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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


Aces & eights
Apr 18, 2010
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Also, if Saban is scared shitless of HUNH teams and is tired of his defenses getting raped viciously, why not swallow some pride and give ol Lester a call on how to stop HUNH teams? Lester has had no problems with Aggy or AU, or Oregon for that matter. I don't see the Mad Hatter crying over issue....

Maybe Bama players can't fake injuries as good as Lester's players. :noidea:


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Jul 2, 2013
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Saban is scared!! :laugh3: Oh, sorry, lost it for a second! NFL draft? I would have to go look but I thought Alabama was having more first round draft picks that anyone for most years? No? Texas has?

Bama is producing more 1st round NFL busts quicker than a fart disappearing in the wind. Texas easily has produced more quality NFL talent than Bama has during the Saban era EASILY. Bama just has a better coach at getting the best out of his players in college. For some reason, they don't live up to expectations in the NFL :noidea:

The Authority

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Three is a fact and so is more to come unless program is shut down (plz keep smart azz comments to minimum) or you're OSU. That would be the only way. Remember we are NOT Ohio St who had help from an official to get it's only NC in over 45 years. Damn, that's a long time. My momma always said stupid is as stupid does! :laugh3:

A Future prediction is not a fact.

I'm sure your momma did say that gump. Because you just proved how stupid you are.

BTW, Ohio State never had help from an official to win. In fact the officials kept them from winning in regulation. Try another deflection gump.


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May 4, 2013
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A Future prediction is not a fact.

I'm sure your momma did say that gump. Because you just proved how stupid you are.

BTW, Ohio State never had help from an official to win. In fact the officials kept them from winning in regulation. Try another deflection gump.

Lets get something straight because it is obvious some people don't follow things. You appear to be one of those people. I realize the future is not a fact. OK! However, sometimes people say things that are suppose to be obviously wrong, but for a reason; they are making a point. It's like when people will say things they expect you to know but you take them seriously and it goes right over your head. They just roll their eyes and shake their head at you. :rollseyes: You should be use to this action.

The message behind my statement is when you're Alabama and you go by their history you can pretty much say future National Championships are facts. This is the second time you have posted this showing me your lack of ability to think outside the box. You're what we call anal with everything being black or white with you! :rollseyes:

Also, my main point was OSU has won one NC in the past 45 years (pathetic for a supposed top program) and you address my officiating remark! :rollseyes:

A third also, when I said stupid is as stupid does, I was calling you stupid for pointing it out! :rollseyes:


I AM the liquor
Dec 19, 2009
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Yea wish he would start recruiting the 3 stars Texas is recruiting! Then he might go 8-5 more often! :suds:

No hypocrisy there.



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Bama is producing more 1st round NFL busts quicker than a fart disappearing in the wind. Texas easily has produced more quality NFL talent than Bama has during the Saban era EASILY. Bama just has a better coach at getting the best out of his players in college. For some reason, they don't live up to expectations in the NFL :noidea:

I didn't realize starting in the NFL was a bust? Lacey won about everything for a Rookie. I'm assuming you mean two players, Richardson and Ingram. Too early for Richardsons and Ingram has had some great games, just rotates with about 5 other backs. Best thing for him would be traded. Hightower, Upshaw, Darieus, Jones tons of others doing great so are you talking about two players? Dee Milliner did great for rookie. I hope you have many more "busts" to back up your strong statement! :noidea:

The Authority

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Lets get something straight because it is obvious some people don't follow things. You appear to be one of those people. I realize the future is not a fact. OK! However, sometimes people say things that are suppose to be obviously wrong, but for a reason; they are making a point. It's like when people will say things they expect you to know but you take them seriously and it goes right over your head. They just roll their eyes and shake their head at you. :rollseyes: You should be use to this action.

The message behind my statement is when you're Alabama and you go by their history you can pretty much say future National Championships are facts. This is the second time you have posted this showing me your lack of ability to think outside the box. You're what we call anal with everything being black or white with you! :rollseyes:

Also, my main point was OSU has won one NC in the past 45 years (pathetic for a supposed top program) and you address my officiating remark! :rollseyes:

A third also, when I said stupid is as stupid does, I was calling you stupid for pointing it out! :rollseyes:

You might not want to try and make statements that are obviously wrong (but pretend they are right) at the same time you are calling people stupid for laughing at what a bone head Saban looks like at the moment.

Just saying

Are national championships supposed to be easy? winning only one is pathetic?

What do you call losing every non title BCS bowl ? I guess that's pathetic too according to you.

I know you were trying to call me stupid but it obviously fits more with you in this case.

The Authority

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We should reduce the amount of cars on the road. Only allow certain people to have them.

More cars equals more accidents.

Who's with me?


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You might not want to try and make statements that are obviously wrong (but pretend they are right) at the same time you are calling people stupid for laughing at what a bone head Saban looks like at the moment.

Just saying

Are national championships supposed to be easy? winning only one is pathetic?

What do you call losing every non title BCS bowl ? I guess that's pathetic too according to you.

I know you were trying to call me stupid but it obviously fits more with you in this case.

Quote by The Authority I'm sure your momma did say that gump. Because you just proved how stupid you are.

No, pretty sure it was the other way with you flat out calling me stupid! :rollseyes:

I just made you look stupid. See the difference? :rollseyes:

The Authority

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No, pretty sure it was the other way with you flat out calling me stupid! :rollseyes:

I just made you look stupid. See the difference? :rollseyes:

Nope, You made yourself look stupid. I just pointed it out.

See what I did there.


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We should reduce the amount of cars on the road. Only allow certain people to have them.

More cars equals more accidents.

Who's with me?

You really are an idiot! See, now that time I did! :laugh3:

I realize your point but can't you figure a better way to illustrate it? You're statement is true but there is always a line drawn called balance! It would also reduce deaths if speed limits on interstates were 30 but it would also be an imbalance. In your stupid anal manner you're doing that to Saban's comments. He made a legitimate request in suggesting committee look at it.


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May 4, 2013
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Nope, You made yourself look stupid. I just pointed it out.

See what I did there.

If you mean make yourself look more stupid then yes! You already had a point go zinging over your head and you're still discussing it! Yep, even dumber...:laugh3:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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You my friend have a reading problem! NOT bashing Alabama? OMG and WTF!?!?! I consider them trolling because 90 percent of the posts have nothing to do with the fucking issue! They just write whatever they feel like writing. I've never seen so many people be able to get in someone'e head and know exactly what they're thinking and basically throw 12 yo insults at him over and over. Open your damn eyes and READ!
it's called trolling=trying to do nothing but get a rise from a fan base!

Oh and I notice you slide in a comment about USC AND the poor ribbing y'all took. I'm starting to see right through you now. I can only imagine what a psychiatrist would say about that post. Much more telling about you then you can imagine! Again, where does this victim card shit you talk about come from? I'm a victim? WTF? Saban is a victim? Have no clue what you're running your mouth about?

Well, you have just proven what a "victim" you are trying to be and talk about not being able to read. Pretty sure that a psychiatrist would look at my post and say that you were given some pretty good advice re: message boards.


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Well, you have just proven what a "victim" you are trying to be and talk about not being able to read. Pretty sure that a psychiatrist would look at my post and say that you were given some pretty good advice re: message boards.

I would first have to see myself as a victim and I don't. There's mistake #1. Stating a FACT about ELEVEN current threads on the first page bashing Saban/Alabama/or their fans in relation to jokes about safety or HUNH does not equate to me saying I'm a victim. It's simply stating a fact and pretty damn accurate. Is that too difficult to understand? :noidea:


I AM the liquor
Dec 19, 2009
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You really are an idiot! See, now that time I did! :laugh3:

I realize your point but can't you figure a better way to illustrate it? You're statement is true but there is always a line drawn called balance! It would also reduce deaths if speed limits on interstates were 30 but it would also be an imbalance. In your stupid anal manner you're doing that to Saban's comments. He made a legitimate request in suggesting committee look at it.

In case you didnt notice, you will now start collecting infractions for direct personal attacks. Youve been given too much leeway in this department. Just so you know what post was #1.


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In case you didnt notice, you will now start collecting infractions for direct personal attacks. Youve been given too much leeway in this department. Just so you know what post was #1.

mild for what I've been called but then again I'll consider the source! total loss of respect! How do I put someone on ignore?

The Authority

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He made a legitimate request in suggesting committee look at it.


A legitimate request to negate a style of football that he doesn't run.

How grand of him.