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Redskins' Kirk Cousins: Still far apart on extension terms


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Jul 18, 2013
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How am I moving the goalposts when I have said the same thing for 4 months now? lol. You are a sick man dude. I love how you say its all the Redskins fault and you have no idea what the offers are.

It is definitely the Redskin's fault. We have heard nothing but BS offers from Washington.

Don't give me this shit about facts. The whole league said it was the right move to let KC play on the tag. Now this offseason we don't know what end is up. You like to play MOnday Morning Qb.

No...Bill Pollian said it. Most people thought it was stupid to continually put him under the tag.

25m per season was market value? Sm said he doesn't do LTD's on franchise tag numbers. You are nuts

20 million was market value. KC asked for market value. We offered 12. SM was never the contract guy. Bruce has been and will be until he is fired which will be after the 2018 season if we don't sign KC long term.

Not losing. Its an opinion.

You are absolutely losing and in convincing fashion. The more you speak, the more credibility you lose, and the more hypocritical you become.

How am I wrong if the deal didn't get done after the 2015 season?

You are wrong because you have no idea what you are talking about and how many times your opinion has changed. You are wrong, because had we signed KC long term after 2015, we would have already paid off the guaranteed portion of his contract, he would be under contract for 3 more years, at an average yearly rate 5 million less than what he is making this season alone.

Sleepy T

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There were several of us that wanted to sign KC long term after his first good stint. Shark convinced me and has been proven right by the way things have gone.

I understand that gk and I am sure there were some fans and maybe even some media/FO people throughout the league that thought maybe he should have been extended after 2015. My point is there was a mixed bag of opinions on what KC is worth, obviously there still are.

At the close of training camp in 2015, McCloughan wanted to try to extend Cousins, but there was concern over how that would go over with Griffin, because some felt the team would still need him at some point. (Whether a fair figure could have been reached with Cousins is open for debate, considering the quarterback’s inconsistent résumé and lack of success at that point.) Finally, that December, McCloughan was given the green light. By then, Cousins’ camp wanted to wait until after the year.

After Cousins’ hot finish, the Skins knew they’d have to franchise Cousins at around $20 million, which framed negotiations in a place where the team wasn’t willing to go. Talks on a long-term deal got off to a rough start, and then control shifted from McCloughan to team negotiator Eric Schaffer. By the time 2016 was winding down, the GM had been removed completely from decision-making on Cousins.

This was a big risk for McCloughan, and everyone else involved with the team, but in the rearview would have saved the team money, and secured their QB for the future

This doesn't hold much weight IMO because

1) This article was written 2 months ago. Once again, hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to say we shoulda/coulda/woulda after the fact. Find me something from late 2015 or early 2016 (from a reputable source) that says our FO were idiots for not offering $20 million APY minimum after 2015.

2) GMSM has went on record of saying that KC is a good, above average (not great) QB. That he needed good players around him. While he has admitted that he wanted to sign KC earlier than later, I doubt it was for 5-6 years, 20-22 APY after the 2015 season.

3) He said that his agent basically shut the door at the conclusion of the 2015 season. His take was why take a lesser contract when we can get $20 million on the tag. Did we low ball him? Yes. But anything short of $20 million APY and he wasn't even listening. The guy's agent thought he should be paid the same as Russell Wilson and Cam Newton a year or two after they had been removed from Super Bowls... KC and his agent have rolling the dice and playing hardball this entire time. To their credit, they are winning the game. But all fault cannot be placed at the feet of the FO.


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Jul 4, 2013
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But all fault cannot be placed at the feet of the FO.

If the front office is playing hard ball based on the concept that we can easily find a better QB for cheaper in the 2018 draft, then the front office like some of this fan base are apparently blind deaf and dumb when it comes to hind sight then.

It has been shown numerous times and in numerous ways that the odds of finding a QB as good as Cousins, much less better than him are actually extremely slim. Add in the fact that unless we totally fail this year, the odds increase that we will need to do another trade up to ensure we even have a solid shot at getting the uber rookie of choice.

So look, we all get it, Kirk is not Rogers, Brady or Newton. He isnt what Luck or RG3 were supposed to be. But if you have never heard the statement a Bird in hand beats two in the Bush... let me break it down.

Its better to have a good QB even if he costs a bit more than you want to pay, rather than count on being able to secure one of these uberstuds AND have him turn into a Brady, Rogers or Newton.


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
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Don't give me this shit about facts. The whole league said it was the right move to let KC play on the tag. Now this offseason we don't know what end is up. You like to play MOnday Morning Qb.
The whole league????? Name 5 that are credible league sources.

This is why you have no credibility with statements like this.


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IM still wondering when it became a good idea to give up on a QB that has been good(not great) for us, based on the idea that the team known for over spending should not "overspend" because it might prevent us from taking a one in five at best shot at finding the next Cam Newton.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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How am I wrong if the deal didn't get done after the 2015 season?
you said SM didnt try to sign him and wasnt overruled, he was


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I understand that gk and I am sure there were some fans and maybe even some media/FO people throughout the league that thought maybe he should have been extended after 2015. My point is there was a mixed bag of opinions on what KC is worth, obviously there still are.

This doesn't hold much weight IMO because

1) This article was written 2 months ago. Once again, hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to say we shoulda/coulda/woulda after the fact. Find me something from late 2015 or early 2016 (from a reputable source) that says our FO were idiots for not offering $20 million APY minimum after 2015.

2) GMSM has went on record of saying that KC is a good, above average (not great) QB. That he needed good players around him. While he has admitted that he wanted to sign KC earlier than later, I doubt it was for 5-6 years, 20-22 APY after the 2015 season.

3) He said that his agent basically shut the door at the conclusion of the 2015 season. His take was why take a lesser contract when we can get $20 million on the tag. Did we low ball him? Yes. But anything short of $20 million APY and he wasn't even listening. The guy's agent thought he should be paid the same as Russell Wilson and Cam Newton a year or two after they had been removed from Super Bowls... KC and his agent have rolling the dice and playing hardball this entire time. To their credit, they are winning the game. But all fault cannot be placed at the feet of the FO.

right dead in the middle of the hole episode


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SO I got 3 serious questions for the keep our options open crowd. And I would also like to hear from the we should sign Kirk long term crowd as well.

1. Where do you see this team finishing barring of course a rash of major injuries?

2. What do you honestly think Kirks performance numbers will be? Yards, TDs (passing), INTs and Sacks??

3. Based on numbers one and two, where do you see this team picking in the 2018 Draft.

I'll Start

1. 10-6 but missing the playoffs.

2. 4400 Yards, 27 passing TD and 11 INTs, 23 sacks taken

3. I got us picking some where between 19-22 based on that finish.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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right dead in the middle of the hole episode

Not sure exactly what you are saying here dad??

I found this from the transcript...how do you guys interpret this?? And for you weak dictionary guys like me, "demurred" is a fancy word for "objected".

McCloughan demurred when asked directly about reports this offseason that he’d once strongly advocated signing Cousins as soon as possible to avoid just this situation. But he also insisted McCartney has some responsibility, too, about a long-term deal not getting done by last summer’s deadline. Cousins played on the franchise tag in 2016 ($19.95 million).

“It’s a big business and the agent’s got to be understandable that they’re involved in it, too. It’s not just us and the player,” McCloughan said. “The agent has to be able to understand ‘If you don’t tender him, I can make this for the next five years for him.’ It just didn’t work out. But I’m pulling for Kirk. He’s been nothing but great to me, I’ve been nothing but great to him. The coaches like him a lot. The players like him a lot. He’s gonna be successful – here or somewhere else.”

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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1. 10-6 but missing the playoffs.

2. 4400 Yards, 27 passing TD and 11 INTs, 23 sacks taken

3. I got us picking some where between 19-22 based on that finish.

I think 10-6 is being overly optimistic, but certainly possible. I think more than likely we are a 8-9 win team.


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Jul 19, 2013
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It is definitely the Redskin's fault. We have heard nothing but BS offers from Washington.

No...Bill Pollian said it. Most people thought it was stupid to continually put him under the tag.

20 million was market value. KC asked for market value. We offered 12. SM was never the contract guy. Bruce has been and will be until he is fired which will be after the 2018 season if we don't sign KC long term.

You are absolutely losing and in convincing fashion. The more you speak, the more credibility you lose, and the more hypocritical you become.

You are wrong because you have no idea what you are talking about and how many times your opinion has changed. You are wrong, because had we signed KC long term after 2015, we would have already paid off the guaranteed portion of his contract, he would be under contract for 3 more years, at an average yearly rate 5 million less than what he is making this season alone.

My opinion has never changed of not wanting to sign him now. You don't read my messages at all.


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Jul 19, 2013
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The whole league????? Name 5 that are credible league sources.

This is why you have no credibility with statements like this.

Of course I have creditability b/c he wasn't signed. lol


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I think 10-6 is being overly optimistic, but certainly possible. I think more than likely we are a 8-9 win team.

OK so 8-9 wins, What do you HONESTLY expect from Kirk. And factoring in 8-9 wins (lets be pessimists and say 8) where do you realistically think we would fall in the draft at that point??


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The whole league????? Name 5 that are credible league sources.

This is why you have no credibility with statements like this.

How the hell do you have credibility when you don't even know what a game winning play is?


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shefty said there is belief a deal can be struck next off season. I feel the same way.


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shefty said there is belief a deal can be struck next off season. I feel the same way.

Sure a deal could be struck next season. But what you are failing to accept is, in no situation does a deal next year cost us LESS than a deal right now. And if the point is to do a deal next year, its pointless to hold off knowing it will cost more.

So the only real reason to wait is if you want to pay more to leave yourself the option to do something even more idiotic.

Side note, why havent you chimed in on how you think the team and Kirk will do, and where you realistically will be drafting. And yes there will be a follow up question to that dependent on where people think this team should finish.


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Sure a deal could be struck next season. But what you are failing to accept is, in no situation does a deal next year cost us LESS than a deal right now. And if the point is to do a deal next year, its pointless to hold off knowing it will cost more.

So the only real reason to wait is if you want to pay more to leave yourself the option to do something even more idiotic.

Side note, why havent you chimed in on how you think the team and Kirk will do, and where you realistically will be drafting. And yes there will be a follow up question to that dependent on where people think this team should finish.

I don't care about the cost if he wins. You seem to not understand this. So why would KC want to sign now? if he bets on himself and does well he makes more money next year. So why sign now if your KC? He only signs now if the deal is massive.

I think we will have a good team this year. but if KC pulls the shit he did last year than I am reluctant to give him a huge deal. I don't care about stats I care about winning. Not beating good teams should matter to you people.


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I don't care about the cost if he wins. You seem to not understand this. So why would KC want to sign now? if he bets on himself and does well he makes more money next year. So why sign now if your KC? He only signs now if the deal is massive.

I think we will have a good team this year. but if KC pulls the shit he did last year than I am reluctant to give him a huge deal. I don't care about stats I care about winning. Not beating good teams should matter to you people.

So basically you are saying if Kirk wins it all on his own, fine pay him. If he doesnt, well you would rather take the 1 in 5 shot of finding a QB. Got it


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So basically you are saying if Kirk wins it all on his own, fine pay him. If he doesnt, well you would rather take the 1 in 5 shot of finding a QB. Got it

I didn't say all on his own. doesn't show up against good teams. When facing teams with nine wins or more, he is 2-11, and 5-13 against teams with eight victories or more. How can you be happy with that? That is the thing you don't know what will happen so you cant comment on who will be the QB.