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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Delmas had an abcess tooth that he did not tell the training staff about his rookie year because he wanted to play, it became too infected and he had to have it taken care of. So it is KIND of true, but I can't imagine there are a lot of people that would play a contact game with an abcessed tooth in the first place, those hurt like a motherfucker. I think Delmas was mostly healthy the first few years, and had a bad run the next few.

A lot of people thought we should get rid of stafford because he was never healthy either

I do indeed stand corrected then. My apologies.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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Like I said, kind of true. it is not like he had a small cavity and refused to play. Abcesses are serious and need to be taken care of.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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That's the problem with you "Truth" (wtf? I'm a half retarded, ignorant, dirt farmer and I can see it clearly say THRU....LionSTOP also looks like LionsTOP1 to me, (while being Chineese) but hey whatcanyoudo?) you're always about fun. Life is about substance sir, SUBSTANCE!!!

Remember that song 'girls just want to have fun'? I call bullshit. There were many times in the past I just wanted to have fun, and the girls were always too tired.

There is an 's' in there. I always thought it was li on top1.

Guess I still need work on the substance part. Unless it's sticky green substance. Then I'm all over it.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Do you actually remember that, or are you just fucking around?

If you do, I'll trust that I was mistaken in calling bullshit on Thndr's post...

Delmas saying "it's a damn shame!!!" Repeatedly, then getting a 15 yarder? Or the absessed tooth? Cuz I remember both. I also remember the conversation I was having at my sisters college graduation party when I heard the Lions drafted him. Never finished the conversation.


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Apr 19, 2013
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You gotta realize that it's only "attacking" when we do it. When their little clique does it it's them sharing thier "opinions" which we apparently don't have the right to disagree with...

Not sure which one fits this post better, so I'll just put both of them on here.



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It's also funny that you throw out MikeD/TrustMe's name out there about how we're getting on him after most of his posts- that's because he's among the least-liked posters on here because he won't stop badgering anyone who has the "nerve" to disagree with his holy opinion. He'll make a post disagreeing with this, because he clearly doesn't see it, but you'd be amazed how many posters on here feel that way about him. I'm sure you would too if you guys weren't in the same little "stir the pot" clique that you have going on...

Would you like me to get you a tissue TP?


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Not sure which one fits this post better, so I'll just put both of them on here.


That one actually made me laugh.

They need one of those on here of a blind squirrel finding a nut to symbolize the occasion...


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
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Some fans are going to be always negative, some always positive. I am a kool aid drinking fool and I love it. I have to say I definitely find it better to be excited for my team than to be constantly pissed. I like to see the positives in most moves and seeing how they can improve our team rather than finding reasons to be pissed.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
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It's not that you guys are "NEVER" positive, just that you're negative more often than you're positive, and negative way, way more often than the rest of us.

It's also funny that you throw out MikeD/TrustMe's name out there about how we're getting on him after most of his posts- that's because he's among the least-liked posters on here because he won't stop badgering anyone who has the "nerve" to disagree with his holy opinion. He'll make a post disagreeing with this, because he clearly doesn't see it, but you'd be amazed how many posters on here feel that way about him. I'm sure you would too if you guys weren't in the same little "stir the pot" clique that you have going on...

I wasnt going to respond since micro said lets just drop it. Im cool with that. Agree to disagree. I dont care who hates mikeD. My point was why should someone care about me complaining ABOUT YOU, when people complain about mike. Your just as not liked as mike is on here. I hope thats not news to you. Sure you have friends on here, like im sure mike does. I dont care who is making a post. If i agree or dis agree imma give my opinion if i have one. "Stir the pot" clique? This is the only board where i have issues with someone. And really its always started with YOU. You get all huffy and post one after the other when you get mad.


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Apr 23, 2013
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It's not that you guys are "NEVER" positive, just that you're negative more often than you're positive, and negative way, way more often than the rest of us.

It's also funny that you throw out MikeD/TrustMe's name out there about how we're getting on him after most of his posts- that's because he's among the least-liked posters on here because he won't stop badgering anyone who has the "nerve" to disagree with his holy opinion. He'll make a post disagreeing with this, because he clearly doesn't see it, but you'd be amazed how many posters on here feel that way about him. I'm sure you would too if you guys weren't in the same little "stir the pot" clique that you have going on...

So have you been keeping score FOR ME.....on how many positive or negative posts i have had........BREAKING NEWS......when a team goes 4-12 and has ONE playoff win in 20 some years.....theres usually going to be a lil bit of negativity. Do you think its all peaches in cream on a miami marlin board this year? And they have won something before. I live in chicago and everyday they have a section for fans in the tribune....they post half positive comments and half negative concerning the teams. Just last week fans were here in chicago complaining about crawford. Now hes the starting goalie for the champs.


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Apr 23, 2013
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You gotta realize that it's only "attacking" when we do it. When their little clique does it it's them sharing thier "opinions" which we apparently don't have the right to disagree with...

Lol at little clique. I talk to neither of these guys. I just enjoy mikes posts, usually seems like he knows what hes talking about. My opinion....as far as thunder...i think i told him i liked his avatar.....does that get me in his clique? Cuz i seem to really need one in here it looks like.

And please dont try n pull micro back into this. He said we can squash it and i have nothing else to argue with him about. If u wanna drop it we can....but im not going to run in the corner and just be quiet until i only have positive things to say. Per your orders....you called someone a douche for posting HIS OPINIONS.....and his first post had more positives then negatives......just because he didnt have faith in the kid from SC you got all offended and made it sound like he knew nothing. Before the lions drafted the kid, you prolly barely knew anything about the kid. Just what was on available tape. Im not saying hes gonna be good or bad or avg.....i dont know.....but that was just thunders opinion and you got all bent out of shape.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Some fans are going to be always negative, some always positive. I am a kool aid drinking fool and I love it. I have to say I definitely find it better to be excited for my team than to be constantly pissed. I like to see the positives in most moves and seeing how they can improve our team rather than finding reasons to be pissed.

Im a positive kinda guy when they make a good move but a negative guy when they leave me scratching my head.....its just the lions just seem to find a way to keep their fans scratching their heads alot it seems.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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My point was why should someone care about me complaining ABOUT YOU, when people complain about mike.

Probably the same reason the handful of you guys all got your panties in a bunch over me complaining about RollingThndr.

Doesn't it strike you as a double standard to say we shouldn't care who you complain about when you jump all over me for complaining about someone? You don't see anything wrong with that.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Your just as not liked as mike is on here. I hope thats not news to you. Sure you have friends on here, like im sure mike does.

Hahahaha, lol.

Bears fans are more well liked on here than he is!

Good one though, always enjoy a good chuckle.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Just last week fans were here in chicago complaining about crawford. Now hes the starting goalie for the champs.

Goes to show you that the fans that piss and moan the most generally know the least about whatever it is they're bitching about. Most of you want to make changes just for the sake of making changes, without much thought to how much it will actually help the team. Bitching is apparently an itch you guys just can't help but scratch...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Lol at little clique. I talk to neither of these guys.
And yet if any of us get into an argument with either you pop right out of the woodwork to get their back. Hmm....


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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...you called someone a douche for posting HIS OPINIONS.....and his first post had more positives then negatives.....

I felt he gave said opinions in a douchey, challenging manner. Why is it that you guys can try to hid behind these might "opinions" yet you get all bent out of shape when I give mine?

And why is it that you never answer that same question right there, that I keep asking over and over? Is it because you know I'm right, that it points out that I'm doing the same thing you guys are all crying about, giving my opinion?

Let's see you dodge this one- will you just skip it and reply to some other posts, or just stop posting for a couple weeks till this blows over? I guess we'll see shortly...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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just because he didnt have faith in the kid from SC you got all offended and made it sound like he knew nothing. Before the lions drafted the kid, you prolly barely knew anything about the kid. Just what was on available tape. Im not saying hes gonna be good or bad or avg.....i dont know.....but that was just thunders opinion and you got all bent out of shape.
Wrong again, as usual.

I think you read what you want to read, and ignore the rest. It had nothing to do with him not having faith in the kid, it has to do with him dismissing him as "not very athletic" when he's a highly athletic guy. If you're going to trash players with incorrect info, then be prepared for negative backlash, it's really just that simple. The alternative is to just not trash players your clearly no nothing about.

Maybe that's what bothered me so much, that obviously he doesn't know squat about the kid, yet he jumps right to trashing him based on info that was the polar opposite of reality.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
Hoopla Cash
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Im a positive kinda guy when they make a good move but a negative guy when they leave me scratching my head.....its just the lions just seem to find a way to keep their fans scratching their heads alot it seems.

That or some fans are just prone to doing a lot of head scratching and then automatically blame the team for making moves that they don't understand...