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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


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Apr 18, 2013
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I don't, that's why I said it.

Maybe we need to have a debate over the word compelling.

Because, we obviously can't have differing views on Lion football.:laugh3:

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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How come nobody can blast a Lion on this site?

Leshoure got severely outplayed by a UFA and the Lions brass moved up to take him in the second round when we already had Jahvid Best. What did Leshoure show last year? That he can plunge in from the 1 yard line?

By the way, the Martin pick was straight Millen. Plenty of solid punters went undrafted this year and Mayhew could of picked more Oline depth (Reid Fragel) or Safety depth (Bacarri Rambo). How you call a punter a "starter" is ridiculous.

I dont have any problem with people blasting the Lions, I never have. What I don't like is the way that some posters go about expressing their opinions while rebuking everyone else's as just plain wrong. I am not putting you in that category.

I disagree that the Martin pick was a bad one. The Lions saw something that prompted them to draft him. Having a good punter is very important and certainly not ridiculous to refer to as a starter. I think every single fan of every single team could look back on their draft and have several different things they wished the team had done differently. Let's get these rookies on the field before we start bashing them. I'll bet everyone will sing a different tune if our net punting average is 10+yards better with Martin kicking. Or if its not improved be able to say it was a wasted pick. Right now its nothing because there is flat out nothing to prove the point on way or the other.

This will be a telling year for Leshoure. If people are old enough to remember Bryant Westbrook tore his achilles. He returned the next season and was very mediocre. The following season however he was sensational, unfortunately he tore it again and his career was over. I think it takes two seasons to fully get healthy from that injury and I do not give a rats ass what some stupid medical journal says is the time frame to heal. It's just too early to tell on him so I dont think it warrents a discussion on him being a bust, at least not yet. Now if people want to call him a stupid jackass I'm all over that debate because thats exactly what I think he is from his off field issues.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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The Grand Old Party needs to get Condy's butt back into politics. Cancel out Hillary getting the black and female vote. (I feel this thread is the best place to discuss politics at this point). I'm afraid Big Fat Fatty from New Jersey might gobble (hahahahaha.... gobble) up some delegates though. Scary thought for this ignorant, high school educated, shit pitching, dirt farmer from BFE Mid-Michigan. Cuz I'm sick of bleeding heart liberals thinking they know how to spend my money better than I do. Even if they do know, I'm sick and fucking tired of them thinking they do.


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Apr 19, 2013
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I see, so when you do it to me, it's just fine, but when I did it to thndr it's not cool because it conflicts with your almighty opinion? Gotcha, must be nice to live in fantasy land.

How exactly, though, am I the drama queen here. You're the one that said I blew up on thndr, or whatever, even though I just responded to his posts the very same way you did to min thYet when I do it you assign me as being angry and hostile, but when you do the exact same thing it's cool because it's your opinion.

I'm starting to figure out this opinion thing- we're all allowed to have our own opinion, but if it conflicts with yours it's inherently wrong and you're going to badger us until we all agree with you...

Does that sound about right to everyone else?

LMAO -- go read your responses to thunder's initial post, which was nothing more than his own thoughts on the Lions draft picks.

The only reason this thread turned into a pissing match is because you get your panties in a bunch if someone makes a negative comment regarding the Lions. Then you resort to taking shots at the person and once again get butt hurt when I post that I actually agree with some of the stuff he posted. Nowhere did I 'jump all over you' in my original posts -- all I said is, he has legitimate points and it is his opinion.

No one posted anything negative towards you until YOU started doing it. You act as if it is a crime that a Lions fan doesn't like the fact they drafted a punter in the 5th round or they feel LeShoure hasn't been any good.

So yes -- while you want to try and turn this around and place blame on me or thunder or anyone else -- Look in the mirror, as it was you who started this whole pissing match.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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I find that blue collar guys are the most happiest and I tend to live my life that way......But when someone says they have a degree and think they make more or live happier then the everyday blue collar worker, Something is amiss there.

I don't know, I am replacing the sprinkler system in my backyard and I find it misserable. I think each person requires something different to be happy. I hate manual labor, but love my deskjob.


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Apr 19, 2013
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I'm starting to figure out this opinion thing- we're all allowed to have our own opinion, but if it conflicts with yours it's inherently wrong and you're going to badger us until we all agree with you...

Show me where I said you or anyone else were wrong after you posted an opinion.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Show me where I said you or anyone else were wrong after you posted an opinion.

Mike.... C'mon.... I don't want to get into this asshole fest that's going (that's a lie, yeah I do) but its kind of your calling card. ( maybe not on this particular thread though, idk). You don't get personal though, ever, at least not that I can remember. But all I have to do is think of Mikel LeShoure and I can think of a dozen examples of you trying to "prove" others opinions were wrong. Again, you weren't personal about it though. At least not to me.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Idk how you're acting like special teams don't matter.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Complaining about being called a troll(which I don't necessarily think you are). My definition of a troll is different.

Complaining some more. You spend a lot of time wasted on complaining about him. If you don't like it that much, why bother? Maybe b/c it gets under your skin the way you do to us? Could be. Either way, you were complaining yesterday on your first post.


And I remember agreeing with you that day. How could anyone NOT be happy about that?

No excuses, I did as you asked. I showed you exactly where you did those things.

I have never once said you weren't a fan, nor miked, nor thunder. I just don't agree with their take on many things. It's as simple as that. But you have to start calling people bitches, whether here or on the Tigers board(yeah I heard you were over there complaining about us), simply b/c TP is a positive spinner and you seem to group me in with him b/c of a few things/people I don't agree with. Again, your prerogative to think that way. But it's incorrect and I'm gonna respond as such.

Regardless of all this thread has turned in to, there are some people that get along, and others that don't. It's simply gonna be that way. I honestly don't give two shits what you think I am or how I act. Just like you don't care what I think. So you can go on and keep thinking you're a hardass b/c you can use the word "bitch" and "wanna punch me in my mouth", but that doesn't affect me one bit. I've known worse people than you. Again, never questioned your fandom, just your stances on certain things. If you don't like that, sorry for your luck. Aren't you the one that said this board would be boring if everyone thought the same? So why should we all agree with you then?

So pretty much all my complaining was today and yesterday? I still dont see where i come in and complain all the time about the lions. Or being negative everytime i pop in. Sorry trying to catch up on all this crap. Left and got home and theres 5 more pages to sift too


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Apr 23, 2013
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Gotta fix my error or i might be scolded for it.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Not saying he can but to pretend the difference between the best punter and the bad ones is really just a yard or two in field position, and not the difference in momentum, is crazy. Coverage clearly matters too but the right punter is a huge difference. I don't think you're the one who said punter doesn't matter at all, so it's not really addressed at you.

Just CBA finding the original quote.


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Apr 23, 2013
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[sigh] You just don't get it. I initially replied to thunder himself about him pointing out something incorrect about Avril. That info is right there for you. Hopefully you'll stop skipping over it. And just bc I disagree with miked, thunder, or you, hardly means in running to his aid. But I am not expecting you to understand that.

As it stands, u pop in every few weeks and lay the same shit down. You start cussing and complaining then we don't see u for awhile. I wonder what it'd be like if you never returned? Who would show us how to be a hardass? Hmmmmm.....


You showed be my "complaining and cussing" today. I would like to see the few weeks back and then the few before that. Because last time i remember really posting on the lions board was for kretons draft game. I dont remember cussing. Shit i won. I was happy!

FA time? I remember arguing with someone who said jones couldnt play DE. Is that considered complaining? I remember saying the bush signing was great and bush will get 80 catches.

Somewhere inbetween there i remember thinking TP was crazy thinking mike thomas would get around 5 carries a game and i think it was like 250-350 yds rushing and around 45-50 catches i think he said. I dont think i was complaining. Just didnt see that possible unless somebody got injured. But besides that, i dont think i had much else to say since nothing has really happened since then. Only reason i popped in today was the idonoje signing. And i posted i thought that was a good signing.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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The other side of that coin is Delams stays healthy and we drafted a backup with known issues and a coach that forces no discipline. Meanwhile our punting unit remains a joke. Both sides have merrit, and either side would have been fine with me.


You really think Delmas will play 16 games? Guy missed a game one time because of "dental pain". :lame:


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Apr 23, 2013
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"Complaining some more. You spend a lot of time wasted on complaining about him. If you don't like it that much, why bother? Maybe b/c it gets under your skin the way you do to us? Could be. Either way, you were complaining yesterday on your first post."

Why should it bother you so much that i complain about TP? Does anyone worry about someone who complains about shoktart? Bslegend? Hell half the people on here complain about mike after every post he makes.

Its funny how when you say something positive about the bush signing or the ansah pick, that "we are supposed to" because we are lion fans, but yet if we complain about our right tackle situation or why we
took a punter in the 5th round, we are complaining and get labled as always being negative because our positive comments are a given...so we are NEVER positive.....wow my head is spinnin.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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Somewhere inbetween there i remember thinking TP was crazy thinking mike thomas would get around 5 carries a game and i think it was like 250-350 yds rushing and around 45-50 catches i think he said. I dont think i was complaining. Just didnt see that possible unless somebody got injured. But besides that, i dont think i had much else to say since nothing has really happened since then. Only reason i popped in today was the idonoje signing. And i posted i thought that was a good signing.

Are you serious? Mike Thomas is an all star, dude came from JAX. Sky is the limit. 80 catches,1255yrds and 11 td's minimum.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Not saying he can but to pretend the difference between the best punter and the bad ones is really just a yard or two in field position, and not the difference in momentum, is crazy. Coverage clearly matters too but the right punter is a huge difference. I don't think you're the one who said punter doesn't matter at all, so it's not really addressed at you.

Just CBA finding the original quote.

I was just jumping in JDM. Our punt team was awful last season. (Harris, Graham, Jim Arnold... I dont need to see any of em again) And clearly needed to be addressed. But that doesn't mean I like a punter, who seemingly nobody coveted, being selected over someone who could have contributed at what, to me, was more of a glaring issue. And that issue is tackling people who are carrying the ball before they cross the goal line. (On both special teams and actual defense, wideouts as gunners can work, but DBs actually tackle for a living) Next to fullback, long snapper and OLB, a punter, again to me, would have been easiest to find via FAgency. A tackle would also have been someone I would have liked to see signed.