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I do find this funny ! Holes are being shot up on the muellar report and not much comment on that

Show the full report, and underlying findings. But that wont happen until Trump is out of office.


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US ARMY retired /mod.
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Show the full report, and underlying findings. But that wont happen until Trump is out of office.
The full report is shown . The dems in Congress can see everything except one sentence .

Nice attempt by epic fail and again another dodge from the issues at hand


US ARMY retired /mod.
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And of course this too


US ARMY retired /mod.
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this flip the party thing started with the fake southern strategy nixon supposedly employed .. there is no record of nixon ever making a racist speech he condemned the black panthers and the weather underground at the same time .

when nixon entered office 70% of blacks attended segregated school , by 1974 when he resigned it was down to 8 %. more then the previous 16 year by far . he also put in the 1st affirmative action program . he forced unions to admit blacks a searcjable fact

now is a racist going to support that because you said the parties flipped

moreover nixon lost the deep south george wallace won those a democrat that should have flipped but didnt according to your theory

the book , " the emerging republican party" written by kevin phillips is claimed by progressives as the brain child of richard nixons " southern strategy" , where the big lie comes from , is called by dan carter ( a progressive historian ) the NUTS and BOLTS architect .

the problem with this is the book ws written in 1969 and couldnt have been used in 1968 . even phillips agrees with this . again another searchable fact

what nixon did do was win the sun belt state s he was not after deep south states like miss, ga , sc or alambama

he went after perpheril states like FL, TX ARK ,NC TN VA phillips calls the last 4 states reluctant confederate states . nixon targeted these state because they didnt vote on race but on policies . sure enough nixon won those state while wallace , a dixiecrat won the deep south . a searchable fact according to their narrative

what happened to all those dixie crats who progressives according to their narrative moved from the democratic party to republican ? of all the bigots and segregationist who voted against the civil rights act of 1964 i can count just one who switched , strom thurmond . . the constellation of racist dixiecrats includes senators william murray , thomas p gore ( recognize the name ? ) spessard holland , sam ervin , russell long , robert byrd richard russell olin johnston lister hill john c stennis john sparkman john mcclellan james eastland herman talmadge herbert walters hary f byrd sr and his son JR , george smathers , everette jordan allen ellender , a willis robertson al gore sr (recognize the name ) william fullbright, herbert wakters w kerr scott , and marion p daniel , never switched to republican another searchable fact

there are 4 dixiecrat govenors william h murray , frank dixon fielding wright and benjamin laney

now i will be here forever and a day listing dixiecrat congressman but from the entire 200 person list only 1 defected to the other party the so called big switch advocates . another searchable fact

these dixiecrats remained in the democratic party for year even decades , i cant find any evidence that democrats repudiated them or attempt to throw them out

segratgationist like richard russell and william fulbright were lionized in their party and of course robert byrd was eulogized in 2010 by dems and a progressive media again a searchable fact

now the sell is all these dixiecrats went republican when in fact they most certainly did not . the numbers are searchable facts

the political shift in the south began in the eisenhower era eisenhower , who won 5 peripheral states in 1956 , breaking the lock FDR and truman had for decades . obviously this preceded the civil rights movement of the 60's and cant be attributed to it

the old south transitioned to the GOP camp in the 70's and 80's in response to reagonite appeal of free market capitalism .patriotism protection of unborn childeren schoo lprayer and family values . these social issues were far more central to reagons message then race

in 1980 reagon lost just 6 states , in 1984 just 1 and there wasnt any fake ass "southern strategy involved , another searchable fact .

reagons successs was made possible bt the sharp leftward move by the democratic party they held totally opposite views and this receives virtually no mention by progressive scholars you sight Sty , because it disrupts the thesis that the trend to the south to the republican party was based mostly on race

as far as senate and house seats the south didnt become solidly republican until 1994 (a searchable fact ) , this was due to the contract of america which closely mirrored reagons agenda . leftist historian kevin kruse implies this has some dark hidden racial component . poppycock small govt conservatism is not racism

the south has become much like the rest of the country . they vote for republicans the same as other people vote republican economic issues, social issues foreign policy for whites and no less blacks ( another searchable fact ) race has little to do with it

the data clearly shows that racism dramatically declined in the later half of the 20th century and it shows precisely that the south moved steadily to the GOP thus the south became less racist . it also became more republican . the progressive narrative is in ruins at this point

after WW2 it was obvious that when the troops came home from war fighting the nazi's that racism became a politically untenable position . LBJ ( a huge racist ) saw this and hence his reversal of the civil rights act originally submitted by eisenhower which he rejected . (another searchable fact ) hence his famous statement " we lost the south "

so tell me was progressive FDR a democrat only when he came up with SSN and other govt programs the nazis and and facists got their economic ideas from ? or was he a republican when he jailed people of color ?

what about the father of progressive-ism woodrow wilson . was he and undercover republican with his racist stances ?

and of course the great abe lincoln said the republican party was " conservative " not progressive

now i posted a thread like this approximately 6-12 months ago in response to shark making that BS flip statement . of course i got no response

now i put the names and numbers up and this crap is debunked
Just so we don’t claim this post was never posted 6 months later even though I posted this same information about that long ago but amnesia set in


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Another. Story about illegals committing crime


US ARMY retired /mod.
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US ARMY retired /mod.
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Some here argued tariffs don’t work , hmmm


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that has been debunked so easily and i have done it in this thread . scroll back and get educated

It's absolutely common knowledge.

The fact that you think you debunked 300+ years of easily researchable, easily understood as fact common knowledge about US History is the problem with the republican party in a nutshell.

Don't like the ACTUAL facts? Make up new ones!


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Nobody liked or would benefit from DumbDumb's tariff threats, including most of the members of DumbDumb's own party.

It's a classic move, made particularly to fool DumbDumb's ignorant, deplorable base.

Dumbdumb wasn't ever going to actually impose the tariffs, and the mexican government isn't going to actually keep the migrants in northern mexico border towns while they seek asylum in America.

The only victory will go to the other countries that Mexico does business with, in order to not be held hostage by the moron-in-chief's future temper tantrums.

That's dumbDumb Drumpf in a nutshell: full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. Except to his ignorant base.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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It's absolutely common knowledge.

The fact that you think you debunked 300+ years of easily researchable, easily understood as fact common knowledge about US History is the problem with the republican party in a nutshell.

Don't like the ACTUAL facts? Make up new ones!
I put up facts now prove them wrong


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Mexico’s president is a left-wing socialist. That Trump can get a deal done with this guy is a tribute to his negotiating prowess. I think most Americans KNOW this; many, however, can’t bring themselves to ADMIT it


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Our whole educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities, is increasingly turning out people who have never heard enough conflicting arguments to develop the skills & discipline required to produce a coherent analysis, based on logic & evidence.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Nobody liked or would benefit from DumbDumb's tariff threats, including most of the members of DumbDumb's own party.

It's a classic move, made particularly to fool DumbDumb's ignorant, deplorable base.

Dumbdumb wasn't ever going to actually impose the tariffs, and the mexican government isn't going to actually keep the migrants in northern mexico border towns while they seek asylum in America.

The only victory will go to the other countries that Mexico does business with, in order to not be held hostage by the moron-in-chief's future temper tantrums.

That's dumbDumb Drumpf in a nutshell: full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing. Except to his ignorant base.
So why did Mexico cave if he wasn’t going to do it . I mean that guy is a left
Wing socialist
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