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teams in the KC race this off season


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
Hoopla Cash
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I think its more that they need to UNLEARN a bad habit. Vick, Smith, MCNabb and yes RG3, all thought.. if I get into trouble.. I can just outrun every one. That doesnt wok at the NFL level. The only reason it HAS worked for Cam is because he is as big as a fucking whale and for the most part CAN take the hits.

Disagree. I don't think there's anything wrong with that attitude. They failed because they were bad passers not because of the idea they could run the ball.


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Aug 7, 2013
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Well maybe because alot of folks screamed Kirk wasnt a franchise QB, and now no one wants to throw out the well he isnt elite card because it would at least partially be accepting he is a franchise QB. :D

Well since I can only speak for myself, I purposely avoid those terms, always have, primarily because they mean something different to so many people.

Today, if someone tells me that blah blah blah was the greatest QB in the history of the game, my response would be, "yeah he's pretty good."


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Jul 4, 2013
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Disagree. I don't think there's anything wrong with that attitude. They failed because they were bad passers not because of the idea they could run the ball.

I think its a horrible mentality to have, and here is why.

If your starting WR gets injured, a smart team has 2-3 guys behind him. Maybe not as good, but in most cases it wont require a total revamp of the offense mid season.

If your starting RB, O-lineman or Te goes out.. you adjust.

If your starting QB gets a season ending injury because he was trying to be a hero or worse, thought he was invincible.... most teams fall off a cliff.

When you are 6-2 212 lbs, taking open field hits from guys 250 plus... bad things tend to happen.


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Aug 7, 2013
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I think my big problem with that is the assumption mobile QBs need to learn more than non mobile qbs. That may be true in some cases. In some cases its not.

Exactly, but I'm not paid to make that determination, they are!! Now if they want to F that up, I hope that they don't expect me to go along with the corporate line...."this guy is a bust," or "it's all on the young man for not picking things up."


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Jul 4, 2013
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By the way guys, I think Kirk is gone. Not because he isnt a franchise QB. But because our defacto GM cant bring himself to admit

1. Kirk is a franchise QB
2. He fucked up.

So having accepted this and figuring we will draft a QB, my wish list would be

A. Rosen, but he will be gone unless we trade up, in which case we will just ruin him
b. Allen because he has the arm and aside from a ruff season, I think he has the smarts to fit our offense
c. MAyfield... and im actually not a fan, but realize he is a better fit than my we are fucked pick.

My we are fucked pick... Lamar Jackson..... I simply think on this level he will be another QB added to the long list of QB's that get shredded physically because of their style of play in the end.


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Aug 7, 2013
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If your starting RB, O-lineman or Te goes out.. you adjust.

If your starting QB gets a season ending injury because he was trying to be a hero or worse, thought he was invincible.... most teams fall off a cliff.

Yet, so many teams with a so-called "running" QB rarely if ever sign a backup with similar tendencies. The easiest example for this would be 2012 Washington. Polar opposites wouldn't ya say? Sure it worked out for us, but sticking with the point, that's what happens all the time in the NFL.


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Aug 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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By the way guys, I think Kirk is gone. Not because he isnt a franchise QB. But because our defacto GM cant bring himself to admit

1. Kirk is a franchise QB
2. He fucked up.

So having accepted this and figuring we will draft a QB, my wish list would be

A. Rosen, but he will be gone unless we trade up, in which case we will just ruin him
b. Allen because he has the arm and aside from a ruff season, I think he has the smarts to fit our offense
c. MAyfield... and im actually not a fan, but realize he is a better fit than my we are fucked pick.

My we are fucked pick... Lamar Jackson..... I simply think on this level he will be another QB added to the long list of QB's that get shredded physically because of their style of play in the end.

I agree Kirk is G.O.N.E. came to this realization after the 2014 season ended. Welcome, welcome, welcome.!!

I haven't begun to look deeply at draft prospects, for me that begins at the end of the regular season ( post season when applicable) for this team. I'll post my preference after my research is done. That said, off the top, I'm not impressed with any of the current crop of possible draftees.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Yet, so many teams with a so-called "running" QB rarely if ever sign a backup with similar tendencies. The easiest example for this would be 2012 Washington. Polar opposites wouldn't ya say? Sure it worked out for us, but sticking with the point, that's what happens all the time in the NFL.

Yea, but that happened mainly because the Owner and defacto GM wanted the sexy pick flashy Mobile QB.

The HC and OC wanted...a real QB.


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Jul 4, 2013
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I'm not impressed with any of the current crop of possible draftees.

ON this I agree. But if I had to take one, which we will.. that was my list in that order.


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Aug 15, 2013
Heinz Field
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If you don't mind my asking, what's your definition of a "Franchise" QB?
a guy that can win you games, a guy that if you put pieces around him can win.........a guy with spunk and the it factor

you havent put pieces around him


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Aug 7, 2013
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Considering the topic and the trend towards a belief that Kirk is gone, I would love to hear from folks who have stated that they will no longer be fans/followers/supporters or at minimum half hearted fans/followers/supporters of this team when that happens.


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Aug 7, 2013
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a guy that can win you games, a guy that if you put pieces around him can win.........a guy with spunk and the it factor

you havent put pieces around him

Thank you!!


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Aug 7, 2013
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For the record. Im totally cool with this definition. It' just that thats not how everybody views "franchise qb" so any discussion of the term becomes impossible.

Elite is a special level. There's 2 maybe 3 of those guys around right now.

Right now defining what a "Franchise QB" is, looks like this.:D



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Dec 15, 2016
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Simple! My definition KIRK COUSINS:nod:

Sportster 72

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Jul 17, 2013
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Considering the topic and the trend towards a belief that Kirk is gone, I would love to hear from folks who have stated that they will no longer be fans/followers/supporters or at minimum half hearted fans/followers/supporters of this team when that happens.

I don't know who that is although I did say something to the effect if they let him walk I will watch other teams with players I like.

Lets look at most folks here. For one reason or another we all really like the Redskins. Personally I have been a fan for over 50 years. Norm Snead was QB when I became a fan. In 1999 I moved to NY in what I thought was going to be a permanent move. I tried to root for the Giants. Hell they were playing well, Snyder was killing the Redskins it seemed easy .... NOT!! It was a poor attempt for a year. The only justification in that year was when the Giants beat the Redskins and I could say "YEAH Dan sucks."

If Cousin's is allowed to walk without a good offer it will be hard to take as a fan. I think we have all discussed that the problems are bigger than who the QB is. Do you believe if we sign Lamar Baker Rosen Allen anything is going to change even if they are better? Do you think if they sign Tyrod Smith McCarron that will turn them into a winner? My answer to all those things is NO.

Lets turn back the clock 5 years. I know I was not for the trade up to get Griffin and I know shark wasn't but when things were going well I think both of us were excited and had hope. So if we get some Billy Bob Cooter who is the next great QB or whatever fans will come running. If we return to the inept team the Redskins fans have come to expect the past 26 years .... well me and coach will go shopping or ride the motorcycle instead of watching the game.

It isn't who is doing well it is how well is the team doing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know who that is although I did say something to the effect if they let him walk I will watch other teams with players I like.

Lets look at most folks here. For one reason or another we all really like the Redskins. Personally I have been a fan for over 50 years. Norm Snead was QB when I became a fan. In 1999 I moved to NY in what I thought was going to be a permanent move. I tried to root for the Giants. Hell they were playing well, Snyder was killing the Redskins it seemed easy .... NOT!! It was a poor attempt for a year. The only justification in that year was when the Giants beat the Redskins and I could say "YEAH Dan sucks."

If Cousin's is allowed to walk without a good offer it will be hard to take as a fan. I think we have all discussed that the problems are bigger than who the QB is. Do you believe if we sign Lamar Baker Rosen Allen anything is going to change even if they are better? Do you think if they sign Tyrod Smith McCarron that will turn them into a winner? My answer to all those things is NO.

Lets turn back the clock 5 years. I know I was not for the trade up to get Griffin and I know shark wasn't but when things were going well I think both of us were excited and had hope. So if we get some Billy Bob Cooter who is the next great QB or whatever fans will come running. If we return to the inept team the Redskins fans have come to expect the past 26 years .... well me and coach will go shopping or ride the motorcycle instead of watching the game.

It isn't who is doing well it is how well is the team doing.

OK, I'll not say anything contrary to this except that win or lose I remain the same about this team. No real excitement with winning and no real sadness when they lose. Like you, I too go way back with this team, and I'm at that point where it's, fool me once shame on you, fool me for more than 50 years shame on me.........NOT!!!