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Redskins' Kirk Cousins: Still far apart on extension terms


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Jul 19, 2013
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Again when did I ever say or hint Kirk was a stud. I have said he is a good QB. And Im not trying to marginalize him. Im also not trying to inflate him. I am saying a bird in hand (a Good QB) beats two in the bush...

Because as some one else pointed out, if not for Kirk putting up the NUmbers he did, the defense would not have been in position to make those game saving plays.

oh give me a break. lol. the defense made those game saving plays in low scoring games.


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Jul 4, 2013
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oh give me a break. lol. the defense made those game saving plays in low scoring games.

Right, so the QB putting us ahead in the first place meant nothing. I would say you need a break, but you seem to have severed ties with reality on this topic about 2 minutes after the season ended.


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Jul 18, 2013
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People are complaining about KC record versus teams above .500. If you are a .500 team, which we are, you should have a losing record against teams above .500.


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If we piss KC away from this team, I am going to "troll" Dean to the end of his days because we will take a huge step backwards.


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If we piss KC away from this team, I am going to "troll" Dean to the end of his days because we will take a huge step backwards.

Ya know I would actually lay off him some if he would just come out and admit, the reason he doesnt want to sign Kirk long term now is because he doesnt want them to do something that would prevent them from trying to move up for one of the 2018 QBs in the draft.

And yes I fully admit a huge part of me wanting them to sign Kirk now, is to hopefully give them a good reason NOT to chase the elite rookie prospect next year. Well that and I think he is actually becoming one of the better QBs in the league and would hate to see him go be a 8 year QB for some one else.


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Jul 19, 2013
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If we piss KC away from this team, I am going to "troll" Dean to the end of his days because we will take a huge step backwards.

lol. why me? I don't make the decisions.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Ya know I would actually lay off him some if he would just come out and admit, the reason he doesnt want to sign Kirk long term now is because he doesnt want them to do something that would prevent them from trying to move up for one of the 2018 QBs in the draft.

And yes I fully admit a huge part of me wanting them to sign Kirk now, is to hopefully give them a good reason NOT to chase the elite rookie prospect next year. Well that and I think he is actually becoming one of the better QBs in the league and would hate to see him go be a 8 year QB for some one else.

it has nothing to do with the draft

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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wrong he won 4 straight and put us in the playoffs in 2015

True, and he played pretty well. But lets not kid ourselves, the East was garbage that year and most years we would not have been good enough. The only team we beat in '15 that finished .500 (not OVER .500) was the Bills. And he wanted $20 mill+ for. beating up on the sisters of the poor.


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Jul 4, 2013
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True, and he played pretty well. But lets not kid ourselves, the East was garbage that year and most years we would not have been good enough. The only team we beat in '15 that finished .500 (not OVER .500) was the Bills. And he wanted $20 mill+ for. beating up on the sisters of the poor.

So let me ask you something??

Why does Rogers get the old deep throat when for a very long time the Bears, Lions and Vikings were horrid. Why does Luck get the god treatment when the Texans, Jags and Titans were all lower tier teams?? Why is Wilson a god when the NFC west has been a waste land for quite some time?? And for fuck sake Brady.. the GOAT as many of you have proclaimed him has had the Jets (in Fire sale mode) Dolphins (change coaches about as often as we do), and the Bills.

Really, so now we set the double standard that Kirk only won the Division because the rest of the Division was trash??


US ARMY retired /mod.
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That INT he threw against dallas in the endzone was on not on the WR's. This is what I mean when its not about the stats. that play was a huge play in the game that should have been a win but turned into a loss. Yes the defense let him down in the Detroit and Cincy games. But the defense lifted him up in the Ravens,Phily,Min, and Eagles game. You guys refuse to acknowledge this.

i just showed you a boatload of box scores that say otherwise


US ARMY retired /mod.
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True, and he played pretty well. But lets not kid ourselves, the East was garbage that year and most years we would not have been good enough. The only team we beat in '15 that finished .500 (not OVER .500) was the Bills. And he wanted $20 mill+ for. beating up on the sisters of the poor.
listen you cant come out and say he doesnt play well at the end of the year the make excuses when i show he did


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@skinsdad62 @Sportster 72 @j_y19 @SoCalWizFan

Guys, I finally figured out why the Kirk detractors irk the shit out of me. Its because they sound exactly like Cowboys fans when they try and explain to us why the Redskins Super Bowl wins dont really count. Always the side logic Well it was in a strike year ( alot like, well Kirk hasnt really beat any good teams)

The only reason we went that year was because we played starters against scabs ( Only reason we won the division was because the rest of the divsion sucked)

Starting to see the similarities??

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
Old Dominion
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So let me ask you something??

Why does Rogers get the old deep throat when for a very long time the Bears, Lions and Vikings were horrid. Why does Luck get the god treatment when the Texans, Jags and Titans were all lower tier teams?? Why is Wilson a god when the NFC west has been a waste land for quite some time?? And for fuck sake Brady.. the GOAT as many of you have proclaimed him has had the Jets (in Fire sale mode) Dolphins (change coaches about as often as we do), and the Bills.

Really, so now we set the double standard that Kirk only won the Division because the rest of the Division was trash??

Because plain and simple .. they beat everyone else, they go deep in the payoffs, and they win Super Bowls. They have been the class of their division and it isn't even close.

I cant speak for Luck as he hasn't accomplished very much. Maybe it has something to do with him being the most talented QB "prospect" of a generation. He has the size, speed, arm,accuracy, intangibles, intelligence, and everything else. He is the total package..:noidea:

Quarterback Win/Loss Records | The Football Database


And how is it that Kirk ONLY won the division. I thought this was a team sport :nono: :D

Seriously though...I'll give Kirk credit, he played well enough to get us in. But if the East isn't the worst division in football that year, we probably don't get in. If the Giants are the Giants we know, they probably win it. The wildcard teams had a better record than we did if I recall.

Besides, the NFCE wasn't garbage this year and he didnt get us in...just sayin'


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Jul 4, 2013
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Because plain and simple .. they beat everyone else, they go deep in the payoffs, and they win Super Bowls. They have been the class of their division and it isn't even close.

I cant speak for Luck as he hasn't accomplished very much. Maybe it has something to do with him being the most talented QB "prospect" of a generation. He has the size, speed, arm,accuracy, intangibles, intelligence, and everything else. He is the total package..:noidea:

Quarterback Win/Loss Records | The Football Database

View attachment 161170
View attachment 161171

And how is it that Kirk ONLY won the division. I thought this was a team sport :nono: :D

Seriously though...I'll give Kirk credit, he played well enough to get us in. But if the East isn't the worst division in football that year, we probably don't get in. If the Giants are the Giants we know, they probably win it. The wildcard teams had a better record than we did if I recall.

Besides, the NFCE wasn't garbage this year and he didnt get us in...just sayin'

Again, you forget that most of these elites have been playing the position for any where from 8-12 years longer than Kirk, and in all cases starting for that entire time.

But I get it, you think we should maintain the option to go in another direction, never mind that more often than not doing that sets a team back. If we were talking Jason Campbell here, I would understand.

Im wondering how many after a missed throw will point out "See thats why we cant or shouldnt sign him long term. Yet after good games will point out that he should have done better with the talent around him.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Wrong. if the same thing happens this year as last year that would mean he failed to win in big games against good teams. Then that off season saying I want huge money. Doenst make sense to me. If the team finishes better that would mean he won those big games then its a whole different story when it comes to his LTD.

Doenst have to win the Lombardi but has to show that he can win the big game for a playoff birth or to win the division. Or even a Week 2 game against Dallas at home. He should be able to win those. I dont understand the rush to pay him now when we dont know these things for sure. Plus like I said before he wants to play on the tag this year. He wont sign a LTD unless its a D. Carr like contract.
again he has in 2015 which you dismiss, the games WERE BIG , one loss and we are out


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Don't need to pump they made those plays to win games. you cant deny it. Sorry, Im not in the group of if we lose KC we are done as a franchise. I want KC to succeed this year to put all my doubts to bed. My doubts are real b/c of what happened last year. I know todays NFL everyone get paid even though they dont win but there is no risk of losing him this year.
again more damn lies , no one said the franchise is doomed , but it will set us back for sure at least 1-3 years


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again he has in 2015 which you dismiss, the games WERE BIG , one loss and we are out

not dismissing it. He didn't play playoff caliber teams. You have to admit that.


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i just showed you a boatload of box scores that say otherwise

box scores? ya stats. Im talking in games like the example I just gave with Dallas week 2


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@skinsdad62 @Sportster 72 @j_y19 @SoCalWizFan

Guys, I finally figured out why the Kirk detractors irk the shit out of me. Its because they sound exactly like Cowboys fans when they try and explain to us why the Redskins Super Bowl wins dont really count. Always the side logic Well it was in a strike year ( alot like, well Kirk hasnt really beat any good teams)

The only reason we went that year was because we played starters against scabs ( Only reason we won the division was because the rest of the divsion sucked)

Starting to see the similarities??

The only similarities I see are how some of you Cuz fan-boys have no issue misrepresenting facts and/or just out and out lie about shit. You cats don't seem to realize we have computers with the same access as you do to shit on the net.

While its certainly plausible I've never heard any Boys fans dismiss any of the Redskins Super Bowl wins. Nor have I ever heard a Boys fan say the only reason we won was because we played starters against scabs. As that never happened.

The Redskins didn't have a regular player cross the strike line in 1982 or 1987. None. They did beat a Cowboys team though that had about 20 regular players/6 starters cross the picket line to play in the last game of the strike of 1987. A game in which the Skins won 13-7 and gave them a 3-0 record in strike played games of 1987.

Redskins Legacy: Replacements Shock Cowboys 

A real lifelong Redskins fan who wasn't a baby/small child back in those days would know that. A Kirk Cousins fan-boy though might not. As he's probably spent too much time smoking and snorting the dingleberries he picked out of Kirk's ass crack. After he super-glued himself to Kirk's nut-sack.

Stop embarrassing yourself talking about shit you clearly know nothing about.


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The only similarities I see are how some of you Cuz fan-boys have no issue misrepresenting facts and/or just out and out lie about shit. You cats don't seem to realize we have computers with the same access as you do to shit on the net.

While its certainly plausible I've never heard any Boys fans dismiss any of the Redskins Super Bowl wins. Nor have I ever heard a Boys fan say the only reason we won was because we played starters against scabs. As that never happened.

The Redskins didn't have a regular player cross the strike line in 1982 or 1987. None. They did beat a Cowboys team though that had about 20 regular players/6 starters cross the picket line to play in the last game of the strike of 1987. A game in which the Skins won 13-7 and gave them a 3-0 record in strike played games of 1987.

Redskins Legacy: Replacements Shock Cowboys

A real lifelong Redskins fan who wasn't a baby/small child back in those days would know that. A Kirk Cousins fan-boy though might not. As he's probably spent too much time smoking and snorting the dingleberries he picked out of Kirk's ass crack. After he super-glued himself to Kirk's nut-sack.

Stop embarrassing yourself talking about shit you clearly know nothing about.

Again brah, where did I say their logic made ANY more sense?? I simply stated that some folks sound like a bunch of haters looking for reasons why we shouldnt give Cousins a long term deal this year under any circumstances. NOw as to wether or not its simply because one doesnt like Cousins as our long term starter because they dont like him for some reason. Or if some folks have just fallen in love with the idea of leaving our "Options" open to delve into the apparently Elite rich QB class of 2018.... thats for each individual to decide and admit to themselves if no one else.