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Redskins' Kirk Cousins: Still far apart on extension terms


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Dang y'all tenacious af:happy:


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Jul 19, 2013
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So once again, you are pumping up a bad defense, while trying to minimize a good QB. And you wonder why many of us think you do in fact just not like the guy. That or you are so enamored with the hype of the 2018 QB class that you dont want the team to do something that would take us out of a position to trade up for one of these guys.

Don't need to pump they made those plays to win games. you cant deny it. Sorry, Im not in the group of if we lose KC we are done as a franchise. I want KC to succeed this year to put all my doubts to bed. My doubts are real b/c of what happened last year. I know todays NFL everyone get paid even though they dont win but there is no risk of losing him this year.


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Don't need to pump they made those plays to win games. you cant deny it. Sorry, Im not in the group of if we lose KC we are done as a franchise. I want KC to succeed this year to put all my doubts to bed. My doubts are real b/c of what happened last year. I know todays NFL everyone get paid even though they dont win but there is no risk of losing him this year.

Again, who has said we are done as a franchise. But the reality is, changing QBs stands a good chance of setting us BACK as a franchise. I agree there is no risk of losing him this year. But even though you refuse to admit it, there is a good risk if we lose him next year, we save cap space but set the team as a whole back. As far as what happened last year, a second year starter had some good and some bad game. A poor defense had alot of bad games, and a handful of good plays.

Id rather risk being tied to Kirk for three years, than being in another position to waste three or more high draft picks on a rookie QB. What cant you understand about that??


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Jul 19, 2013
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Again, who has said we are done as a franchise. But the reality is, changing QBs stands a good chance of setting us BACK as a franchise. I agree there is no risk of losing him this year. But even though you refuse to admit it, there is a good risk if we lose him next year, we save cap space but set the team as a whole back. As far as what happened last year, a second year starter had some good and some bad game. A poor defense had alot of bad games, and a handful of good plays.

Id rather risk being tied to Kirk for three years, than being in another position to waste three or more high draft picks on a rookie QB. What cant you understand about that??

you are assuming we give up the farm for a rookie qb. there are so much unknown here. what we do know is we can see how KC plays this year.


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Jul 4, 2013
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you are assuming we give up the farm for a rookie qb. there are so much unknown here. what we do know is we can see how KC plays this year.

Lets assume for a moment your dream comes true, we dont give up the farm on a rookie. You still totally ignore the FACT that only 1 in 4 rookie QBs become BETTER than what we have in Kirk. Hell the odds are like 1 in 7 we end up with some one AS good as Kirk. But you would rather risk getting the next RG3, Johnny Manziel, Gabbert, or worse, on the off chance that we MIGHT find the next Brady or Rogers?? And in the mean time take the risk that if we dont get an elite QB, we just wasted the careers of the good players we do have??


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Jul 19, 2013
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Lets assume for a moment your dream comes true, we dont give up the farm on a rookie. You still totally ignore the FACT that only 1 in 4 rookie QBs become BETTER than what we have in Kirk. Hell the odds are like 1 in 7 we end up with some one AS good as Kirk. But you would rather risk getting the next RG3, Johnny Manziel, Gabbert, or worse, on the off chance that we MIGHT find the next Brady or Rogers?? And in the mean time take the risk that if we dont get an elite QB, we just wasted the careers of the good players we do have??

no dream. how do u know its a rookie qb? it could be a FA


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Jul 8, 2013
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no dream. how do u know its a rookie qb? it could be a FA

Really? You do realize that outside of Brees & to a lesser extent Alex Smith there are really no effective FA QBs in the NFL. By far the majority were acquired via the draft & much less via some type of trade. The Brees situation was very unique involving an injury & QB logjam.

You don't acquire an effective QB via free agency. Good QBs are not let go or traded - only ones w/ issues. No way that they find someone better or even close to Cousins via this method.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Really? You do realize that outside of Brees & to a lesser extent Alex Smith there are really no effective FA QBs in the NFL. By far the majority were acquired via the draft & much less via some type of trade. The Brees situation was very unique involving an injury & QB logjam.

You don't acquire an effective QB via free agency. Good QBs are not let go or traded - only ones w/ issues. No way that they find someone better or even close to Cousins via this method.

Was Brad Johnson effective for us under Norv? Didn't Fitz have a huge year for the Jets 2 years ago? It can happen. we can play this game all day. Not speculating on this crap right now


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Jul 4, 2013
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no dream. how do u know its a rookie qb? it could be a FA

true, but again its changing QBs which moe often than not is a step back for a team. And exactly what FA do you think will come in for seriously cheaper than what Kirk would cost us right now on a LTD??

Think this through for a moment. If its Grap, he is going to want to be paid like a starter if he is the starter.

If its McCarron, same deal.

Sure we might save a a few million a year on a guy who has to come in and learn our system. Also what happens if we in fact end up with the next Oswiler or Cassell? You willing to risk THAT.. again we have a good QB. the money SHOULD be a secondary concern when compared to the higher risk of changing gears at present.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Was Brad Johnson effective for us under Norv? Didn't Fitz have a huge year for the Jets 2 years ago? It can happen. we can play this game all day. Not speculating on this crap right now

Brad was brought in when we DIDNT have access to a good QB, same for Fitz.

So unless you are hinting that Kirk actually isnt a good QB... again why risk it??


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Jul 19, 2013
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Brad was brought in when we DIDNT have access to a good QB, same for Fitz.

So unless you are hinting that Kirk actually isnt a good QB... again why risk it??

Im not saying Kc is not a good Qb but from what I seen so far not nearly worth the money that he will probably get.


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Im not saying Kc is not a good Qb but from what I seen so far not nearly worth the money that he will probably get.

So again you are saying saving Dan a few million is worth the likely step back?? And mainly because you fear Kirk MIGHT not ever be better than he is now??


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Jul 19, 2013
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So again you are saying saving Dan a few million is worth the likely step back?? And mainly because you fear Kirk MIGHT not ever be better than he is now??

more than a few million. you cant say for a certainty that it is a step back.


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more than a few million. you cant say for a certainty that it is a step back.

I can say the odds are higher than us finding a better QB than Kirk as easily as you and Coach think.

Again, I could care less if Dan saves a few million. To me the Kirk contract is the cost of screwing up in 2012-2014.


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Jul 19, 2013
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I can say the odds are higher than us finding a better QB than Kirk as easily as you and Coach think.

Again, I could care less if Dan saves a few million. To me the Kirk contract is the cost of screwing up in 2012-2014.

you dont think we can find a 9 win QB? You are about the stats not the wins.


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you dont think we can find a 9 win QB? You are about the stats not the wins.

Sure we could. But the point is to make the entire team better. Kirk is a nine win QB with a bottom five defense. If this defense is actually half as good as you think, Kirk is an 11 win QB.

And for the record, if it was that easy to find a QB teams would NOT be giving up multiple picks and millions in guarantee for them.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Sure we could. But the point is to make the entire team better. Kirk is a nine win QB with a bottom five defense. If this defense is actually half as good as you think, Kirk is an 11 win QB.

And for the record, if it was that easy to find a QB teams would NOT be giving up multiple picks and millions in guarantee for them.

We will see this year. That is why this year is huge IMO. Of course its not easy to find a QB but you think we have a stud on the roster right now. KC can grow to be one but I need more of a sample size. Sure bottom five defense but who won 4 or 5 games for the SKins this year? I dont care what the stats are. If the defense is causing a game winning turnover or game wining sack they are ok in my book.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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cmon man you have to admit that is bad. From thanksgiving on he has been bad in must win games. I give him credit for the Packers win but even then they were out multiple starters on defense. You can make good money in this league beating average to bad teams. Now we are talking major money I want to see it this year. I want to see him have good games against the AFC West. I want to see him outplay Wentz, Eli, and Dak. Let him do it this year.
wrong he won 4 straight and put us in the playoffs in 2015


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We will see this year. That is why this year is huge IMO. Of course its not easy to find a QB but you think we have a stud on the roster right now. KC can grow to be one but I need more of a sample size. Sure bottom five defense but who won 4 or 5 games for the SKins this year? I dont care what the stats are. If the defense is causing a game winning turnover or game wining sack they are ok in my book.

Again when did I ever say or hint Kirk was a stud. I have said he is a good QB. And Im not trying to marginalize him. Im also not trying to inflate him. I am saying a bird in hand (a Good QB) beats two in the bush...

Because as some one else pointed out, if not for Kirk putting up the NUmbers he did, the defense would not have been in position to make those game saving plays.