my hatred for MY team clouds my judgement
If they unite to save us from Gary Bettman, I'm all for it.
Gotta find him first...

If they unite to save us from Gary Bettman, I'm all for it.
The Shark" is a contrarian. Normally he exhibits a low-key almost passive nature choosing to avoid conflict. Of all the Guardians, he is the least likely to be the lightening rod for any particular mission or cause. However, the Shark can change his demeanor at a moment's notice and exhibit a more tenacious side. At these moments he cares only about his objective.
Since San Jose is the capital of Silicon Valley, the Shark is the Guardian's resident computer "geek" and a technopath who can mentally interface with any type of computer data or software. The Shark is a massive humanoid looking character with the sleek skin of a Great White, the head of a shark complete with rows of jagged teeth and like actual sharks, poor eyesight (in fact he's almost blind). As a result, his other senses, especially smell and touch, have been heightened to superhuman levels.
poor eyesight (in fact he's almost blind).
"The Predator" ("The Pred") is a fan of all music seeing as Nashville is Music City. A skilled musician, he is comfortable with almost any instrument but the guitar is his favorite and he loves sitting in the rafters of the Grand Ole Opry. The Pred is an outdoorsman, like many of the Guardians, and his sense of smell makes him an excellent tracker.
As a result of Tennessee being nicknamed the Volunteer State, the Pred is the most duty driven of the Guardians. No matter the danger the Pred is the first guy to join the mission. His size might say otherwise, but he sees himself as the consummate underdog and as such he makes it his mission to outwork his opponents. This mentality makes him unbeatable in a fight, and the other Guardians use him as their own personal measuring stick in regards to personal fortitude. In the face of insurmountable odds, many a Guardian has uttered the phrase "What would Pred do?"
So, we have another new one ("The Shark"), but I feel like the art department is just getting lazy. This one seems very inconsistent with the drawings of previous Guardians...
The Shark...
It's a two-fer Wednesday, we also have the Predator...
I already have my WWPD? bumper sticker.
Also, he has massive claws but he somehow plays guitar? Dude must go through a lot of strings.
So, we have another new one ("The Shark"), but I feel like the art department is just getting lazy. This one seems very inconsistent with the drawings of previous Guardians...
The other clowns here might fall for it, but I know you wrote up that blurb yourself...
Please, prove to me you didn't... please...
Is there one for the Bruins?
Is there one for the Bruins?
Is there one for the Bruins?
The Bruin is a big kid - he's curious, adventurous and often finds himself with a ferocious hunger. That being said, few are happier or more mild natured than the Bruin when his belly is full. Although the Bruin gives off a blue collar vibe, he is one of the well-educated Guardians. This fact is attributable to the Boston area being home to over 100 institutions of higher learning including the oldest University in the United States. The Bruin is incredibly fast, has an uncanny sense of smell and is able to track things from miles away.
He is the resident early alarm system for the Guardians as he can literally smell trouble coming. He's an excellent interrogator because he can tell if someone is lying just by smelling them and he has a roar that can freeze his opponents with fear.
The Bruin is a big kid - he's curious, adventurous and often finds himself with a ferocious hunger. That being said, few are happier or more mild natured than the Bruin when his belly is full. Although the Bruin gives off a blue collar vibe, he is one of the well-educated Guardians.