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Seahawks offensive line looking to be one of the worst in the NFL


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Look at the results.
We run. We run very well and opposing D's must cringe when they have to play us.
The bottom line results indicate we are very effective in the run game even though most of the resources are sent to the defensive side.


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This is just who Cable is. His teams run block very well and pass block terribly.

Wilson will also make the OL's pass blocking look worse than it is numbers-wise because he moves around extending the play so much and sometimes that ends with a sack.


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Look at the results.
We run. We run very well and opposing D's must cringe when they have to play us.
The bottom line results indicate we are very effective in the run game even though most of the resources are sent to the defensive side.

Exactly... We all know our O-line is not our strong point, but they do the job and we run the ball affectively... Having Wilson helps with some of the pass protection issues... He's so dam elusive... But as the season roll's on we always seem to improve under Cable, Our O-line always seems to progress ...We've had to throw young guy's in the fire over and over and they seem to do a serviceable job ... We've also had lot's of injuries to our O-ine so Cable has had to plug holes with inexperienced guy's ...


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This is just who Cable is. His teams run block very well and pass block terribly.

Wilson will also make the OL's pass blocking look worse than it is numbers-wise because he moves around extending the play so much and sometimes that ends with a sack.
Well, the other side of that is the "running game" also has Wilson getting 800+ yards last year, highest ypc, and the NFL's leading rusher on 3rd down. That production pushes our running game over the top because Lynch's 2014 numbers weren't eye popping.


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Speaking for myself, I think the OL will jell at some point, but feel that it's not ready to face the Rams in the season opener. I think Cable coaches just fine, my problem with him is his choices of OL drafted in the first 3 round, don't think he hit on any of them. He always goes for the same type and doesn't seem to care if they can pass block.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Saying that Cable has done well with the talent he has had to work with isn't a great argument considering he has had a hand in drafting a lot of that talent. I've posted this before but his teams and offensive lines are consistently above average in run blocking. However they are also consistently at the bottom of the league in penalties and passing offense.

Go ahead and check this out:

2008 NFL Team Penalty Statistics - The Football Database

In 2008, 2009, and 2010 when Cable was the head coach the Raiders they were 3rd, 2nd, and 1st in the NFL in penalties respectively. That's right, they got worse every year he was there. In 2011 he gets hired by Seattle and they immediately jump to 2nd over in total penalties including leading the league in false starts and being in the top five in false starts every year since including number one last year.

His teams may be physical and tough in the running game, but in every other aspect his guys are undisciplined and make bone head mistakes.

I'd even add that Cable gets too much credit for the run game. The change of scheme to zone blocking had more to do with the improvement we saw under him than anything. Anybody coaching that scheme would have likely had the same results here IMO. Having Beast Mode also helps a bit.


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Speaking for myself, I think the OL will jell at some point, but feel that it's not ready to face the Rams in the season opener. I think Cable coaches just fine, my problem with him is his choices of OL drafted in the first 3 round, don't think he hit on any of them. He always goes for the same type and doesn't seem to care if they can pass block.

Yeah I"m worried about that Rams game as well... I can see our O having a very conservative game plan in that one... I have confidence our defense will give the Rams problems also... Should be a grind out ...


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Apr 22, 2013
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How often does Lynch break tackles in the backfield ? more often than not. I find it funny how so many seem to forget who we have at runningback. Lynch could run behind the worst Oline in the NFL and still put up good numbers it just is who he is. Powerful, Shifty and faster than most think. He can fake out people who are 1 yard in front of him and does consistently. He doesn't get enough credit for how shifty he is, it's one of the big reasons he breaks so many tackles because he forces them to arm tackle or try to arm tackle because of his elusiveness. Now i am not saying he is the most Elusive RB in the NFL but what he is is just enough to make people reach and grab for him. I do not care who you are, you are not going to arm tackle Lynch.

Also about who those Oline coaches are, i tell you what i bet no one knew who Dan Quinn or Gus Bradly were either from other teams fan bases Even after they had great success here. The Best Defensive back coach in the league is who? i bet no one outside of Seattle would know that also. He is now our DC. Cable is known because of one thing, Punching a coach and had that not happen people wouldn't know him from a hole in the ground. We have had some pretty bad Olines in our years as Hawk Fans and you know who the best Oline coach was for the Seahawks? Howard Mudd, now there was a Oline coach that got piss poor talent to out play their talent level. In 1978 to 82 he got some of the worst olineman playing solid and then in 1997 his return ther eis no Doubt that the Hawks had a good to great line. Not only can this guy teach them up he can spot talent.

I would take him every day of the week and twice on Sunday over Cable.
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I had read an article about how its a growing issue for NFL teams to build a good o-line. With so many spread offenses in college, OLs are not prepared for the NFL. The biggest drop-off of all positions between starters and backups is the OL. Wilson will need to get rid of the ball quick and obviously his mobility will be extremely valuable and could mean Jimmy Graham could be even more valuable. Its also preseason so players are being moved around a lot. OL is about repetition so its hard to get a good look at how good/bad things really are at the moment.


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Jul 15, 2013
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This by design people!

Of course the Seahawks would love to have a better OL, but the order of priorities is Defense first and formost, followed by the running game.

They even broke out $$ for a WR when they went out and got Harvin, and now have downgraded the OL to upgrade TE with Graham.

OL is the lowest priority on this team. We constantly draft high, trade, or pick up FAs (albeit lower priced ones) in every other area. DL has had an influx of FAs and relatively high picks, DBs and LBs have been a huge focus of the draft. WRs, not so much but (as pointed out) there was Harvin and now Graham at TE as well as Lockett this year. RB via trade for Lynch.
The last OL guy we drafted high was Carp who was a relative bust. Before that Okung and Unger who were both good but injury prone and neither took up huge a huge amount of cap space.

I would be interested to see where we rank as far as money spent on the OL as opposed to other NFL teams. I am willing to bet that we are right near the bottom of payroll spent.
Is it Cable's fault? Maybe. I hesitate to blame coaching too much when we spend no money in that area but still have a good run blocking team. Of course I would like to see an even average pass blocking team because our pass blocking just plain sucks.


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This by design people!

Of course the Seahawks would love to have a better OL, but the order of priorities is Defense first and formost, followed by the running game.

I would be interested to see where we rank as far as money spent on the OL as opposed to other NFL teams. I am willing to bet that we are right near the bottom of payroll spent.
Is it Cable's fault? Maybe. I hesitate to blame coaching too much when we spend no money in that area but still have a good run blocking team. Of course I would like to see an even average pass blocking team because our pass blocking just plain sucks.

There ya go Jake.
NFL Offensive Line Spending - Cap
We are #31 out of 32. Look at the difference in spending. It's pretty big from the top to the bottom.
It is hard to see a correlation between spending and success.


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There ya go Jake.
NFL Offensive Line Spending - Cap
We are #31 out of 32. Look at the difference in spending. It's pretty big from the top to the bottom.
It is hard to see a correlation between spending and success.

So we spend just over 8% of our cap on the OL, which is 31st of 32 teams in the league. From that perspective we are actually getting pretty good production for the resources put into it.


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So we spend just over 8% of our cap on the OL, which is 31st of 32 teams in the league. From that perspective we are actually getting pretty good production for the resources put into it.
Agreed, and I expect to see improvement in the OL as the season progresses. Old school thinking was to draft an OL with a high draft pick and have him ride the bench and learn for a couple of seasons. We do not have that luxury, so patience is required in looking for great results. It sounds like Cable and Pete are happy with this group even though they have not impressed us fans as of yet. It will come.


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Agreed, and I expect to see improvement in the OL as the season progresses. Old school thinking was to draft an OL with a high draft pick and have him ride the bench and learn for a couple of seasons. We do not have that luxury, so patience is required in looking for great results. It sounds like Cable and Pete are happy with this group even though they have not impressed us fans as of yet. It will come.

While agree about the current status of the OL I am more skeptical regarding expectations of improvement. Their current level of play scares the heck outta me. But I suppose there is nowhere to go but up.

Again, little money and no high picks spent on the OL = mediocre results. No big surprise. As long as they can roadgrade the run game and Russ can still scramble with the best then everything will be going according to plan.


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How Marshawn Lynch, Russell Wilson make up for offensive line issues - Seattle Seahawks Blog - ESPN

Here is the question I have for everyone regarding our OL.

What has really changed? We lost Max Unger who played less than half the season last year. So while he was good for us when he played, he didn't play much.

We lost Carpenter who we all thought was mediocre.

That's about it. We moved Britt to LG because he wasn't very good last year at RT and wasn't looking great this offseason there. We will have Okung. Bailey is still the backup T. Sweezy is still the RG.

So really, is this line all that much different than last year's? Maybe slight less experienced but with more upside. What makes this offense work is that Lynch and Wilson compensate for terrible OL.

I think this point in the article is spot on...

That means the offensive line issues highlighted this preseason have probably been a bit overblown. On the flip side, it's probably also why the Seahawks have had a tough time finding a backup who they're confident in. Lynch's style is impossible to replicate, and while he has been a model of durability in Seattle, if he were to go down, the offense would likely have to change its identity.


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I love Seahawk fans. Cable sucks, we don't draft O-lineman for shvt, and yet ever since the Superbowl, we've all been saying that we should get rid of our most talented O-lineman, Okung.

Now don't get me wrong, Okung could be a LOT more reliable, but if Cable sucks that bad, and we don't draft for shvt, then we better not be getting rid of big O.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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I love Seahawk fans. Cable sucks, we don't draft O-lineman for shvt, and yet ever since the Superbowl, we've all been saying that we should get rid of our most talented O-lineman, Okung.

Now don't get me wrong, Okung could be a LOT more reliable, but if Cable sucks that bad, and we don't draft for shvt, then we better not be getting rid of big O.

I think the argument most make is not that Okung isn't good. It's that he's going to want a lot of money and given his injury record it might be best to let him go and find something in the draft. And yes you're right, given the team's recent history of drafting offensive linemen this would be a risky move.


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If this O-line can stay healthy and have a chance to jell, then maybe this line can become descent. Just need some time and a little luck.


Conocido Miembro
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I think the argument most make is not that Okung isn't good. It's that he's going to want a lot of money and given his injury record it might be best to let him go and find something in the draft. And yes you're right, given the team's recent history of drafting offensive linemen this would be a risky move.

It all depends on what happens this year. If he's healthy all year, then the Hawks may be more optimistic going forward and be willing to pay him. That also will increase his open market value even more significantly. If he's not healthy this year, not only does his value drop here, but probably drops on the market even more.

I think that if all 3 stay healthy, Okung, Sweezy and Irvin, Okung will get the deal next year, the other 2 will be gone.


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It all depends on what happens this year. If he's healthy all year, then the Hawks may be more optimistic going forward and be willing to pay him. That also will increase his open market value even more significantly. If he's not healthy this year, not only does his value drop here, but probably drops on the market even more.

I think that if all 3 stay healthy, Okung, Sweezy and Irvin, Okung will get the deal next year, the other 2 will be gone.
I'd be OK with that. Not looking forward to having to replace a LT in the lineup.