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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


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May 4, 2013
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Just giving your buddy BamaTee a taste of his own medicine. After all, according to him, everyone who disagrees with Saban on this is just a "jealous hater". I do understand the problem as he is unlikely to clue in on that. Perhaps you could explain it to him?

And whatcha got against fags marrying each other?:lol:

This shit is getting old. It's amazing I'm me and I know I don't even use the jealous hater shit! However, I seem to get accused of it all the time. Typical of this site. Someone wrote it, then another read it wrote it, and another and another with no proof. Kind of like Mamba's post about the smoking and Saban. He didn't even read the article and realize it backed Saban. Have I ever mentioned it? Probably, but you act like that's all I do.

Go back and look at my last 100 posts and I challenge you to find one. Typical poster on here. Thinks he can say anything and no accountability! It's amazing how rampant that runs on here! Seriously, if it's true you should be able to produce tons of examples, I'll wait here and if you don't produce it I will refer to you as liar everytime I address you. I want a full out hate Bama and jealous post. Go! :suds:


The most eubillicant poster.
Aug 5, 2011
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Deb told me you said it.


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I went back about 15 pages worth of my posts and did find one that I tried to put in people's face but again one in 15 pages of my posts. This is all while my team, program and fans have been the target of most everyone else so I think that's pretty damn good for someone who that's all he does! I'll still wish you good luck liar! Thought it would be easier based on you telling me that's all I do. :noidea: Thinking you probably mentioned USC haters more than me on Bama! :whistle:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Nothing, just didnt want to bring another homo reference that might have been a bit worse.

I dont agree with Saban on some of what he has said, but I will defend his right to say it all day long. As long as he is a top flight coach in the NCAA, he will be in the limelight and have a microphone in his face asking for a quote. I have more respect for a man who speaks his mind, than one who cowers, too afraid of what will be thought of him if he speaks his mind. I was raised to say whats on my mind and those who know me, know this to be true, no matter the consequences.

I have no issue with him speaking his mind, however, there are times when it is simply more prudent to keep your mouth shut on a topic or state your opinion once and leave it be (like when your wife asks if those jeans make her butt look big :lol: ). Especially when you are a public figure.

In Saban's case, he is well-respected and powerful enough that he really only needs to say something one time and it will be noted and taken into consideration. There should be no need for him to keep re-explaining his position.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
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So who alls vagina's got all flustered up in here? The usual suspects? :happy:


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May 4, 2013
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No, I'm pointing out that you aren't smart enough to understand my post. I never said Saban asked to have the rules changed and I never said it was his idea.

However, and this can't be denied, he is the most vocal proponent of the rule change (that means he wants the rule change to happen) and I pointed out that he would have been better served to do like Kiffin did. Make his comment about it and then shut the hell up. Instead, he keeps throwing gas on the fire.

And he said more than just "we need to look at the issue". He has been quoted and linked in posts in every single one of these threads as also saying he doesn't like that style and asking if this is the direction we want football to go. So now who's "making shit up"?

End of the day: Saban and you Bammers want to force all of college football to play the same style as 'Bama regardless of what style of football their fans like or gives their team the best chance to win. It has nothing to do with player safety and everything to do with how Saban and Bammers think football should be played.

Pretty sure that's what this says unless you're going to try and play semantics!


And you forgot the part where USC coaches and fans don't whine to the NCAA to change the rules to help them.

This was said to an Alabama fan!


The most eubillicant poster.
Aug 5, 2011
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When bama loses to a HUNH like team this year I predict epic meltdown.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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I have no issue with him speaking his mind, however, there are times when it is simply more prudent to keep your mouth shut on a topic or state your opinion once and leave it be (like when your wife asks if those jeans make her butt look big :lol: ). Especially when you are a public figure.

In Saban's case, he is well-respected and powerful enough that he really only needs to say something one time and it will be noted and taken into consideration. There should be no need for him to keep re-explaining his position.

I never considered going to Texas. That wasn’t even a conversation. I knew that if Mack stepped down, there would probably be an opportunity, but it wasn’t something I was interested in doing, not at this stage in my career.”

He said this shit like five times last year, but the reporters kept asking and the endless, mindless drones kept stoking the fires. Sometimes its the fans and the media that keep this shit alive...like endless threads thAat all point to the same thing. Imagine walking a mile in his or any public figures shoes and being asked the same shit over and over, for weeks. Eventually you start a list of things to say no matter if asked or not just to shut them up. We dont even know if any of these articles that have been posted in the last day or so have come from different interviews, or the same blanket media coverage by different reporters. All we know is the mindless, endless drones keep churning them out.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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I went back about 15 pages worth of my posts and did find one that I tried to put in people's face but again one in 15 pages of my posts. This is all while my team, program and fans have been the target of most everyone else so I think that's pretty damn good for someone who that's all he does! I'll still wish you good luck liar! Thought it would be easier based on you telling me that's all I do. :noidea: Thinking you probably mentioned USC haters more than me on Bama! :whistle:

Funny, I've never once mentioned any USC haters, not one time here or on cbs, hater's not a term I use unless quoting someone else. As for using jealous haters, it's easier to just type that than go into a long post about you playing the victim, taking things personally and constantly referring to Saban bashing, 'Bama bashing and 'Bama fan bashing.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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They should just drop the atomic clock bullshit for international standards of time keeping and we should all just set our watches on the Bama fan's epic teat suckling of the master of their existences. :yahoo:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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They should just drop the atomic clock bullshit for international standards of time keeping and we should all just set our watches on the Bama fan's epic teat suckling of the master of their existences. :yahoo:

^^^Example of the Blanket statements made on here that lump all fans in. Sadly we endure this alot but I rarely do this to other fans and their teams. Wont stop I know, but its nice to point out when someone is wrong and this is one time for sure.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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^^^Example of the Blanket statements made on here that lump all fans in. Sadly we endure this alot but I rarely do this to other fans and their teams. Wont stop I know, but its nice to point out when someone is wrong and this is one time for sure.



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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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As defensive as you are, its apparent your little panties have been bunched. I have yet to fling insults or demean you in any way, other than insinuate you being a grammar Nazi, yet you fling them like a monkey flinging poo. This says alot.

You insulted me once, by asking if I and another poster were dating, meaning we were gay.

The 2nd time you insulted me was calling me a Grammar Nazi, when you trolled me in a 2nd thread. I even let you get the last word on the other thread.

The 3rd time you insulted me was just now, by stating my panties have been bunched, meaning I'm a transvestite.

What's next in your line of insults? Am I going to end up being a Gay Transvestite Grammar Nazi Russian Muslim Terrorists? How many other threads are you going to troll me?

This is how I know you are lying about being the owner of an IT company. If that were true, you wouldn't be so petty.