Sake Bomb Sam
Its amazing how much general science knowledge you can get from these boards. Of course most of it is wrong. But its still amazing none the less.
Blade, Knox near your neck of the woods? I know she's out in that area
yes they do
the scientists clearly said so
monkeys give oral sex to one another, and lions having sex with other male lions
its science, embrace it
Its amazing how much general science knowledge you can get from these boards. Of course most of it is wrong. But its still amazing none the less.
That's a serious problem for the Rays. That guy is getting shelled this season. JP just missed the pitch before, and he proceeded to throw him the same pitch
She goes to the University of Washington. Lives about 40 miles from me. Hangs out in the same bars in West Seattle that Eddie Vedder does. I've seen Vedder a couple times. Never saw Amanda.
Orca was a fag?
Nice game by the Heat last night
When does LeBron get a real Robin?
everybody here knows everything about everything.
thats why its such a popular place
E actually = mc cubed - pi
And science sucks cock. Constantly being re-written. I'm a Creationist. Science sucks.
So, when they said 'Free Willie', apparently they meant to free him from the closet society shoved him into?
Po', po' Willie wants a pecker in his poepoe
And science sucks cock. Constantly being re-written. I'm a Creationist. Science sucks.
Neither have the right answers...At least science believes in addressing incorrect conclusions.
Are you really of a mind that thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old?
Your cumulative personal rate of return during this period: 39.8036% (Annualized Return: 28.2849%)
Knox, hawks, pearl jam, Starbucks. I should live out there, we could go hunting together
everybody here knows everything about everything.
thats why its such a popular place
E actually = mc cubed - pi
How much flannel do you own?
Actually, Self, E=MC(squared) doesn't even work anymore. It's been disproven.
Knox, hawks, pearl jam, Starbucks. I should live out there, we could go hunting together
And science sucks cock. Constantly being re-written. I'm a Creationist. Science sucks.
Neither have the right answers...At least science believes in addressing incorrect conclusions.
Are you really of a mind that thinks the earth is only 10,000 years old?