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Series Thread: Texas comes home to face an old friend in Nelson Cruz.


2023 World Series Champions
Jan 12, 2015
Peagleville, TX
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I honestly don't think people get to be billionaires by being stupid.

Sure, no argument there. But there's some business acumen that apparently didn't translate from whatever industry he succeeded in to owning a baseball team.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Sure, no argument there. But there's some business acumen that apparently didn't translate from whatever industry he succeeded in to owning a baseball team.

Boy, ya got me there Ephland. :suds:

Perfect example is that silly fucker, Steve Ballmer who bought the Clippers for $2 BILLION. He overspent, by every article I've read, by at least 1/2 a billion than was necessary, and all he got was the team.

The Magic Johnson group which bought the Dodgers, paid the same amount and got one of the most successful franchises in baseball, the stadium, the parking areas, and a business park.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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That's a good video. I felt like there was more movement to Choo's swing than in the past, but I hadn't studied him closely. This guy is right on. That part where he "cocks" his bat is a very bad thing, and makes it where he is not quick through the zone. He's right, that is the reason Choo is whiffing on very hittable pitches on the inside half. Now he's got himself all fucked up in the head too. He needs a break and a rehab assignment in a bad way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
Sherwood AR and Hickory Creek TX
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The worst offensive month in team history since the inclusion of a DH. Stunned. I'm just... stunned.

"Said Magadan, who is in his third season as hitting instructor: “They haven’t forgotten how to hit. Sometimes they put too much pressure on themselves and it carries over to other at-bats, but they haven’t forgotten how to hit.”

“It’s just unheard for so many guys to be struggling at the same time, especially with men on base,” Magadan added. “When guys struggle, it puts pressure on guys at the back of the lineup to do stuff for you. You need contribution from them, but you don’t want to be counting on them for your offense.”

Yes, we know it's unheard of, Magadan. Not really helping your own case.

"... unheard for so many guys to be struggling at the same time" ... ahhhh yea ... that's the point. What do they all have in common? All on the same team with the same batting coach?

"... don't want to be counting on them for your offense" ... what a slap in the face of the guys at the bottom of the order ... whichever order that is ... #1 or #20. It may very well be true but a leader compliments the contributions of all components and roles in the batting order. Stupid comment.

Who thought this guy was good in the first place? In 2207 the first year of Magadan's tour with BOS they won the WS. They then finished #2, #2, #3, #3, #5 in the ALE. The 2012 BOS team finished #24 in MLB rankings. The 2013 BOS team with new manager and batting coach won the WS. In three years with TEX the team has gotten worse in AB fundamentals.

Magadan was here when Banister got here. That's the second time lately that TEX gave a new manager an existing coaching staff. Don't think that is the best idea. Were i hiring a manager to lead the team in a new direction with new game strategy ... I want him picking his colonels. Otherwise the manager is just the dugout executive and post game apologist.

Magadan works for Banister. JD may be waiting to see how Banister acts or does not act as part of senior management's assessment of Banister's leadership and decision process. It is up to Banister to take another direction.

As ugly as it is ... Magadan is not likely to be around in 2016 let alone 2017-18 when it is likely offensive strategies will matter most next. He's not affecting players in the minors. While 2015 is important if only to not mess up guys who are slated to be key performers in 2017 and 18 ... the failure of nearly the entire team is testimony that they aren't being led very well in this area of the game ... and just on the basis of Choo's problems alone ... he needs to go quick so TEX can find that Colonel that will lead the offense through 2018.

During WW1 millions of guys got killed climbing out of trenches over and over and over. TEX is sort of like that right now offensively.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
Sherwood AR and Hickory Creek TX
Hoopla Cash
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That's a good video. I felt like there was more movement to Choo's swing than in the past, but I hadn't studied him closely. This guy is right on. That part where he "cocks" his bat is a very bad thing, and makes it where he is not quick through the zone. He's right, that is the reason Choo is whiffing on very hittable pitches on the inside half. Now he's got himself all fucked up in the head too. He needs a break and a rehab assignment in a bad way.

So what's this guy doing next three years or so? How is it that you and this dude can figure this out and Magadan can't?

If Choo goes on the DL ... although not sure how that works when he's not injured ... but when he goes to extended ST and he gets fixed in ten days then has two rehab starts at FRI ... and then comes back and hits .350 with a 1.1OPS the rest of the way .. then Magadan needs to be fired into the sun.


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's a good video. I felt like there was more movement to Choo's swing than in the past, but I hadn't studied him closely. This guy is right on. That part where he "cocks" his bat is a very bad thing, and makes it where he is not quick through the zone. He's right, that is the reason Choo is whiffing on very hittable pitches on the inside half. Now he's got himself all fucked up in the head too. He needs a break and a rehab assignment in a bad way.
Where is Madaganin all this? Seriously


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
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We just weren't lucky enough for Magadan to find another job even though the team gave him every chance to do so. I still think they didn't fire Magadan because they didn't want to pay him and the replacement hitting coach both. They budgeted so much for coaching and didn't want to bust that budget. Well, the team is paying for it now. Eventually at some point in the season maybe what is owed to Magadan for the remainder of the season will be low enough that they think they can eat the cost. Or they will simply be too embarrassed not to bring someone else in.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Choo is sitting again, so there's that.

I'm all for him sitting at this point. He's not helping the team or himself by "attempting" to play.

Don't have a clue what's going on with this guys head, but he needs a week off, and work on his timing, stance, thought process, etc.

I still have not given up on this guy. He was too productive for too long for him to be this wheels-off now.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sounds like everything went as good as we could hope with Moreland today (much to Nightman's disdain).

Just heard he's expected back in two weeks.

That's as close as terrific news as I can get ya.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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This offense would suck just as much ass if Magadan did find another job. The echo chamber of "BOOOOO MAGS!!!!" is hilarious. This offense will fucking suck regardless of who the manager, hitting instructor, etc are, because the players doing the hitting aren't that good. Every day is bash Magadan day. You'd be saying the same shit if they brought someone else it, because when Robinson Chirinos is your 5th place hitter your team is gonna be abysmal at producing runs. IDK if people are refusing to accept that second part or not...I am telling you it will be a lot easier as a fan if you just accept that no matter who is in charge this team isn't gonna produce offense at a sustainable rate.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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Sounds like everything went as good as we could hope with Moreland today (much to Nightman's disdain).

Just heard he's expected back in two weeks.

That's as close as terrific news as I can get ya.

I don't really see the rush. I just hope it's fixed.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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Elvis is hitting 6th tonight...that helps make my point even more. This team is in shambles.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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From Scott Lucas.

"Texas also designated OF Alex Hassan for assignment."

That takes care of the roster move for Blanks to come up.