I'm So High Right Now
It's a good thing Kessel wasn't traded for a picinick basket.
They wouldn't of wanted to make that boo-boo.

It's a good thing Kessel wasn't traded for a picinick basket.
It's a bear who thinks that everything is wicked awesome, wicked retahded, or wicked cool.
It's posts like the previous 2 that make me wish I really had closed this thread.
Oh, and the rest of them, too
The Canuck is tough, he's fearless and he is not afraid of physical work. In look, he is mostly human, combined with certain attributes of a killer whale. He has a massive cape attached to his waist that possesses the ability of shape shifting. The Canuck cannot fly but he can propel himself out of the water to great heights. Like all aquatic mammals, the Canuck uses a hyper sensitive form of Echo Location that enables him to track enemies at sea.
The Canuck has two main super abilities - first is a form of natural empathy in which he can summon rain and during the ensuing rainstorm he can fashion the resulting downpour into any number of offensive or defensive weapons. He also has the power of summoning which he uses to call his whale friends to his aid when necessary. Hidden in the Canuck's wrist guards and boots are retractable spikes that assist him in maneuvering through the treetops. It's an odd sight watching this half killer whale character bounding through the trees but it's completely natural to this most contrarian of Guardians.
He has a massive cape attached to his waist that possesses the ability of shape shifting. The Canuck cannot fly but he can propel himself out of the water to great heights. He also has the power of summoning which he uses to call his whale friends to his aid when necessary. Hidden in the Canuck's wrist guards and boots are retractable spikes that assist him in maneuvering through the treetops.
i wanna see toronto.
So he's a mix between Bane and Juggernaut?
"He also has the power of summoning which he uses to call his whale friends to his aid when necessary."
The Capital's back-story centers on his work for the U.S. government. He believes that he has spent the better part of his life as a CIA operative working on some of the country's most highly classified details. He is a master interrogator and has a keen sense for assessing any situation. He can read people just by looking at them and predicting the actions of his adversaries is second nature to him. He's spent more than a decade working as a spy and has travelled the world. He can speak any language and can adapt to any culture. In short, the Capital can blend in with any environment and manipulate any situation from the inside. To assist him in his undercover activities, the Capital possesses the ability of shape shifting, which is a necessity for a 7-foot eagle trying to blend in with the crowd.
The Capital takes the form of a giant half-man, half bird. He's roughly 7 feet tall and his wingspan is twice that. He has the head and feet of an Eagle and the arms and hands of a human. He can soar to incredible heights and possesses the ability of telescopic sight allowing him to pinpoint objects from well over 30,000 feet. He also has a sonic scream that can physically destroy objects and bad guys.