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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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No, Saban has been very vocal about supporting a study into a possible change, there is a difference. I see no harm in him having a passion about somthing and being voacl about it, much the same as many on here are passionate about spouting half truths and innuendo, without actually reading the full articles(not saying this is you, I know better). Because Saban is passionate about it, he wanted to and asked to speak to the committee, this does not mean he proposed the rule(which has been said on more than one occasion in here) or that he wants a rule currently, but that he wants a study done to see if this style of offense truly impacts player safety.

I know the opposition argument is that he only wants it because he cant coach against it, to this i say bull fucking shit. He didnt get to be one of the most successful coaches in college ball by being unable to adapt and anyone who thinks he did is seriously falling in line with what you and BamaTee are arguing about. In the end you have to ask yourself if he has the right to be vocal about it, if he has the right to speak to the committee if he wants to and if you think that one mans opinion is going to weigh more heavily than any evidence that they may or may not gather in the mean time.

Actually, he has said more than that. The safety issue and doing the study is just his latest position. He has also expressed not liking the style, has questioned whether or not we want that type of football, has asked if we want it to be about who can lineup the fastest (paraphrased that) and has suggested having the refs do like they do in the NFL.

Also, talk about lumping everyone in together. There have been plenty of other reasons given for him being against it besides having to coach against it. What he has been called out for is claiming it's a safety issue with nothing to support his stance and for changing his reasons 3 times.

I have never questioned his right to speak about it, I've questioned how wise it was/is for him to keep speaking about it. Just because one has a right to do something, doesn't mean they should do it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Whats funny is this was on the agenda last year, but he didnt ask to speak to them then. Supposedly(and I havent read that its true) he asked to speak to them. He detailed his points in an interview that he gave because reporters were hounding him about it and he couldnt move on from it, so he spoke on what he said in the meeting. Since then we have had endless diatribe on it, but I have not seen that he has done another interview. Could it be that more than one reporter was there and this is different reporters views on what was said? I know, its Nick and he always has a mic in front of him.

As i said before, if you had a voice like he has and a pulpit from which to speak from, would you not try to effect change if you honestly felt it was necessary or warranted a look. Can we blame a man for his beliefs and passions, if so then start blaming everyone you see who feels different than you do. I always thought this was the land of the free, but apparently its the "land of the free as long as you have the same opinion a I do"

They voted on it last year and it was a tie. Why did he ask to speak on it this year? Timing seems kind of funny.

Also, check the date on the article the OP posted. Seems he's spoken up again fairly recently.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Actually, he has said more than that. The safety issue and doing the study is just his latest position. He has also expressed not liking the style, has questioned whether or not we want that type of football, has asked if we want it to be about who can lineup the fastest (paraphrased that) and has suggested having the refs do like they do in the NFL.

Also, talk about lumping everyone in together. There have been plenty of other reasons given for him being against it besides having to coach against it. What he has been called out for is claiming it's a safety issue with nothing to support his stance and for changing his reasons 3 times.

I have never questioned his right to speak about it, I've questioned how wise it was/is for him to keep speaking about it. Just because one has a right to do something, doesn't mean they should do it.

Yeah, we know, this was all in the latest article that seemed to say he had plenty of reasons he doesnt like the HUHN. This was my point, that he has more than one reason, but the lemmings in here seem to all feel its due to his not being able to adapt his coaching style to it.

You claim he hasnt had anything to support his argument that its about safety and he has as much as said that he doesnt have facts and figures, but he feels it warrants a look into. He cited reasons why it could be a possible safety issue in that they have more opportunities due to more plays, he brought in the information from a leading Doctor who has been around the sport for some thirty odd years who also feels that a study should be done. This seems to lead us(open minded people) to feel that maybe he has some information that is relevant to the subject.AS I said before, I dont think a rule is warranted, but a study(which Saban is in favor of) should definitely be done to see who is right.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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They voted on it last year and it was a tie. Why did he ask to speak on it this year? Timing seems kind of funny.

Also, check the date on the article the OP posted. Seems he's spoken up again fairly recently.

Yes the article was fairly recently, this is not in debate. The point is he didnt speak right after the committee hearing and was hounded until he finally spoke about what he said. Then he had further comments that got posted, but do we know when these comments were said? could it have been at the same time frame\interview of the article detailing what he spoke on at the meeting? This is all left up for interpretation due to these internet bloggers/journalists:lol: that post shit.

And yes they voted on it last year ending in a tie and its very telling that it got shelved even after Saban spoke this year. That wreaks of all powerful to me:whistle: So let me know when they actually do decide to create the rule, because it sure as hell wont be this year apparently...in fact i would venture an over/under on the number of threads created about this same issue at 50 before they do actually have a resolution and each one will be pretty much the same as this one.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Yeah, we know, this was all in the latest article that seemed to say he had plenty of reasons he doesnt like the HUHN. This was my point, that he has more than one reason, but the lemmings in here seem to all feel its due to his not being able to adapt his coaching style to it.

You claim he hasnt had anything to support his argument that its about safety and he has as much as said that he doesnt have facts and figures, but he feels it warrants a look into. He cited reasons why it could be a possible safety issue in that they have more opportunities due to more plays, he brought in the information from a leading Doctor who has been around the sport for some thirty odd years who also feels that a study should be done. This seems to lead us(open minded people) to feel that maybe he has some information that is relevant to the subject.AS I said before, I dont think a rule is warranted, but a study(which Saban is in favor of) should definitely be done to see who is right.

I've said before, I have no great love for the hunh. I'm "old school" (or as my kids tell me, just old) and I prefer a more "old school" type of football. So, the hunh isn't my preferred style. However, unless there is a proven safety issue, I don't want to see a rule change. I want to see DC's scheme for it and beat it.

I also agree that there is some logic to his argument re: player safety. My issue is the apparent attempt to influence the rules committee based on a safety issue that he admits he doesn't have the data to support.

The hunh has been around long enough that they should be able to go back and do a fairly solid study. If there appears to be a correlation between an increase in injuries and hunh offenses, then and only then should a rule change be considered and even at that, only if it appears to be a significant increase.

As for getting rid of it, as some have suggested, simply because a few coaches and some fans don't like it, that is wrong, imo.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Yes the article was fairly recently, this is not in debate. The point is he didnt speak right after the committee hearing and was hounded until he finally spoke about what he said. Then he had further comments that got posted, but do we know when these comments were said? could it have been at the same time frame\interview of the article detailing what he spoke on at the meeting? This is all left up for interpretation due to these internet bloggers/journalists:lol: that post shit.

And yes they voted on it last year ending in a tie and its very telling that it got shelved even after Saban spoke this year. That wreaks of all powerful to me:whistle: So let me know when they actually do decide to create the rule, because it sure as hell wont be this year apparently...in fact i would venture an over/under on the number of threads created about this same issue at 50 before they do actually have a resolution and each one will be pretty much the same as this one.

:lol: Well, the resultant shitstorm that ensued may have a little to do with that.


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Jul 2, 2013
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The entire college football forum is the new TB.

I'm pretty sure 95% of the board would agree with me when I say nobody gives two fucks what you think about this website/message board and nobody would give two shits if you peaced out and never came back. Buh bye.....


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If Saban is so worried about player safety, why doesn't he want to ban overweight players from the field?
... or require players to be able to go 3 minutes without needing to rest?
re: Terrence Cody.

This right here ^^^^^ Saban should stop recruiting these fat, borderline diabetic d-linemen who can't play more than 5 minutes without getting tired.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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gonna make OD look calm and rational

I dont really think this is possible

Even Tom Cruise in this scene from Taps is calm and rational compared to OD

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2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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:lol: Well, the resultant shitstorm that ensued may have a little to do with that.

May, or they may actually be doing the study like they said was going to be looked into during the committee meeting. Its an off year for new rules anyway, so they have a year to do the study, my guess is thats whats being done.


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May 4, 2013
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I disagree about the 'Bama, Saban and 'Bama fan bashing. The only reason you consider these threads trollish is because they are about Saban. I seriously doubt that you'd be taking issue with them if they were about Malzahn or Meyer or someone.

Here's how it works on a message board. Your coach says something that people think is stupid, wrong or they just disagree and it's going to be discussed. Especially when he is the coach of the team that has pretty well ruled college football for the better part of 5 years.

Some will make thoughtful posts and maybe mix a little humor in, some will just make jokes and some will flat out troll.

When posters come in and do what you and others have done and immediately start calling it a troll thread or crying about being picked on or calling everyone jealous haters, then it's just going to feed into it.

If you're too sensitive for that, you probably need to just stay off of message boards. It amazes me how much you and some other 'Bama fans try to play the victim card on this.

Besides, you want to know about having people bash on your team and coach. Try being a USC fan under sanctions with Lane Kiffin as your head coach. This shit that some of you Bammers are crying about is elementary school playground teasing compared to that.

Or try being a Penn St. fan during the Sandusky crap.

You my friend have a reading problem! NOT bashing Alabama? OMG and WTF!?!?! I consider them trolling because 90 percent of the posts have nothing to do with the fucking issue! They just write whatever they feel like writing. I've never seen so many people be able to get in someone'e head and know exactly what they're thinking and basically throw 12 yo insults at him over and over. Open your damn eyes and READ!
it's called trolling=trying to do nothing but get a rise from a fan base!

Oh and I notice you slide in a comment about USC AND the poor ribbing y'all took. I'm starting to see right through you now. I can only imagine what a psychiatrist would say about that post. Much more telling about you then you can imagine! Again, where does this victim card shit you talk about come from? I'm a victim? WTF? Saban is a victim? Have no clue what you're running your mouth about?


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May 4, 2013
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gonna make OD look calm and rational

I got a grand idea. Instead of speculating lets wait and see what happens IF they lose to a HUNH team. Of course, that wouldn't fit the mentality of the posters on here who have this magical ability to just know what people think or what they would do!


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This right here ^^^^^ Saban should stop recruiting these fat, borderline diabetic d-linemen who can't play more than 5 minutes without getting tired.

Yea wish he would start recruiting the 3 stars Texas is recruiting! Then he might go 8-5 more often! :suds:


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I'm pretty sure 95% of the board would agree with me when I say nobody gives two fucks what you think about this website/message board and nobody would give two shits if you peaced out and never came back. Buh bye.....

You think they would you? Or anyone else for that matter? :noidea:


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Yea wish he would start recruiting the 3 stars Texas is recruiting! Then he might go 8-5 more often! :suds:

Meh, our problem was coaching. During Saban's era, Texas has had more defensive and offensive talent than Bama and Saban could ever dream of. Just look to the NFL. Hopefully, we cured that coaching problem with Charlie Strong.


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Also, if Saban is scared shitless of HUNH teams and is tired of his defenses getting raped viciously, why not swallow some pride and give ol Lester a call on how to stop HUNH teams? Lester has had no problems with Aggy or AU, or Oregon for that matter. I don't see the Mad Hatter crying over issue....


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Also, if Saban is scared shitless of HUNH teams and is tired of his defenses getting raped viciously, why not swallow some pride and give ol Lester a call on how to stop HUNH teams? Lester has had no problems with Aggy or AU, or Oregon for that matter. I don't see the Mad Hatter crying over issue....

Saban is scared!! :laugh3: Oh, sorry, lost it for a second! NFL draft? I would have to go look but I thought Alabama was having more first round draft picks that anyone for most years? No? Texas has?