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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


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Apr 19, 2013
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Hahahaha, lol.

Bears fans are more well liked on here than he is!

Good one though, always enjoy a good chuckle

I see you wear the blinders, not only when discussing the Lions, but other issues as well.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Other issues? Like how much everyone on here likes you? What blinders would I have on there?

I'll shoot you straight on this one- with the exception of your few cronies there, the consensus from pretty much everyone else is that you know your shit and always present a well-thought argument, you just can't seem to handle it if everyone doesn't agree that your opinion is the correct one.


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I'll shoot you straight on this one- with the exception of your few cronies there, the consensus from pretty much everyone else is that you know your shit and always present a well-thought argument, you just can't seem to handle it if everyone doesn't agree that your opinion is the correct one.

It is an opinion. You won't hear me tell someone they are wrong. I will just put up comments to rebuke what was said and why I feel differently. When I hear Lions fan talk about how the DE position is going to be better this year than last year -- I can't just sit back and not say anything, because to me, I just don't see how. Between Ziggy Ansah, Devin Taylor, Jason Jones and Willie Young they had a combined 10.5 sacks last year. This is with taking Ansah and Taylor's college stats. So the 4 players had 1 more sack than Avril had by himself, yet the Lions are going to be better at the DE position? It is comments like that where I can't help myself -- I have to say something, as I'm curious to hear their thought process on coming up with that.

And truthfully -- I don't come on here to make friends, I have enough friends. I come on here to discuss issues about the Lions, which I suppose is why people get bent out of shape and think I am always negative. There is no reason to discuss the positives about the Lions, as they don't need to make changes to those areas of the team. And when a team finished 4-12 and the lose the majority of their OL, both starting DE's and their WR corp loses one guy completely and 2 others are coming off leg injuries -- There is a lot to worry about. That is why I get frustrated with all the sunshine and rainbow talk about the team. I'm sick of having a losing franchise. I was a season ticket holder for over 10 years right out of college and not once did I get to see them win anything. That is why I get a good chuckle when fans get upset when someone talks bad about the Lions and say they aren't fans or whatever.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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I come on here to discuss issues about the Lions, which I suppose is why people get bent out of shape and think I am always negative. There is no reason to discuss the positives about the Lions, as they don't need to make changes to those areas of the team.

And that's the main issue right there.

You act like this is some sort of think-tank where people who actually matter are soliciting your opinions on how to best fix the Lions.

It's annoying, because the rest of us want to discuss a much wider range f Lions related topics, but whenever we do you jam your opinion down our throats. And what I mean by that is that you will post the same thing over, and over, and over, and you're the most cyclical, predictable poster I've ever seen. You'll disagree with someone's opinion, post why you think so, then ask (always in a condescending fashion with some "lols" in there to let everyone know this opinion that doesn't mesh with yours is laughably stupid to you) why they feel they way they do. When they answer you circle right back to the begging, tell them you disagree, tell them why you think so, and then keep repeating the whole process. It's fucking ridiculous.

You say there's no reason to discuss the positives, but I'll gladly counter that there's no reason to be discussing the negatives, as we're all powerless to fix any of them. I'll say that again in hopes it eventually sinks in- YOU ARE 100% POWERLESS in regards to changing a single thing you don't like about the Lions. We all are- so what's the point in whining to us about the things you don't like about the Lions?

Your attitude sucks, plain and simple. I'm sure it's not the first time you've heard that, and I'm certainly not the only one who thinks so. I do, however have enough time and the lack of patience for people like you to let you know about it. If you don't like it, stop trying to be the board's designated douchebag...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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There is a lot to worry about. That is why I get frustrated with all the sunshine and rainbow talk about the team.

There's also a whole lot to like, which is why the rest of us get sick of all your negativity.

I'm sick of having a losing franchise.
And bitching to Lions fans on sportshoopla is going to change that how, exactly?

I was a season ticket holder for over 10 years right out of college and not once did I get to see them win anything.
Not sure which one fits better...



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Apr 17, 2013
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I remember when the tide started to turn on Matt Millen. I think it was year three and people still held out hope Joey Harrington would turn his game around and be the guy everyone wanted him to be.

The arguments were he had the wrong coach for his game!

Joey didn't have quality weapons to work with!

The 0-line was getting him killed!

But the point was the divide was pretty obvious. It took years of fan unrest to finally change old man Ford's opinion on the organization. It took bitching and complaining to get the point across. I always didn't agree with the get rid of Millen and Harrington arguments but when the Lions couldn't get it done I fell in line with everyone else.

If the Lions win with the coaches and talent then that is the best shut the Fuck Up statement to the haters! But If they continue with 4-12 / 6-10 teams then the unrest might be the catalyst for change. I can get with what Rolling Thunder says I may not agree with everything Mike has to say but it does generate debate and isn't that what drives these boards?


Green St. Elite
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Apr 17, 2013
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You won't hear me tell someone they are wrong
Now that's not entirely true. There was a thread weeks ago(I forget the topic, maybe about sacks of DEs), but u put some statement out there that went against what was originally said, and put in all caps the words "Thats a fact!" I actually came back and proved it wasn't a fact. So there are times you are adamant about being right, and make it seem as no one can prove you wrong. And it would be like that if people like myself didn't take a few minutes to look up stats to actually show you the facts.

The thing is, I don't mind debating, but with u it's very difficult bc you really do make it seem as you know everything and nobody is correct but you. And obviously that isn't the case. And if they are only opinions, you shouldn't feel the need to get so angry when others disagree. Right?


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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I felt he gave said opinions in a douchey, challenging manner. Why is it that you guys can try to hid behind these might "opinions" yet you get all bent out of shape when I give mine?

And why is it that you never answer that same question right there, that I keep asking over and over? Is it because you know I'm right, that it points out that I'm doing the same thing you guys are all crying about, giving my opinion?

Let's see you dodge this one- will you just skip it and reply to some other posts, or just stop posting for a couple weeks till this blows over? I guess we'll see shortly...

Actually what happened is I posted how I felt on all the draft picks, I even started the entire thread "I wanted to share my "optimism" about how the draft played out". You nit picked the punter pick, which was questioned by MANY fans and experts. Then went on to blast it as a whole. I respect your opinion cause you go onto try and fact check a lot of things you say. However there is great evidence pointed out by Mike, Cleaves and others that it was probably a reach. It's not unreasonable for any of us to say we would rather have a more talented prospect like Bacarri Rambo or Reid Fragel to groom as starters at MUCH MORE IMPORTANT positions like S and RT/LT.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Cliff Avril SUCKS!!!


Outside of that strip sack in the NO playoff game. All his sacks seemed to come at unimportant times.

I remember when we played SF in week 2 last season. Anthony Davis drove him back like ten yards,picked him up and slammed him with a pancake block. Dude is gonna get owned in Seattle.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Goes to show you that the fans that piss and moan the most generally know the least about whatever it is they're bitching about. Most of you want to make changes just for the sake of making changes, without much thought to how much it will actually help the team. Bitching is apparently an itch you guys just can't help but scratch...

Yeah but the difference is the hawks just won a cup in 2010 and have been good ever since. The lions were 4-12 last year after having their greatest season in 2 decades.....a WC berth and first round exit.....

Like i said, i dont bitch all the time.....it just seems to be the only thing you notice....you never notice when someone says..."nice pick up"......"nice draft pick".......i just dont see how a 4-12 team should be all roses. If their OL is as good as you say.....and our LB's as good as you say......and our draft picks are as great as you think.....and our new punter is a stud, since he got drafted in the 5th round...and our DB's will be improved greatly.....adding reggie bush and idoneje.......we already got CJ, stafford, suh, fairley......wow.....sounds like a 14-2 year to me. Superbowl THIS YEAR. if i remember thunders first post......didnt he say 2015 they will be superbowl contenders? Thats a pretty positive guess to me. Im betting 7-9 to 8-8 this year. So TP whats your rosie outlook 14-2? I want them to go 14-2, but that doesnt mean they will. And me not having faith in 14-2 has nothing to do with how many games they will win.


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Outside of that strip sack in the NO playoff game. All his sacks seemed to come at unimportant times.

I remember when we played SF in week 2 last season. Anthony Davis drove him back like ten yards,picked him up and slammed him with a pancake block. Dude is gonna get owned in Seattle.

Sort of like ryan raburn hitting a HR for the tigers in the 8th inning down 7-0.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Actually what happened is I posted how I felt on all the draft picks, I even started the entire thread "I wanted to share my "optimism" about how the draft played out". You nit picked the punter pick, which was questioned by MANY fans and experts. Then went on to blast it as a whole. I respect your opinion cause you go onto try and fact check a lot of things you say. However there is great evidence pointed out by Mike, Cleaves and others that it was probably a reach. It's not unreasonable for any of us to say we would rather have a more talented prospect like Bacarri Rambo or Reid Fragel to groom as starters at MUCH MORE IMPORTANT positions like S and RT/LT.

Like a back up safety for insurance on delmas who can cover the punt. Dont blame all the blame on the punter last year. There were 10 clowns out there who couldnt tackle a tackling dummy.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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Some fans are going to be always negative, some always positive. I am a kool aid drinking fool and I love it. I have to say I definitely find it better to be excited for my team than to be constantly pissed. I like to see the positives in most moves and seeing how they can improve our team rather than finding reasons to be pissed.

1998 5-11-0 .313 4-4-0 1-7-0 4th NFC Central
1999 8-8-0 .500 6-2-0 2-6-0 3rd NFC Central
2000 9-7-0 .563 4-4-0 5-3-0 4th NFC Central
2001 2-14-0 .125 2-6-0 0-8-0 5th NFC Central
2002 3-13-0 .188 3-5-0 0-8-0 4th NFC North
2003 5-11-0 .313 5-3-0 0-8-0 4th NFC North
2004 6-10-0 .375 3-5-0 3-5-0 3rd NFC North
2005 5-11-0 .313 3-5-0 2-6-0 3rd NFC North
2006 3-13-0 .188 2-6-0 1-7-0 4th NFC North
2007 7-9-0 .436 5-3-0 2-6-0 3rd NFC North
2008 0-16-0 .000 0-8-0 0-8-0 4th NFC North
2009-2012 they went 22-42. :wtf:

Don't know about you, but I would take MikeD or Cleaves opinion about scouting talent over "these professionals."
To say "everything is great", "every player is solid" and " the fans know NOTHING because we don't get paid to scout and they do" is straight up delusional.


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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if i remember thunders first post......didnt he say 2015 they will be superbowl contenders? Thats a pretty positive guess to me. Im betting 7-9 to 8-8 this year. So TP whats your rosie outlook 14-2? I want them to go 14-2, but that doesnt mean they will. And me not having faith in 14-2 has nothing to do with how many games they will win.

Exactly my prediction. 8-8 type year.

The Lions still need an impact WLB who tackles with authority (Sean Weatherspoon type) and more talent in the Oline as well. Also need to get rid of Schwartz.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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So TP whats your rosie outlook 14-2?
Well, looks like I've added another game to my total of how many games Cleaves is going to claim I said we'll win.

Good tactic, I guess- can't hold in debate when dealing with reality, so we'll just start making up stuff to try to hijack the discussion...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Now that's not entirely true. There was a thread weeks ago(I forget the topic, maybe about sacks of DEs), but u put some statement out there that went against what was originally said, and put in all caps the words "Thats a fact!" I actually came back and proved it wasn't a fact.

there is a very big difference between a fact and an opinion. I said I would never tell someone they are wrong if they posted an opinion.

once you posted i was wrong -- i apologized for the statement and admitted I only searched back the years ESPN allowed and assumed since it hadn't happened in the pass happy NFL, it didn't happen ever and I was wrong.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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However there is great evidence pointed out by Mike, Cleaves and others that it was probably a reach.
They presented no such evidence. Ego Boy's inflated opinion is not, in fact, evidence. Sorry.

It's not unreasonable for any of us to say we would rather have a more talented prospect like Bacarri Rambo or Reid Fragel to groom as starters at MUCH MORE IMPORTANT positions like S and RT/LT.

It's not unreasonable at all to express the opinion that you think they'd be better picks. But you don't serve it up that way. You talk like Rambo is one of the best safeties in the draft and will be an impact guy right away. The reality is he slid to the last day of the draft because he's a character risk and he's got problems in coverage. I would have been fine with adding him as our #4 safety, because he's a talented kid, but stop acting like he would have been an automatic slam dunk pick just because he's the guy you wanted.

That's what bugs the shit out of me is that you guys dog the shit out of the real draft picks while projecting that your pick would have been the steal of the draft, without anything other than your speculation to back it up. That's fine if you wanted another pick and think he would have been a better fit, but stop projecting this outstanding career for a 5th round pick who hasn't even played a snap of NFL football yet.

Reid Fragel is another good upside pick, and I agree with your thoughts on grooming him to be a starter, although that's a big no-no around here because we did that very thing with Jason Fox, and apparently he sucks because he wasn't a starter from day one. Also, per Ego Boy, we don't develop players, so grabbing the instant-impact punter was the smarter move by his logic.

Both Fragel and Rambo have the talent to possibly be starters, but nobody knows if that will ever happen. So to project them as future starters and, therefore, a much better pick than a punter is pure conjecture. And it bothers me that you're willing to pass failing judgement on these picks already yet you'd be willing to give your bottom of the depth chart guys years to develop. # Double standard.

Also, one could easily make the argument that a starting punter is a MUCH MORE IMPORTANT position than a #4 safety or #4 tackle. Because that's where both of the guys you're offering would fall on the depth chart.

You make a perfectly valid argument for both guys, my issues with your stance arise from your rigid inability to see the other side of the argument and acknowledge that the Martin pick was not, in fact, a "straight Millen" pick, but rather just a pick that you personally did not like. The fact that we drafted him in the exact statistical spot that the average punter has gone over the last ten drafts proves, pretty conclusively, that it wasn't a millen pick. If you don't like the pick, that's fine, but the " straight millen pick" comment is the part I took umbrage to.


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Well, looks like I've added another game to my total of how many games Cleaves is going to claim I said we'll win.

Good tactic, I guess- can't hold in debate when dealing with reality, so we'll just start making up stuff to try to hijack the discussion...

Beaver Cleaver there is the only poster I ever put on an ignore list. I can deal with stubborness, egotism, even a closed mind, but I can't deal with stupidity.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Now that's not entirely true. There was a thread weeks ago(I forget the topic, maybe about sacks of DEs), but u put some statement out there that went against what was originally said, and put in all caps the words "Thats a fact!" I actually came back and proved it wasn't a fact. So there are times you are adamant about being right, and make it seem as no one can prove you wrong. And it would be like that if people like myself didn't take a few minutes to look up stats to actually show you the facts.

The thing is, I don't mind debating, but with u it's very difficult bc you really do make it seem as you know everything and nobody is correct but you. And obviously that isn't the case. And if they are only opinions, you shouldn't feel the need to get so angry when others disagree. Right?

Learn the Phrase Raburn sucks!!!!! then back it up with "That's a fact"....It looks like this.

Raburn Sucks! That's a fact.....

No one can disprove that.
