Bizzle McDizzle
all of your teams suck
at this point, even the WNBA is laughing at the NHL marketing depatment
The Devil, being a Devil, is mischievous and likes to play practical jokes on all the other Guardians. He is proud to be from New Jersey and is inspired by all the great people who hail from the Garden State. He's aware that his appearance doesn't exactly scream "one of the good guys" so he goes out of his way to make sure people, especially kids, understand he is one.
Of course the evil villains the Guardians are up against know he's not someone to be messed with. He honestly enjoys confrontation and he's not afraid to jump into any situation with attitude. He's a bipedal humanoid with hoofed feet, a horse's head and the wings of a giant bat, reminiscent of the "Jersey Devil" from which he takes his name. He has the ability to withstand any heat and breathes fire. He doesn't merely defeat his opponents, he annihilates them. He has a whip-like tail that is comprised of flexible titanium and has barbed hooks at the end. In a fight there is simply no one better to have by your side.
His twin from Jersey who's on suicide watch.
'The Lightning' is a man of action, he is brazen and cocky. Like the pirates who inhabited the Tampa area 200 years ago, he is impetuous and unpredictable. He's feisty and fun and he is a natural ladies man with an in-your-face bravado. He is determined to save the world from harm, and wants to look good doing it. Physically he looks like a dashing young teenager complete with an electric blue Mohawk. He wears a rubber suit, that resembles a wetsuit but far more durable, that insulates his electrical current and allows him to walk amongst others without burning them to a crisp.
He can move at the speed of lightning and can travel from place to place using power lines or any electrical current. At a moment’s notice he can summon lightning from the sky and harness its devastating energy. He can focus electric lightning blasts from his fingertips and his internal electrical charge could light an entire blacked out city. His most devastating weapon however is what he calls his "Bolt Spear" which is essentially a highly energized lightning rod that he can create in the palm of his hand.
He's feisty and fun and he is a natural ladies man with an in-your-face bravado. He wears a rubber suit that insulates his electrical current and allows him to walk amongst others without burning them to a crisp.
His most devastating weapon however is what he calls his "Bolt Spear" which is essentially a highly energized lightning rod that he can create in the palm of his hand.
I bet he can "rub one out" at any time.