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Seahawks offensive line looking to be one of the worst in the NFL


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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We need to be real for a second.

Preseason or not, this offensive line looks like straight and utter garbage. Prior to the Jimmy Graham trade, the Seahawks had 2 competent offensive linemen on their team - Okung and Unger, now they only have one. One who is extremely injury prone and has played a mere 75% of games since entering the league.

The remainder of the Seahawks offensive line outside of Russell Okung is a collection of guys who represent some of the worst starting players at their position in the NFL.

The Seahawks are fortunate that they have the NFL's best runningback in Marshawn Lynch, he somehow manages to continue producing at a high level despite this pathetic offensive line. The fact that Russell Wilson is one of the more mobile QBs in the NFL also helps, but I'm not sure how the Seahawks will be able to rely on him to be a pocket passer when the Seahawks pass protection will break down extremely soon after the ball is snapped.

Evan Mathis signing with the Broncos for $4m for one year was a huge missed opportunity for the Seahawks. They need to find some remedy for this line, it's really bad.


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We need to be real for a second.

Preseason or not, this offensive line looks like straight and utter garbage. Prior to the Jimmy Graham trade, the Seahawks had 2 competent offensive linemen on their team - Okung and Unger, now they only have one. One who is extremely injury prone and has played a mere 75% of games since entering the league.

The remainder of the Seahawks offensive line outside of Russell Okung is a collection of guys who represent some of the worst starting players at their position in the NFL.

The Seahawks are fortunate that they have the NFL's best runningback in Marshawn Lynch, he somehow manages to continue producing at a high level despite this pathetic offensive line. The fact that Russell Wilson is one of the more mobile QBs in the NFL also helps, but I'm not sure how the Seahawks will be able to rely on him to be a pocket passer when the Seahawks pass protection will break down extremely soon after the ball is snapped.

Evan Mathis signing with the Broncos for $4m for one year was a huge missed opportunity for the Seahawks. They need to find some remedy for this line, it's really bad.
Don't disagree that the OL looks bad, really bad. However I feel it is a work in progress, one that is behind schedule . Cable seems to be able to get mediocre OL to play adequately, so I'm still hoping it works out. The big problem is the drafting of OL. Seahawks have done a piss poor job of doing that. Time to get input from someone else other then Cable when drafting OL. His latest love, Britt is getting close to being a bust. Not sure Mathis was the answer myself. Need better drafting of OL plain and simple.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I'd say Sweezy is as competent as Unger. Not as good, but less of a liability because he can stay on the field. I'm still happy with that trade.

And truthfully, I know we get caught up with our own team, but lack of o line quality is a league wide issue. There are a lot of shitty lines out there.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Rams are in the same boat. As usual. Very young Oline and needs to grow up fast. Could be a 3-0 shutout week 1.


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Aug 18, 2014
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Our line looked pretty terrible in pre-season last year as well.

Personally I thought they looked much better on Saturday. IMO, RW didn't play very well. Sailed some passes. Couple of drops. And I don't think they are all that concerned about scoring and are more concerned with evaluating the new guys.

The fact that our receivers get little separation is still a problem.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Our line looked pretty terrible in pre-season last year as well.

Personally I thought they looked much better on Saturday. IMO, RW didn't play very well. Sailed some passes. Couple of drops. And I don't think they are all that concerned about scoring and are more concerned with evaluating the new guys.

The fact that our receivers get little separation is still a problem.

Yeah the whole offense looked flat. The o-line looked a bit better in the run game but overall still not great. Them and Russ stood out to me the most as looking way off but that's mostly because they're the guys the camera is focused on.


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Jul 16, 2013
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It's pretty vanilla at this point and no Lynch. I'm sick of a 1-2 punch of Kearse and Baldwin. We need a guy who can stretch the defense over the top and neither of them are the guys to do that. Hopefully Lockett can work his way in there and get some separation.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Meh, I think they'll be average, which will be good enough. Fans should learn not to overreact during pre-season, but some are doing it anyway.


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Apr 23, 2013
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The team has spent well in being able to resign so many guys and stay under the cap. There has to be constraints on some areas on the field of play and OL is the chosen position group where the purse strings are held tight.
Back to back SB's with a marginal offensive line says a lot. It is not an ideal position to be in but considering the money paid to some of the stars on the team, they have to be creative on the OL.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Is a bad O line bad for the hawks or everybody else?

That's awesome.
I got this......ready......set......

32 yard line......drop back 9 yards to the 23 on left hash.


To the numbers (23 yds) and back to the 18 (5 yds) = 28 yards.
To the right hash (15 yds) reverse back (5 yds) then to sideline and forward (12 yds) to 30 = 32 yards.
Back to left hash (25 yds) to the 30. then forward to the 40 yard line (10 yds ) = 35 yards.

Grand total.........95 yards in 17 hectic seconds.

Go Hawks


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Apr 25, 2013
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Unger was a decent starter at C, but also missed a ton of games and tended to get pushed around a lot. RT and RG are serious issue, sweezy is a very average LG.


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Apr 22, 2013
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We have a very Average to below Average Oline coach, lets not sugar coat this any more. Look at how well Denver's line had played with a bunch of no names, LIGHT YEARS better than Seattle's and now they add Mathis.

People we really need to look at the main thing here, Cable is not getting any kind of quality play out of the guys he has. Yes i know they suck but so did 90% of Denvers starters on their Oline yet Peyton was getting all day to throw on many of his drops. Stop looking past Cable and at the talent. It all starts with him and ENDs with him. Even with some good talent of Okung, Unger and Sweezy( Sweezy is better than average ) the line was still crap. There was a time when the Hawks only had Walter Jones and a bunch of back-up quality players and they played LIGHT YEARS better than this line. Coaching!


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Jul 3, 2013
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We have a very Average to below Average Oline coach, lets not sugar coat this any more. Look at how well Denver's line had played with a bunch of no names, LIGHT YEARS better than Seattle's and now they add Mathis.

People we really need to look at the main thing here, Cable is not getting any kind of quality play out of the guys he has. Yes i know they suck but so did 90% of Denvers starters on their Oline yet Peyton was getting all day to throw on many of his drops. Stop looking past Cable and at the talent. It all starts with him and ENDs with him. Even with some good talent of Okung, Unger and Sweezy( Sweezy is better than average ) the line was still crap. There was a time when the Hawks only had Walter Jones and a bunch of back-up quality players and they played LIGHT YEARS better than this line. Coaching!

Cable has actually done a pretty good job when you consider the talent he's had to work with on that O-line ... Also all the dam injuries the last couple years ... Russ and Lynch obviously help cover up those weaknesses upfront... But cable has had our O-line playing good down the stretch of every season he's been here ....


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Apr 22, 2013
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Cable has actually done a pretty good job when you consider the talent he's had to work with on that O-line ... Also all the dam injuries the last couple years ... Russ and Lynch obviously help cover up those weaknesses upfront... But cable has had our O-line playing good down the stretch of every season he's been here ....

This is such BS, i have seen many coaches do better jobs with less talent. Why do so many of you continue to defend this guy as a line coach? The line has continue to get WORSE every year under him. He can not see or rate talent, he obviously can not teach it and has never made a player better ( except Sweezy ). He can not coach up players and has proven this every year. Okung should be a STUD by now but he has not improved at all, not one bit. He looks the Same as he did as a rookie if not worse. Unger's best season i think was his Rookie season and he got worse. Yeah He is a great Oline coach ... NOT!

People stop trying to defend Cable, he had his chance and has not proved 1 damn thing here other than players do not improve under him and he can not grade talent.

All you have to do is watch Denver's line. they had only 1 guy ONE GUY! returning and a bunch of no names yet they give Peyton all day to throw. They also work in the Zone blocking Scheme. Now they pick up Mathis lmao, with the coaching that line has received and the addition of Mathis they will once again keep Manning close to 15-20 sacks -.- and 3.5+ seconds of a clean pocket on almost every play.

I do believe more people need to watch other teams line play, I beg some of you to get the all 22 this year and watch the olines of more than just the Hawks.

Teams to watch, TB, KC, JAGS, MIA and the Rams. All are supposed to have worse lines than Seattle and i bet all will have better olines than the Hawks. Why? Talent? No, Coaching.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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I was trying to add ATL not MIA -.- my bad.

Let me add some teams to the list though. Pit, Titans, Az, Panthers.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I was trying to add ATL not MIA -.- my bad.

Let me add some teams to the list though. Pit, Titans, Az, Panthers.
It's tough sometimes to have a fair exchange with someone who hits the hyperbole so hard.

I'm not really the biggest Cable fan because I think the OL has underachieved, but all these teams you're claiming who have lesser talent but better lines through coaching -- can you even name their OL coaches? I can't name a single one. Maybe you can without looking it up -- and if you can then you're better than the rest of us -- but I'm guessing you have no clue who they are.


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Jul 3, 2013
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This is such BS, i have seen many coaches do better jobs with less talent. Why do so many of you continue to defend this guy as a line coach? The line has continue to get WORSE every year under him. He can not see or rate talent, he obviously can not teach it and has never made a player better ( except Sweezy ). He can not coach up players and has proven this every year. Okung should be a STUD by now but he has not improved at all, not one bit. He looks the Same as he did as a rookie if not worse. Unger's best season i think was his Rookie season and he got worse. Yeah He is a great Oline coach ... NOT!

People stop trying to defend Cable, he had his chance and has not proved 1 damn thing here other than players do not improve under him and he can not grade talent.

All you have to do is watch Denver's line. they had only 1 guy ONE GUY! returning and a bunch of no names yet they give Peyton all day to throw. They also work in the Zone blocking Scheme. Now they pick up Mathis lmao, with the coaching that line has received and the addition of Mathis they will once again keep Manning close to 15-20 sacks -.- and 3.5+ seconds of a clean pocket on almost every play.

I do believe more people need to watch other teams line play, I beg some of you to get the all 22 this year and watch the olines of more than just the Hawks.

Teams to watch, TB, KC, JAGS, MIA and the Rams. All are supposed to have worse lines than Seattle and i bet all will have better olines than the Hawks. Why? Talent? No, Coaching.

Dude .... Do we have great O-line talent ? Has our running game been bad under Cable? Since Cable arrived here did our running game regress or progress ? I'm confused on why you feel Cable sucks so bad, Our O-line has been riddled by injuries the last couple years and young guys have been thrown in the fire, and it all seems to come together... Sure Wilson and Lynch help that, but Cable has done a pretty solid job .... When it's counted our O-line has come together under Cable ....