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Surprised and embarrassed at the reaction of the Hoop to the SB


Padded cells optional
Apr 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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How bad did she want to though last night?

OMG, she probably had to be admitted back into the hospital....LOL.... LIke that ever happened!!!

Maybe she just went and hung herself and saved us all the trouble!!!


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh forgot about the HOF class, but thank freaking God Tim Brown finally got in.

Some people even bashed Tim Brown getting the nod over Harrison! I thought Brown was very deserving of it.


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Aug 23, 2013
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It's been said dozens of times already, most,not all Seattle fans were obnoxious on the boards with a passion last week. Deflategate bs threads, all of the bs. The OP is embarrassed about the bad reaction his fellow Hawks fans are getting from other hoopsters after the SB loss ..:pound::pound::pound:

The PK

Capo Di Tutti Capi
Jul 20, 2014
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How do we know this?

Dude was a half yard from SB MVP and his idiot coach totally brain farted. Game winning TD was his for the taking. Essentially immortality, and a chance to pull his childish bullshit on the presentation stage.
How do you know he is not unhappy?
Because I'm 100% sure he's fucking pissed.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Dude was a half yard from SB MVP and his idiot coach totally brain farted. Game winning TD was his for the taking. Essentially immortality, and a chance to pull his childish bullshit on the presentation stage.
How do you know he is not unhappy?
Because I'm 100% sure he's fucking pissed.

The Seahawks are exactly the type of prima donna team that this type of loss could tear apart.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Dude was a half yard from SB MVP and his idiot coach totally brain farted. Game winning TD was his for the taking. Essentially immortality, and a chance to pull his childish bullshit on the presentation stage.
How do you know he is not unhappy?
Because I'm 100% sure he's fucking pissed.

Being pissed about the call, and being pissed about his position on the team going forward are not the same thing.
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Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The Seahawks are exactly the type of prima donna team that this type of loss could tear apart.

You underestimate how much these guys appreciate playing with one another. This is not going to tear anything apart, except for maybe a hotel room or two last night.

The PK

Capo Di Tutti Capi
Jul 20, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The Seahawks are exactly the type of prima donna team that this type of loss could tear apart.

If Lynch bolts, they are screwed


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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seahawksfan234 wonders why so many are pounding the low class Seattle fans and you jump in to give him the answer he is searching for. Seattle won 1 Super Bowl in the last 3 years and you make a ridiculous statement like that. :L You haven't the common decency to give credit to the Patriots and Ravens for being the best team in their respective SB winning years. Lucky for the Seahags that Denver and their ultimate choke artist QB was on tap in last years Super Bowl or you might be headed for Buffaloville.

So it's disrespectful to point out the Hawks have been the best overall team over the tenure of RW? :L

Since when is giving a fact disrespectful? First post I made yesterday was to give congrats to the pats fans. Gave their team all of the credit for a hell of a game. Still, it's arguable that there have been a few teams that made it to the SB that were out of nowhere and disappeared after, like the Ravens. Seattle hasn't been that. No other team in 10 years even won a playoff game, more or less made it back to the SB in back to back years. That's real and that's a fact.

Sorry if all of the attempts to trash this team aren't working on everyone, but I laugh at all this stupidity. And yes, fully expected it. There are some full on retarded idiots on this site and boy have they not disappointed in bringing the dumb to the site after the game.

And LOL at saying anything about the quality of team they played last year. They came up one play short yesterday. One better pass, or call the fucking run, and none of you have any ammo. There is zero you can do to take away from that performance. Nothing. They played like a champion, because they are a champion. Haters can claim NFC champion doesn't mean anything, and that's because they aren't that themselves.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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If Lynch bolts, they are screwed

Really depends whether Christine Michael learns how to secure the ball (can be done, see AP) and how to block. He can certainly run the rock well. He's a bit more shifty/agile than Lynch. That's a lot of IFs though. I agree if Michael can't figure it out and Seattle doesn't get Wilson some weapons and tries to go in with their current team WITHOUT Lynch... not looking good.


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Aug 9, 2011
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So it's disrespectful to point out the Hawks have been the best overall team over the tenure of RW? :L

Since when is giving a fact disrespectful? First post I made yesterday was to give congrats to the pats fans. Gave their team all of the credit for a hell of a game. Still, it's arguable that there have been a few teams that made it to the SB that were out of nowhere and disappeared after, like the Ravens. Seattle hasn't been that. No other team in 10 years even won a playoff game, more or less made it back to the SB in back to back years. That's real and that's a fact.

Sorry if all of the attempts to trash this team aren't working on everyone, but I laugh at all this stupidity. And yes, fully expected it. There are some full on retarded idiots on this site and boy have they not disappointed in bringing the dumb to the site after the game.

And LOL at saying anything about the quality of team they played last year. They came up one play short yesterday. One better pass, or call the fucking run, and none of you have any ammo. There is zero you can do to take away from that performance. Nothing. They played like a champion, because they are a champion. Haters can claim NFC champion doesn't mean anything, and that's because they aren't that themselves.



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Apr 16, 2013
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Still trying to figure out when is the parade to celebrate their nfc championship


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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comes to a message board looking for class.....lol

dude, you have zero class. reap what you sow dude. fuck the Seahawks and fuck the huskies


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
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And LOL at saying anything about the quality of team they played last year. They came up one play short yesterday. One better pass, or call the fucking run, and none of you have any ammo. There is zero you can do to take away from that performance. Nothing. They played like a champion, because they are a champion. Haters can claim NFC champion doesn't mean anything, and that's because they aren't that themselves.

I think what some Seattle fans are having a hard time understanding is that if things had swung the other way, the ammo would still be there, just that the vitriol would be directed towards New England. Like many have said before, when you're on top, everyone is looking for a reason to knock you down a peg. Comes with the territory. Enjoy the relevancy :suds:


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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everyone needs to take a minute and realize that basically we all hate each other and take every chance we can to trash each other and each other's teams. if we didn't we would all be aging hippy liberal douches, or Marxists. but since we do, we are American sports fans. so fuck you and your team

so all you cry babies in Seattle, have a nice cup of Starbucks and go fuck yourself


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Sep 1, 2011
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Seriously, I've seen about 50 threads either kicking the Seattle fanbase while they're down, or talk about how classless the Seahawks are, yet look in the mirror.

There are countless threads on here celebrating the Seahawks loss, basically rubbing the loss in the face of a fanbase who before Mike Holmgren came around, never had anything to cheer for. We were 1 play away from winning the biggest game in American sports. 1 play. Put yourself in our shoes, could it have been anymore heart breaking than that?

You all should be embarrassed of yourselves. You all act like class is such an important virtue, yet I see absolutely none of it from a lot of you.

Your not new to sports forum, so I'm not sure why you are surprised about the threads. If Seahawks had won they would been threads just like these, only about the Pats. That's the way it works. Seahawks fans have had a great year, only Pats fans had a better one. Pats fans are not part of all the mocking ( at least I've haven't noticed any), it's everyone else. You see the connection?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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everyone needs to take a minute and realize that basically we all hate each other and take every chance we can to trash each other and each other's teams. if we didn't we would all be aging hippy liberal douches, or Marxists. but since we do, we are American sports fans. so fuck you and your team

so all you cry babies in Seattle, have a nice cup of Starbucks and go fuck yourself

Don't hold back. Tell them how you really feel:yahoo:


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think that the Hoop has been that bad toward Seahawk fans. Hell, in honesty, I expected it to be much worse. Seahawk fans have kind've demanded respect this past year, right or wrong, and not everyone was happy about it, so losing was going to bring this about. Not sure how much different it would have been for the Pats fans if the Seahawks score that TD.

It was a great Super Bowl that came down to one play, and even though the Pats won I am still proud of the Seahawks. The future looks bright in Seattle right now, and it's nice to look forward and envision 10 win seasons and division championships and even more Super Bowl appearances, instead of feeling that 8-8 would be a good season and maybe that can be built on. Bottom line is, when you win, some people like you - some people don't. When you continue to win both sides get more vocal, when you lose it's more the same.

Good job Patriots!