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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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Just calling it like it is, sorry you got your vagina sandy.

Is this that ole "I know you are but what I am" routine you sly devil? That other butthurt titty baby that keeps crying about a message board that sucks but yet keeps posting on it has better material than that. :whistle:


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May 4, 2013
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Funny, I've never once mentioned any USC haters, not one time here or on cbs, hater's not a term I use unless quoting someone else. As for using jealous haters, it's easier to just type that than go into a long post about you playing the victim, taking things personally and constantly referring to Saban bashing, 'Bama bashing and 'Bama fan bashing.

Two things. Read closely. I used the USC hater comment to get a point across not to accuse you. Second, there is a huge difference in saying everyone is jealous of Bama or hates them because they're jealous, which is what you accuse me of doing all the time as opposed to saying everyone on these threads (about Saban) is doing nothing but bashing Bama, it's team and it's fans which is 100 percent true. You agree or disagree? You can read? It doesn't take much. You would get tired of it too! Double digit threads about the same shit dissing on anything Alabama. Fact! I have kept it on subject majority of time but have pointed out how trollish and ridiculous these threads are a few times as well!


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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You insulted me once, by asking if I and another poster were dating, meaning we were gay.

The 2nd time you insulted me was calling me a Grammar Nazi, when you trolled me in a 2nd thread. I even let you get the last word on the other thread.

The 3rd time you insulted me was just now, by stating my panties have been bunched, meaning I'm a transvestite.

What's next in your line of insults? Am I going to end up being a Gay Transvestite Grammar Nazi Russian Muslim Terrorists? How many other threads are you going to troll me?

This is how I know you are lying about being the owner of an IT company. If that were true, you wouldn't be so petty.

I have only responded to you in this thread other that a response back to you in another thread where you responded to me first.

The first in your line was to Caneman, not you and it was in question form, you took it and ran with it. Struck a nerve apparently.

The second was hitting the nail on the head, its not an insult if its true. That would be like saying Obama is a moron is an insult, its not because its true.

The last one is apparent and funny as hell. Here's some advice, thick skin will keep then from getting bunched.

The last one is all you and if thats what you want to be known as, then fine, but just know i didnt write it and certainly didnt call you that. To each his own though, more power to you.


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Charlie42S you have been a dick! :nod: People can call me a sarcastic shit or a smart ass but I try not to be a dick to people! You're working on perfecting it! :suds:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Is this that ole "I know you are but what I am" routine you sly devil? That other butthurt titty baby that keeps crying about a message board that sucks but yet keeps posting on it has better material than that. :whistle:

Nah, just trying to bring to light that if you have a problem with a poster or posters, take it to them, but dont blanket all of us in together. I know all you VT fans like to get under a blanket together and rub against each other(one big free for all), but Bama fans dont like to be grouped together like that. We stand united on many things, but have our own opinions and i dont like people putting words in my mouth.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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Nah, just trying to bring to light that if you have a problem with a poster or posters, take it to them, but dont blanket all of us in together. I know all you VT fans like to get under a blanket together and rub against each other(one big free for all), but Bama fans dont like to be grouped together like that. We stand united on many things, but have our own opinions and i dont like people putting words in my mouth.

words wouldn't be the first thing i ever put in your mouth, would it?



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May 4, 2013
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words wouldn't be the first thing i ever put in your mouth, would it?


I saw that coming! When I read Bo's comment about mouth I knew what was about to happen! Now no coming(cumming) jokes please!


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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words wouldn't be the first thing i ever put in your mouth, would it?


Words and words alone would be the only thing. I know you roll that way, but thats not my scene. Cruise the thread, you might find your match though.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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Words and words alone would be the only thing. I know you roll that way, but thats not my scene. Cruise the thread, you might find your match though.

You act like you have a choice?



2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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You act like you have a choice?


:laugh3:You should check the politics forum for a thread on carry conceal, this might give to insight on how that might go for you. You dont want to go through life being know as stumpy do ya?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Pretty sure that's what this says unless you're going to try and play semantics!

This was said to an Alabama fan!

Well, Saban has been very vocal about supporting the change and it was said to an Alabama fan because it's Alabama's coach doing it and it was Alabama's coach that ASKED to speak to the rules committee about it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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He said this shit like five times last year, but the reporters kept asking and the endless, mindless drones kept stoking the fires. Sometimes its the fans and the media that keep this shit alive...like endless threads thAat all point to the same thing. Imagine walking a mile in his or any public figures shoes and being asked the same shit over and over, for weeks. Eventually you start a list of things to say no matter if asked or not just to shut them up. We dont even know if any of these articles that have been posted in the last day or so have come from different interviews, or the same blanket media coverage by different reporters. All we know is the mindless, endless drones keep churning them out.

The difference is that when he kept saying he wasn't going to Texas, it was over speculation started by others on his status. Essentially, he gave the same answer every time and he never asked to speak to anyone about Texas.

Compare that to this rule change controversy, he is the one who has been consistently speaking in favor of this rule and he is the one who asked to speak to the rules committee and who has given 3 different reasons for being in favor of it.

You can blame this on the media and on other fans, but it's Saban who keeps throwing gas on the fire.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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:laugh3:You should check the politics forum for a thread on carry conceal, this might give to insight on how that might go for you. You dont want to go through life being know as stumpy do ya?

Meh, forum full of idiots pretending to know everything about something they know almost nothing about because some fheg on TV told them they should. No thankey.

And what makes you think I don't have a CCW. :happy:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, Saban has been very vocal about supporting the change and it was said to an Alabama fan because it's Alabama's coach doing it and it was Alabama's coach that ASKED to speak to the rules committee about it.

No, Saban has been very vocal about supporting a study into a possible change, there is a difference. I see no harm in him having a passion about somthing and being voacl about it, much the same as many on here are passionate about spouting half truths and innuendo, without actually reading the full articles(not saying this is you, I know better). Because Saban is passionate about it, he wanted to and asked to speak to the committee, this does not mean he proposed the rule(which has been said on more than one occasion in here) or that he wants a rule currently, but that he wants a study done to see if this style of offense truly impacts player safety.

I know the opposition argument is that he only wants it because he cant coach against it, to this i say bull fucking shit. He didnt get to be one of the most successful coaches in college ball by being unable to adapt and anyone who thinks he did is seriously falling in line with what you and BamaTee are arguing about. In the end you have to ask yourself if he has the right to be vocal about it, if he has the right to speak to the committee if he wants to and if you think that one mans opinion is going to weigh more heavily than any evidence that they may or may not gather in the mean time.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Meh, forum full of idiots pretending to know everything about something they know almost nothing about because some fheg on TV told them they should. No thankey.

And what makes you think I don't have a CCW. :happy:

Yes you probably do, but you will be too worried about trying to find that puny little thing you call a dick to see me drawing down on you:lol:


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
Ally Bama
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Yes you probably do, but you will be too worried about trying to find that puny little thing you call a dick to see me drawing down on you:lol:

Shiiiiiiiiit son. I'll pull my 9 on you and I ain't talking about my pistol. It's a lot bigger. :dance:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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The difference is that when he kept saying he wasn't going to Texas, it was over speculation started by others on his status. Essentially, he gave the same answer every time and he never asked to speak to anyone about Texas.

Compare that to this rule change controversy, he is the one who has been consistently speaking in favor of this rule and he is the one who asked to speak to the rules committee and who has given 3 different reasons for being in favor of it.

You can blame this on the media and on other fans, but it's Saban who keeps throwing gas on the fire.

Whats funny is this was on the agenda last year, but he didnt ask to speak to them then. Supposedly(and I havent read that its true) he asked to speak to them. He detailed his points in an interview that he gave because reporters were hounding him about it and he couldnt move on from it, so he spoke on what he said in the meeting. Since then we have had endless diatribe on it, but I have not seen that he has done another interview. Could it be that more than one reporter was there and this is different reporters views on what was said? I know, its Nick and he always has a mic in front of him.

As i said before, if you had a voice like he has and a pulpit from which to speak from, would you not try to effect change if you honestly felt it was necessary or warranted a look. Can we blame a man for his beliefs and passions, if so then start blaming everyone you see who feels different than you do. I always thought this was the land of the free, but apparently its the "land of the free as long as you have the same opinion a I do"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Two things. Read closely. I used the USC hater comment to get a point across not to accuse you. Second, there is a huge difference in saying everyone is jealous of Bama or hates them because they're jealous, which is what you accuse me of doing all the time as opposed to saying everyone on these threads (about Saban) is doing nothing but bashing Bama, it's team and it's fans which is 100 percent true. You agree or disagree? You can read? It doesn't take much. You would get tired of it too! Double digit threads about the same shit dissing on anything Alabama. Fact! I have kept it on subject majority of time but have pointed out how trollish and ridiculous these threads are a few times as well!

I disagree about the 'Bama, Saban and 'Bama fan bashing. The only reason you consider these threads trollish is because they are about Saban. I seriously doubt that you'd be taking issue with them if they were about Malzahn or Meyer or someone.

Here's how it works on a message board. Your coach says something that people think is stupid, wrong or they just disagree and it's going to be discussed. Especially when he is the coach of the team that has pretty well ruled college football for the better part of 5 years.

Some will make thoughtful posts and maybe mix a little humor in, some will just make jokes and some will flat out troll.

When posters come in and do what you and others have done and immediately start calling it a troll thread or crying about being picked on or calling everyone jealous haters, then it's just going to feed into it.

If you're too sensitive for that, you probably need to just stay off of message boards. It amazes me how much you and some other 'Bama fans try to play the victim card on this.

Besides, you want to know about having people bash on your team and coach. Try being a USC fan under sanctions with Lane Kiffin as your head coach. This shit that some of you Bammers are crying about is elementary school playground teasing compared to that.

Or try being a Penn St. fan during the Sandusky crap.