Here’s the Notorious RGB calling out thomas’s ridiculous rant, for what it was: the ramblings of a dinosaur:
Ruth Bader Ginsberg Just Sized Up Mike Pence for Exactly What He Is
Once again, Democrats are for freedom and the loonies on the right are for restrictions.
The notion that if NASA discovers a microbe of sorts floating in a pond of algae is undisputed evidence they have discovered life is exceedingly silly to my way of thinking. To me life is breathing,,, walking.. beating etc..I won't argue with your opinion, we all have them and to be frank are entitled to them unless/until they interfere with someone else's right to the same. That said, it's beyond lunacy to compare human reproduction to an extraterrestrial search for some form of life. Using his theory, visitors from some other planet could in fact come here looking for some form of life and totally dismiss all of us because we don't meet their definition of the same. The contrast is that we here on planet earth get to define what life is and isn't from our perspective. You agree with him and "believe" that two lines of blood and cells with an electrical impulse is life, it isn't!! Notice the difference? You "believe" and I make the positive declaration that it isn't! Get it?
Lincoln was conflicted and had to make what he considered difficult choices, they weren't had he been able to separate himself from himself. In the end he decided based on what's best for the country and in spite of the well established social norms instilled in him. The issue of abortion also isn't a difficult question once you consider what's in the best interest of your fellow countrymen/women/others in relation to their beliefs, their bodies, their pursuit of happiness, their relationship with whatever deity they confess to, their mate(s) and their right to not have you or anyone else including the government interfering with something that you and all government officials hold sacred for yourself and themselves. .
And that means it passed away sorry I am not buying the secular viewI'll just add this to a very amusing textversation. For those of you who continue with the nonsense concerning "life" beginning when egg meets sperm or vice versa (conception). Please take a moment to google the importance of "Implantation and hormonal balance" in this regard.
For the record, after sperm and egg combine there's roughly a 25-35% chance that pregnancy follows and a host of other factors that prevent bringing the original combination to term.