Well-Known Member
Theres some pretty crazy stuff in the bible too. There's a reason the overwhelming majority of muslims aren't terrorists - cuz it isn't what the religion teaches.
Trump has no interest in finding out what was going on. We do vet people coming into the country. How is banning a group that is overwhelmingly peaceful the solution?
Tell me about the crazy stuff in the Bible because within context, it isn’t crazy at all.
I have had a Muslim try to teach me about the context of the Quran. It was a short conversation because I ask questions. When I asked him to explain a verse, he tried to explain it with context. Ultimately, if you read the surrounding passages, contextually, you do not reach the conclusion he claimed. Finally, he admitted it was what he was taught and it had nothing to do with context.
You say he has no interest, yet, he did push for better vetting. Our vetting process consisted of asking unverifiable questions of people and accepting their answers as truth. It is a solution if the terrorists come from those nations. Again, we do not need these or any other people. If we allow one bad apple in, that is one too many.