Brock wears female undies
A beef I had with The Godfather movies was that they didn't remotely get into the character's heads like they do in the book.
The key scene at the end of the movie and the book... Where Michael swears to Kay that he'll tell her the truth just this one time about his affairs... and she asks him if he really arranged the murders of those men... He looks her in the eye and lies to her.
In the book, they tell you that Kay can tell that he's lying to her, and she would never trust him the same again in her life. It's a huge part of the story as it completes Michael's transformation from the character at the beginning to the guy he becomes at the end.
and in the movie.... you get none of that. And that would have been a HUGE piece of the storyline to godfather 2... and it never materializes...
Just one example.
good points, but movies can never be as deep or as detailed as the book, but the first two Godfather movies, particularly the second, are about as perfect a piece of film-making as has ever been done. When the Godfather book came out, everybody was reading it. It was great.
The Sicilian was pretty good too.
He had another one all about Vegas, decent.