negative.....i call

i was happy we drafted ansah.....happy we got quinn.....happy we got bush
And I remember agreeing with you that day. How could anyone NOT be happy about that?

but ill be waiting for u to show me where i pop in and complain. Im sure u will
have some excuse.
No excuses, I did as you asked. I showed you exactly where you did those things.

But i guess im not a fan cuz those were my feelings and they were negative being
a lions fan.
I have never once said you weren't a fan, nor miked, nor thunder. I just don't agree with their take on many things. It's as simple as that. But you have to start calling people bitches, whether here or on the Tigers board(yeah I heard you were over there complaining about us), simply b/c TP is a positive spinner and you seem to group me in with him b/c of a few things/people I don't agree with. Again, your prerogative to think that way. But it's incorrect and I'm gonna respond as such.

Regardless of all this thread has turned in to, there are some people that get along, and others that don't. It's simply gonna be that way. I honestly don't give two shits what you think I am or how I act. Just like you don't care what I think. So you can go on and keep thinking you're a hardass b/c you can use the word "bitch" and "wanna punch me in my mouth", but that doesn't affect me one bit. I've known worse people than you. Again, never questioned your fandom, just your stances on certain things. If you don't like that, sorry for your luck. Aren't you the one that said this board would be boring if everyone thought the same? So why should we all agree with you then?


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Micro and TP you two come sit up here with me.......Cleaves and Mike D you
guys go sit in the back......There problem solved.
You know absolutely what I think of you muzz, but that made me laugh. :lol:

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Once again -- I didn't start the thread, nor did I start the argument in the thread. All I did was agree with some of the statements made that TP originally took offense to.

And if you deem some threads on this site "retarded" (classy choice of words) -- DON'T READ THEM. No one is forcing you to read a single thread or a single post on this board. See how easy that was -- problem solved. You can use the extra time you have now to expand your vocabulary, so you don't have to use words such as "retarded", next time you decide to post.

I dont know if you've ever started any of the threads you've ultimately ruined with your stupidity and inability to do anything other than aggravate and annoy people. I dont think you are honestly capable of even seeing just how you piss people off with your condescending "know it all" persona.

How you of all people feel the right to talk about class is simply laughable. My choice of words is in the dictionary, pretty sure we've gone down that path before, do you need me to get you the definition because it perfectly describes what pretty much every single thread you jump in on becomes. If you don't like it then don't read it, just like you said above, but spare me the lecture. If I want a Milky Way I'll ask you, if I want a lesson on class you'd be the last person I'd call.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I prefer 'informed' opinions over opinions pulled out of ones' ass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Pipe down Meow.

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Apr 18, 2013
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Never care if y'all agree or disagree. Just did not like the pompous educated attitude making less coin with a degree.

The younger generation will slowly learn what a hard days work is worth and a degree is something that the older generation told them they had to have to make good money.

My generation is to blame for that. Garbage men make more then teachers do down here......That's a hard days work.