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Series Thread: Rangers Royally receive Kansas City for four 7/28-7/31


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I'm going to offer up what I know will probably be an unpopular opinion around here-

I really hope we trade for Jonathan Lucroy. I know that it's highly unlikely and that pitching is absolutely our biggest need. But here are a few reasons why I really want us to get him:

1. He's on a ridiculously reasonable $5.25M contract and under control for another year after this year.

2. He represents a HUGE upgrade over what we currently have on offense. He is #2 in all of baseball in WAR (behind only Posey) and #2 in OPS (behind only Ramos). He's essentially the best hitting catcher in baseball. Our current tandem doesn't even rank in the top 20. That's a big upgrade to our offense.

3. He also represents a massive upgrade defensively. He is #1 in all of baseball in runners thrown out stealing and #10 in dWAR. Lucroy has thrown out 32 base runners, while Wilson, Chirinos, Holaday, and Nicholas have combined for 16. Also, none of our catchers rank within the top 20 in dWAR. In every single other defensive metric out there, he destroys our catchers.

I know we won't get him, and I know we need pitching. But I just think he would be a huge difference maker on both sides of the plate and would actually be someone worth spending a few prospects on. He is hands down the biggest upgrade we could make at any one of the 8 non-pitching positions.

i'm with you on this. It would take our weakest offensive and defensive position and be an massive upgrade.

If we could land Lucroy and then another back end guy, I'd be ok. We don't need a 3rd ace right now. Keep the prospects until the winter and see if Fernandez throws a fit and gets booted out.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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For some reason I have been waiting to hear all day that Volquez will be actually suiting up for Texas tonight.

It would be funny, and a great get.


2023 World Series Champions
Jan 12, 2015
Peagleville, TX
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I'm going to offer up what I know will probably be an unpopular opinion around here-

I really hope we trade for Jonathan Lucroy...

All things considered, if we don't give up too much for him, he would help. My current unpopular opinion is that the offense needs help - and not a small amount, either. Lucroy could definitely help.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
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A few years back I had a discussion with someone on another Rangers board about trading prospects. Sometimes I saved what I wrote because I figured I would just have to rewrite the same thing later. Here is what I wrote then and I think it is appropriate now.

Prospects are currency. That means that you need to spend that currency wisely and get the most for your currency. The biggest enemy of getting a great deal done can often be making a good deal before the great deal comes along.

A deal should be graded not necessarily just by what the prospects eventually do in their career, but by what else they could have been traded for based on their value today. Even if all of your traded prospects fail to accomplish much in the future they still have a value when traded and that value has to be taken into account when grading trades I think. Even counterfeit money has value if no one realizes it is counterfeit until 3 years from now.

It is all about opinions which is the case in most baseball discussions. I don't think though that just because it is easier to wait three years to see what the prospects turn out to be necessarily means that that would be the accurate way to judge a prospects laden trade. Whether it is this trade or any other.

Had Beaven became a perennial Cy Young winner I would still think the Cliff Lee trade was a great trade based on how I valued Beaven and Lee at the time of the trade. Hindsight is much easier, but not necessarily a fair way to judge something. I can understand the thought process of those who do wish to wait and judge it later on, but I don't agree.

I think the whole idea that prospects are currency yields itself to some subjective thinking. Currency always has a value attached to it or it really isn't very good currency. The decision on what value to attach is very subjective, but is required to make assessments. The value takes into account potential and you really can't wait until that potential plays itself out to determine value.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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For some reason I have been waiting to hear all day that Volquez will be actually suiting up for Texas tonight.

It would be funny, and a great get.
I think if we make another trade for a starting pitcher that it more likely will be him than anyone else. It is just a hunch I have had since I heard KC would be sellers one day last week.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
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I think if we make another trade for a starting pitcher that it more likely will be him than anyone else. It is just a hunch I have had since I heard KC would be sellers one day last week.

Same, and over the years my hunches have been pretty spot on with this team.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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I'm just glad a lot of people on this board don't run this team, we would be in the same boat as the Angels

Xx srs bsns xX

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Aug 11, 2011
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I'm going to offer up what I know will probably be an unpopular opinion around here-

I really hope we trade for Jonathan Lucroy. I know that it's highly unlikely and that pitching is absolutely our biggest need. But here are a few reasons why I really want us to get him:

1. He's on a ridiculously reasonable $5.25M contract and under control for another year after this year.

2. He represents a HUGE upgrade over what we currently have on offense. He is #2 in all of baseball in WAR (behind only Posey) and #2 in OPS (behind only Ramos). He's essentially the best hitting catcher in baseball. Our current tandem doesn't even rank in the top 20. That's a big upgrade to our offense.

3. He also represents a massive upgrade defensively. He is #1 in all of baseball in runners thrown out stealing and #10 in dWAR. Lucroy has thrown out 32 base runners, while Wilson, Chirinos, Holaday, and Nicholas have combined for 16. Also, none of our catchers rank within the top 20 in dWAR. In every single other defensive metric out there, he destroys our catchers.

I know we won't get him, and I know we need pitching. But I just think he would be a huge difference maker on both sides of the plate and would actually be someone worth spending a few prospects on. He is hands down the biggest upgrade we could make at any one of the 8 non-pitching positions.

I wouldn't mind Lucroy....(packaged with a reliever)... but I would absolutely hate to "spend" a few of our hitting prospects for a hitter. Granted, it would fill the largest hole in our lineup... but to me, spend the prospects on Darvish's replacement.


2023 World Series Champions
Jan 12, 2015
Peagleville, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I'm just glad a lot of people on this board don't run this team, we would be in the same boat as the Angels

Signing aging players to ridiculous contracts? I don't recall anyone here wanting to do that with anyone. AFAIK, Beltre is the only suggestion I've seen anyone make that made me sort of cringe. And that was something like 3 years, 17 per year. Which isn't THAT ludicrous.


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Bob Nightengale of USA Today just tweeted that the Rangers continue to push very hard for Chris Sale and that they're trying to decide if they will part with Mazara or not.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Don't want to part with Mazara. No use getting an arm if we have to give up a starting hitter.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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Pitching Notes: Sale, Dodgers-A's, Jays, Odorizzi, Moore, Niese

Presumably, the club is looking for more to go with that pair, though the full demands from the Sox remain unknown. Texas will obviously be hesitant to part with Mazara, in particular, since he’s not only an important future piece but has played a notable role on this year’s roster. On the other hand, he seems like a perfectly reasonable request; there simply aren’t very many pitchers out there that combine Sale’s track record and contract situation.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I'd hang up on CWS then. I get why they want that. But no.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Pitching Notes: Sale, Dodgers-A's, Jays, Odorizzi, Moore, Niese

Presumably, the club is looking for more to go with that pair, though the full demands from the Sox remain unknown. Texas will obviously be hesitant to part with Mazara, in particular, since he’s not only an important future piece but has played a notable role on this year’s roster. On the other hand, he seems like a perfectly reasonable request; there simply aren’t very many pitchers out there that combine Sale’s track record and contract situation.

or bat-shit-craziness


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The problem as I see it is everyone wants Profar Gallo and/or Mazara. Can't blame them but which are expendable? Seems to me we are wanting more the we need. Three aces is nice but #3/4 will protect our future and not break the bank. Darvish,Hamels,Volquez or Moore, Lewis,
Holland Griffin