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Surprised and embarrassed at the reaction of the Hoop to the SB


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Sep 16, 2013
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The Seahawks had 19 players go on IR this year. Not to mention some crippling injuries during the SB and guys already seriously banged up.

But the Seahawks will still have a very good defense next year. And they will have a top flight QB as well. And if the team continues to draft well there is no reason to think that they won't be a SB challenger for the next few years.

Not to throw an arrow in your little bitch-fest and excuse making session, but the Broncos had a lot of players missing last year and when our team lost we shrugged it off and gave some credit where it was due.

Just a thought.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Not to throw an arrow in your little bitch-fest and excuse making session, but the Broncos had a lot of players missing last year and when our team lost we shrugged it off and gave some credit where it was due.

Just a thought.

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't bitching or making excuses. We lost the game. Nothing changes that.

Lambeau Legs was claiming that the Seahawks were now done because of depth issues. I was pointing out that our depth was already tested this year and it got us a play away from repeating as Super Bowl Champions.

I have no idea what the Broncos have to do with that.


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I don't rub it in, and I'm not going to join in the piling on. The Seahawks had a good season and an appearance at the Super Bowl is always awesome, win or lose. I respect that. Then again, I respect the game and other fans. Seahawks fans do not. While I do not care to join in, I certainly don't blame others for doing so. I've never seen such sore winners and now sore losers in my life. Seahawks fans very much deserve to be kicked while they are down.

You aren't going to rub it in, but you ARE going to shit on the entire Seahawks fan base and think they all deserve to be kicked when they are down?

Pretty sad.


Apr 4, 2011
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It seems to me that some of you get your panties all twisted up the moment a Seahawk fans dares to defend his team.



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Sep 16, 2013
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You aren't going to rub it in, but you ARE going to shit on the entire Seahawks fan base and think they all deserve to be kicked when they are down?

Pretty sad.

Not really. It's just an observation. The Seahawks won in big fashion last year. 43-8 was all the talking that needed to be done. But it wasn't enough, I guess. I've never seen so much shit talk out of a Super Bowl Champion, and the fans followed suit. The Seahawks do not respect the game or their opponents. Their fans do not respect other fans. There is a time and place for all the banter that makes talking sports so much fun, but kicking another fan base while they are down like Hawks fans did last year makes it hard to feel sorry for them when others pile it on following your loss this year.

As for your excuses, call them what you will. An excuse by any other name is still an excuse.


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Aug 18, 2014
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The only people I give shit to are the people who whine about Seahawks threads in the general forum right up until they can talk shit and then start Seahawk threads themselves.


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Not really. It's just an observation. The Seahawks won in big fashion last year. 43-8 was all the talking that needed to be done. But it wasn't enough, I guess. I've never seen so much shit talk out of a Super Bowl Champion, and the fans followed suit. The Seahawks do not respect the game or their opponents. Their fans do not respect other fans. There is a time and place for all the banter that makes talking sports so much fun, but kicking another fan base while they are down like Hawks fans did last year makes it hard to feel sorry for them when others pile it on following your loss this year.

As for your excuses, call them what you will. An excuse by any other name is still an excuse.

Oh so you still have your panties twisted up from last year. Gotcha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Way to make iknowflbll's point for him fhawk.


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Sep 16, 2013
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Oh so you still have your panties twisted up from last year. Gotcha.

I know you wish it were true, but I never did have my "panties twisted up." I love seeing the Broncos win and I quickly move on with life when they lose. I follow them for my own enjoyment. Noboody enjoys dwelling on a lousy performance in the Super Bowl so I instead chose to focus on the positives of that season. While a disappointing finish may taint the season, a trip the Super Bowl is always more fun than not. I think you can agree with me on this.

I think you can, should be and are proud of your team, despite losing the Super Bowl. Last year I had Seahawks fans go so far as to tell me I should not be proud of the Broncos. I disagreed then and I disagree now. The Seahawks have been around since 1976 and this is just their 3rd trip, so it's significant for any franchise, win or lose.

At the same time, I think it's humorous to see a few Seahawks fans whine about how other fans are treating them, as well as make excuses for their performance. It sucks when it comes back around to nail you. Be good sports in wins and losses and only the "haters" can chirp. That crowd chirps no matter what, BTW, so you can pretty much ignore them. Be sore sports in winning and losing and it should come as no surprise when people jump on the opportunity to strike while you're down.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Way to make iknowflbll's point for him fhawk.

In what way? He comes in here and says that Seahawk fans suck and that they deserved to get kicked while they are down but I'm the one being confrontational? I have no idea what he means when he says that Seahawk fans kicked Bronco fans when they were down. I wasn't here back then. But saying that they deserve it now because of a year ago seems more than a little petty to me.

I honestly don't care if he hates the Hawks, or anyone else for that matter.


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Jul 9, 2013
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I used to like the Seahawks and felt bad about the Zebra bowl but after watching Sherman, Baldwin and crew, this modern team is comprised of assholes.

I do have sympathy for their fans though...it sucks ass to be that close and lose on a once in a season play.


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Sep 16, 2013
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In what way? He comes in here and says that Seahawk fans suck and that they deserved to get kicked while they are down but I'm the one being confrontational? I have no idea what he means when he says that Seahawk fans kicked Bronco fans when they were down. I wasn't here back then. But saying that they deserve it now because of a year ago seems more than a little petty to me.

I honestly don't care if he hates the Hawks, or anyone else for that matter.

The Super Bowl happens only once a year, so the behavior of Seahawks fans a year ago is absolutely relevant to the discussion started by a Seahawks fan now. Like it or not, many from your camp were dishing out last year what they are receiving this year. How you can argue they don't deserve it is a mystery.

At any rate, I really don't care. It was a good game and a good season for both teams. Baldwin's "pooping" TD celebration will be the stuff a legends someday, and we have in our generation a QB who has an obscene 6 Super Bowl starts to his name with 4 wins. It's a good day to be a football fan.


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Aug 15, 2014
The People's Republic of Massachusetts
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To me the game had a great deal of ebb and flow. 1st New England seemed to have the edge, then Seattle, then New England etc. Neither team was backing down in the least.

Good game. Liked the end.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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The Super Bowl happens only once a year, so the behavior of Seahawks fans a year ago is absolutely relevant to the discussion started by a Seahawks fan now. Like it or not, many from your camp were dishing out last year what they are receiving this year. How you can argue they don't deserve it is a mystery.

A friend of mine is a huge Pats fan and sent me literally 50-60 texts from the moment of the interception until sometime the next day. Should I blame all Pat fans because he is being a dick?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
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To me the game had a great deal of ebb and flow. 1st New England seemed to have the edge, then Seattle, then New England etc. Neither team was backing down in the least.

Good game. Liked the end.

It was a really good game. Bad end though. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2013
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A friend of mine is a huge Pats fan and sent me literally 50-60 texts from the moment of the interception until sometime the next day. Should I blame all Pat fans because he is being a dick?

Do what you want. One guy doesn't make a fan base. If it had been one Seahawks fan I would have dismissed him. Not only was it a significant sample of Seahawks fans, it was players from the team itself talking a lot of trash well after the game was over. Nobody is going to feel sorry for the team or fans when they start crying about people kicking them while they're down when a lot of them did the exact same thing when it was their year.


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Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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A friend of mine is a huge Pats fan and sent me literally 50-60 texts from the moment of the interception until sometime the next day. Should I blame all Pat fans because he is being a dick?

Do you have a mechanism to address just him? If so, then no.

Do we have the general board to address the SEA fans that are asshats, with the realization that those who weren't being the asshats won't take it personally since it doesn't apply to them? Seems reasonable enough.