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The draft, need and talent line up finally!


FantasyFootball Pessimist
Jun 9, 2013
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Is BSLegend on this site too?


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I was just jumping in JDM. Our punt team was awful last season. (Harris, Graham, Jim Arnold... I dont need to see any of em again) And clearly needed to be addressed. But that doesn't mean I like a punter, who seemingly nobody coveted, being selected over someone who could have contributed at what, to me, was more of a glaring issue. And that issue is tackling people who are carrying the ball before they cross the goal line. (On both special teams and actual defense, wideouts as gunners can work, but DBs actually tackle for a living) Next to fullback, long snapper and OLB, a punter, again to me, would have been easiest to find via FAgency. A tackle would also have been someone I would have liked to see signed.

Legitimate points. I don't follow college closely enough to tell you how good different punters are. The original post I responded to said basically that there's no difference between a good punter and a shitty one. That's why I should have quoted I guess, but I read a few pages after too and didn't want to go find it again.

I'm not saying it was the only need. Just that the right punter is well worth drafting.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Wow i see things on the lions boards never change. I thought rollings post was nice and spot on. Alot of people back home including the newspapers were scratching their heads about the punter.

Why is it if a fan says anything negative, its trolling? I mean, the lions were 4-12 last year.....have had how many winning years in the last 30 years? It isnt like we have a team full of stars.

So just because these scouts are here now scouting and drafting doesnt mean they know what they are doing....so the scout who said "ryan leaf should be our pick at number 2" knew what he was talking about? I remember telling friends during the draft that drafting terry fair instead of randy moss will come back n bite us. But i guess whatever lion scout that thought fair was a better option than moss knew something i didnt.

Check any team in any sport and nobody has fans who love every move the team makes. That doesnt make them trolls. On the tigers boards valverde and raburn and inge and now martinez have all heard it from fans. So while mostly every tiger fan didnt want valverde back YET the tigers brass brought him back, and it failed. Why couldnt DD or leyland see what every fan could see?

Then TP makes it seem like hes the only one who knows anything......just him and the lions people. All 52 lions on the roster will be great in his eyes. Im waiting to see fox. I think he will never be a decent tackle. And for thinking that im a troll. Watta joke! But when he fails as i think he will, imma see how TP spins that one.....levy is a below avg LB. peterman is below avg. TP thinks mike thomas will get around 5 carries a game and around 300 yds rushing and around 50 receptions and how many TD's. thats the craziness of his posts. He thinks every lion will put up video game numbers. I just wanna win ONE playoff game. Been a long time since ray crockett backed his way into the end zone.

Sorry if you dont care for some of us lion fans that have seen the same old lions over and over do the same thing. You say how great everyone is. So 13-3 this year? I see 8-8 as a huge year for the lions.

That was my FIRST post on this thread.......ON PAGE 5!!!!!

How the hell did i start this?

I looked back to actually see where it started......and i believe it was towards the bottom of the first page when TP called thunder a "douche" for his original post and thoughts......im still looking over my post where i ran to thunder or mikes aid or why micro would jump all over me......


Yeah i came back more defensive, but only after i was attacked by multiple posts from TP and micro.

I remember micro jumping all over me on the dennard robinson thread also....i said if drob is a decent star i will admit i was wrong. Micro told me that i wouldnt because thats the type of guy i was or something along that line. That i knew nothing about drob......but yet i called the exact pick where he would get drafted. 5th round jags!!!!

Guess the guy just doesnt like me....i make a post and the guys all down my throat....when all i mentioned was TP....hmmmm


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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I don't think yardage or yards per punt is any better of an indicator of a punters ability than fielding percentage is for a infielder. (See Polanco, Peralta, Easly or any orher stone footed infielder) But, aside from two or three, I don't think there is a huge difference. (Some, yes of course, but not huge) Unless we're talking about Nick Harris, who is/was fucking awful. Drove me nuts when the random shitty announcer of the week(often times Ron Pitts or Brian Billik, or Sam Rosen or some other guy who never ever ever does your Patriots broadcasts since your franchise matters and has viewers) would talk of his ability to avoid touchbacks. I'm pissed just reliving the moments....


Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I think thunder should start another thread tomorrow. This was fun.

Damn kids.


Banned in Europe
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That's the problem with you "Truth" (wtf? I'm a half retarded, ignorant, dirt farmer and I can see it clearly say THRU....LionSTOP also looks like LionsTOP1 to me, (while being Chineese) but hey whatcanyoudo?) you're always about fun. Life is about substance sir, SUBSTANCE!!!


Banned in Europe
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Anybody know who the last Secretary of War was? Cuz I have a couple nominees for the NEXT one. (Defense.... Pshhh)


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My 02. Cents.


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Mike.... C'mon.... I don't want to get into this asshole fest that's going (that's a lie, yeah I do) but its kind of your calling card. ( maybe not on this particular thread though, idk). You don't get personal though, ever, at least not that I can remember. But all I have to do is think of Mikel LeShoure and I can think of a dozen examples of you trying to "prove" others opinions were wrong. Again, you weren't personal about it though. At least not to me.

If I have a different opinion, I will post the reasons why I feel differently. In the end though, it doesn't make anyone right or wrong.


Green St. Elite
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Apr 17, 2013
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Yeah i came back more defensive, but only after i was attacked by multiple posts from TP and micro.
read below and that was my FIRST(I can use CAPS too) reply to you. I'd hardly call that "attacking". I thought u were a hardass? Why does my initial response to u seem like attacking? Hilarious.

Alot of people back home including the newspapers were scratching their heads
about the punter.
Can you quantify that with a number? I don't think that word means what you actually think it means. If by "a lot" you mean some of your friends, then sure, it may.

so the scout who said "ryan leaf should be our pick at number 2" knew what he
was talking about?
Ahhhh, I love when people like you bring the 'ol Ryan Leaf debate into the mix. Scouts, coaches, GMs, etc all miss on picks, all the way from round 1 to round 7. It happens. Ryan Leaf was thought of by many people to be a top rated pick not just some random scout from San Diego you've pegged as the guy who was wrong.

Just as you got a pick right about Terry Fair years ago hardly makes you any more qualified to make picks than the guy(btw it was an entire staff) that got Ryan Leaf wrong. Like I said, people make wrong picks all the time. True, in the past the Lions have missed on a lot of them. But that doesn't mean things can't change. And TP provided us all some nice info on the average draft pick of punters in the league. And our pick was right in line with that. Hardly a "Millen" pick as your boy rollingblunder thinks.

Then TP makes it seem like hes the only one who knows anything
I will admit, that TP loves to point out the positives in players. Nothing wrong with that. It would be one thing if he made it all sound like they are gonna be superstars. But it simply isn't so. A handful of you just read it that way b/c he doesn't share your negative vibe towards anything Lions related.

All 52 lions on the roster will be great in his eyes
LMAO!! I hope, for your sake, that you simply missed the #3 key and hit the #2. B/c if not, I'm not sure you'd be able to quantify anything to me. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. See? Positivity works bro.

Sorry if you dont care for some of us lion fans that have seen the same old
lions over and over do the same thing
And it's your prerogative to bitch and moan about anything Lions related. Your right to do so. But that doesn't make it right simply b/c you say so. Just like my opinions don't make anything correct, except when I actually do research and put numbers to my responses. Like, for example, if someone were to say that there are 52 players on an NFL roster, well, they'd be incorrect. And we'd have actual facts to back it up. But when someone also says that "a lot of people", well that's not true unless you can put a solid, factual number to that opinion.

FYI, I went back and found the only Denard thread I could find. I saw no evidence of me "jumping all over you" there. If it was a CBS thread, I'll have to take your word for it bc those don't exist anymore. However, on my journey through some of these threads, I stumbled across one entitled "The One Thing". I actually agreed with u there about Te'o and Barrett Jones. So it's not like I'm "jumping all over you" and "attacking you" every chance I get. I simply didn't agree with your responses on this thread, just like I didn't agree with a few of thunders ideas. Nothing wrong with that right?

I also provided you with an answer to ur question. You asked when the last time was, and it happened to be two days ago. Plain and simple. Either way, I'm putting that petty ass argument to rest. You think one way about it, I think another. Nobody is gonna change our minds. It's pointless.

And please, atleast go back and find the part where TP apologized to you for name calling. He seemed pretty sincere and I think you skipped over that on your anger. You can continue to call names and talk about us on the Tigers board, that's cool. But this thread is waaaaay off topic and its getting old. Certain posters have certain opinions about others. Those will likely not change. People also disagree on many things here. You said it yourself, it'd be boring if we all agreed on everything. So why are certain people(i.e. myself and TP) not allowed to disagree? I don't think everything about the Lions is great, but I'm gonna put my thoughts out there about things brought up I have a differing opinion on. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to skip over my posts, or hit the ignore button. And I have that ability as well. I just choose to read what others write.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Somewhere inbetween there i remember thinking TP was crazy thinking mike thomas would get around 5 carries a game ...

There you go again making up bullshit numbers because you can't be bothered to go to either one of the Mike Thomas threads and look up the real info.

I love how I explained, in detail how I thought they'd use Thomas in the same RB/WR combo role ("combo-back" I believe I called it) that Reggie Bush and Theo Riddick will be used in. I explained, clearly, that he'd be the last guy up in terms of carries, and that most of his carries would come on the end-around that is a staple in our offense since he's the fastest offensive player on the team. I explained all that, and all you took from it was "tpaul said Thomas is going to get 5 carries a game!" and then something shiny stole your attention and that 5 carries became a fact for you, despite the fact that it was never true to begin with.

What's funny though is that the regulars here, who have been discussing Mike Thomas' statistical output, know you're just pulling numbers out of your ass because we all talked, about a week ago I think (idk, I'll go pull up the thread) and none of them thought it was all that crazy that I thought Thomas would get a couple of carries per game.

Even at just two carries per game, that might be pushing it, it all depends on how often we use that end-around, imo. With the addition of two more RBs since the draft (Riddick and Owens) that would bump Thomas from our "5th" RB to our 7th. He's still a WR first and foremost, and I can't figure out what's got you so worked up about me suggesting that they'll want to use him in the same WR/RB role he filled in college? Especially when Mayhew was going on about his versatility when we traded for him.

It's not that big of a jump to make at all, and I was very clear to say that he'd still be a back-up at both positions. You saw the numbers I put up and started acting like I was suggesting he'd be a super-star, even though (as I explained to you, with data that apparently went in one ear and out the other) the stats I suggested were totally complimentary numbers in our offense.

I know, I know- this is just me being too positive about some scrub we picked up, even though said scrub has already had much better seasons than what I predicted while playing for a much worse team. But this is a "what have you done for me lately" league, and he didn't do shit for us last year, so clearly he's lost those skills and abilities he had just a couple of years ago...


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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Here's the post you keep inaccurately referencing:

I think there's a plan in place for his unique skill-set, and I think we'll see him be far more productive out of that combo-back role this season. I'm predicting 35-ish receptions for about 400 yards and 3 TDs, plus 40-45 carries for about 250 yards and a TD.

I'm not suggesting he'll be a huge part of the offense, but I think he can be a qulaity bit-player in our offense. He's a real speed weapon, and his ability to line up in the backfield or in the slot makes him a problem for the defense to match up with.

I also think he factors heavily into the competition for the KR/PR spot(s)...

I'll still stand by that. On the newer Mike Thomas thread I lowered his total carries since we added another RB to the mix, but even at my highest estimate of 40-45 carries on the season that's still only 2.5 to 2.8 carries per game. That's about half of the 5 carries you keep quoting me on.

But there you go, there's the numbers I put out for all to see- the same ones you read and apparently couldn't comprehend and/or remember. Not saying that you should remember everything anyone posts, but if you're going to use a specific post to try to make fun of me, at least get the numbers close to being right, hey?


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Apr 18, 2013
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And here was your response to those stats:

So tpaul you really think mike thomas is going to have 35 rec and 250 yards rushing? If he puts up those types of numbers, somebody has to get hurt, or the lions will have the greatest offensive numbers as a team in the history of football...

Apparently your concept of "complimentary numbers" and my concept of them are very different. I see the receptions of a #4 WR in our pass-happy offense (remember, we set an all-time NFL record for passing attempts and completions last season) and the rushing totals of the WR who gets the end-arounds this year.

I remember being rather taken aback that you thought those stats were that great for whatever reason...


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There's the newer "Mike Thomas Stat Prediction" thread for you to read, Cleaves.

You'll be blown away that almost everyone agreed on his receptions/yards- which were damn close to my prediction that you tore apart on the old Mike Thomas thread. Nobody else said much about rushes, but just on the receptions it looks like a lot of us have the same thoughts on what he'll produce, and they're all numbers you told me were bunk...


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You really think Delmas will play 16 games? Guy missed a game one time because of "dental pain". :lame:
The dude only missed 2 games in his first two seasons, do it's not a stretch at all to think he could start all 16 if his knee is right.

Also, since this thread is already a battle ground and you just love adding fuel to the fire you started, I'll be the first to call bull-shit on your "dental pain" nonsense. If someone credible (i.e. not TrustMe, Muzzer or Cleaves) remembers that too, then I'll concede, but as for now I say total bullshit.


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Its funny how when you say something positive about the bush signing or the ansah pick, that "we are supposed to" because we are lion fans, but yet if we complain about our right tackle situation or why we
took a punter in the 5th round, we are complaining and get labled as always being negative because our positive comments are a given...so we are NEVER positive.....wow my head is spinnin.

It's not that you guys are "NEVER" positive, just that you're negative more often than you're positive, and negative way, way more often than the rest of us.

It's also funny that you throw out MikeD/TrustMe's name out there about how we're getting on him after most of his posts- that's because he's among the least-liked posters on here because he won't stop badgering anyone who has the "nerve" to disagree with his holy opinion. He'll make a post disagreeing with this, because he clearly doesn't see it, but you'd be amazed how many posters on here feel that way about him. I'm sure you would too if you guys weren't in the same little "stir the pot" clique that you have going on...


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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Delmas had an abcess tooth that he did not tell the training staff about his rookie year because he wanted to play, it became too infected and he had to have it taken care of. So it is KIND of true, but I can't imagine there are a lot of people that would play a contact game with an abcessed tooth in the first place, those hurt like a motherfucker. I think Delmas was mostly healthy the first few years, and had a bad run the next few.

A lot of people thought we should get rid of stafford because he was never healthy either


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It was a damn shame too...

Do you actually remember that, or are you just fucking around?

If you do, I'll trust that I was mistaken in calling bullshit on Thndr's post...


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read below and that was my FIRST(I can use CAPS too) reply to you. I'd hardly call that "attacking". I thought u were a hardass? Why does my initial response to u seem like attacking? Hilarious.

You gotta realize that it's only "attacking" when we do it. When their little clique does it it's them sharing thier "opinions" which we apparently don't have the right to disagree with...