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Justice Clarence Thomas Blasts Abortion As A Tool Of Racist Eugenicists

Indeed, 21st century progressives often engage in a revisionist history of their early 20th century counterparts’ embrace of eugenics. But Thomas recounts the lengthy history Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger had with the practice of population control. In 1921, she wrote that “the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit’ [is] admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization” and that “the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.”

Sanger was a featured guest of the Ku Klux Klan and a proponent of the forced sterilization program of the Nazi regime in the 1930s. She deemed the population of black Americans “degenerate and defective” and her clinics targeted black and immigrant communities like central Harlem in New York City.

Alan Guttmacher, president of Planned Parenthood in the 1960s and early 1970s who explicitly endorsed eugenic reasons for abortion, is also included in Thomas’ opinion. Guttmacher wrote that “it should be permissible to abort any pregnancy … in which there is a strong probability of an abnormal or malformed infant.”

The racist work of Planned Parenthood today is built on the foundational beliefs of their predecessors, Sanger and Guttmacher. Seventy-eight percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority communities. Blacks make up 12.1 percent of the U.S. population, but 35 percent of the country’s abortions

Justice Thomas has 12 pages on the eugenic and racist roots of Planned Parenthood and abortion in the recent SCOTUS Indiana decision. No rebuttal whatever from the left-wing justices. The progressive big lie is starting to fall apart!

Now let’s talk about subtle racism or systemic racism . It’s right here in front of you but people on this board support this organization and what it stands for


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Good take here

I was totally with him, in fact he simply restated my position on the subject of abortion, until he made the incorrect declaration that it is "life." Two lines of blood and cellular material with an electrical impulse incorrectly identified as a heartbeat isn't life. To be fair he spoke of a fetus, something further advanced in the developmental stage and unrelated to the timeframe in which most abortions occur.


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warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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I was totally with him, in fact he simply restated my position on the subject of abortion, until he made the incorrect declaration that it is "life." Two lines of blood and cellular material with an electrical impulse incorrectly identified as a heartbeat isn't life. To be fair he spoke of a fetus, something further advanced in the developmental stage and unrelated to the timeframe in which most abortions occur.
So Lincoln was a smart man. I think we all can agree with that. I would almost go as far as to say he was even guided by an upper hand... as was Moses. You are my rod and my staff basically; to end this travesty of injustice we know as slavery... and as always,,, God wins and the job gets done. Back to D'Souza... this guy makes a good point regarding life. NASA is in search in distant galaxies to find a simple speck of a grain of sand size bacteria clung to a rock to beam to the world that they have finally found life. Yet the argument at home regarding a baby who has a heart beat and kicks at the womb is nothing more than a blob of nothing. Again, I believe in women having the right to choose but early on before life is clearly detected with a beat of a human heart. Yes they can't think, see, hear or speak,, but this is a living being... and even more.. a human being. We as a species are appalled when someone hurts a defenseless dog but never bat an eye when it's a defenseless human. As Lincoln said,,, nobody should have the choice to take the choice away from anyone. Though saying that it's a hard battle to fight regarding abortion. Old white law making men who now wanna do right by God to get their ticket stamped to Heaven have no care for the girl who was raped, made a teenage mistake, or baby has been deemed with life altering complications. I say to be fair in this world the woman has to be able to make a choice.... but a choice needs to come as soon as pregnancy is known and most importantly covered through insurance.


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Still trying to grasp what Lincoln was implying here to be truthful but I think I know... Don't take my choice away with your choice to impose a law that alters that choice. Yea that's a tuffy to grasp being that the context was talking bout slavery... but I aint doubting Lincoln's logic,,, far greater than mine:scratch:.


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So Lincoln was a smart man. I think we all can agree with that. I would almost go as far as to say he was even guided by an upper hand... as was Moses. You are my rod and my staff basically; to end this travesty of injustice we know as slavery... and as always,,, God wins and the job gets done. Back to D'Souza... this guy makes a good point regarding life. NASA is in search in distant galaxies to find a simple speck of a grain of sand size bacteria clung to a rock to beam to the world that they have finally found life. Yet the argument at home regarding a baby who has a heart beat and kicks at the womb is nothing more than a blob of nothing. Again, I believe in women having the right to choose but early on before life is clearly detected with a beat of a human heart. Yes they can't think, see, hear or speak,, but this is a living being... and even more.. a human being. We as a species are appalled when someone hurts a defenseless dog but never bat an eye when it's a defenseless human. As Lincoln said,,, nobody should have the choice to take the choice away from anyone. Though saying that it's a hard battle to fight regarding abortion. Old white law making men who now wanna do right by God to get their ticket stamped to Heaven have no care for the girl who was raped, made a teenage mistake, or baby has been deemed with life altering complications. I say to be fair in this world the woman has to be able to make a choice.... but a choice needs to come as soon as pregnancy is known and most importantly covered through insurance.

I won't argue with your opinion, we all have them and to be frank are entitled to them unless/until they interfere with someone else's right to the same. That said, it's beyond lunacy to compare human reproduction to an extraterrestrial search for some form of life. Using his theory, visitors from some other planet could in fact come here looking for some form of life and totally dismiss all of us because we don't meet their definition of the same. The contrast is that we here on planet earth get to define what life is and isn't from our perspective. You agree with him and "believe" that two lines of blood and cells with an electrical impulse is life, it isn't!! Notice the difference? You "believe" and I make the positive declaration that it isn't! Get it?

Lincoln was conflicted and had to make what he considered difficult choices, they weren't had he been able to separate himself from himself. In the end he decided based on what's best for the country and in spite of the well established social norms instilled in him. The issue of abortion also isn't a difficult question once you consider what's in the best interest of your fellow countrymen/women/others in relation to their beliefs, their bodies, their pursuit of happiness, their relationship with whatever deity they confess to, their mate(s) and their right to not have you or anyone else including the government interfering with something that you and all government officials hold sacred for yourself and themselves. .


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Still trying to grasp what Lincoln was implying here to be truthful but I think I know... Don't take my choice away with your choice to impose a law that alters that choice. Yea that's a tuffy to grasp being that the context was talking bout slavery... but I aint doubting Lincoln's logic,,, far greater than mine:scratch:.

It wasn't logic at all, in fact it was his internal struggle with himself. Logic would have led him to not disturb the status quo, and dodge the whole build up to civil war. Internally, he knew that he taking this position pitted him against the opposition tide that still wouldn't have prevented war, just who fired the first shots. Regardless the war began and the question turned from prevention to ending this self destruction. This was a much easier question for him to consider and led to emancipation in slave states and his ultimate assassination.

Putting his conundrum to the test regarding abortion it works out like this, another famous Lincoln quote restated: "A house divided cannot stand half free to choose and half not allowed to choose."

Imagine how angry/disappointed/whatever pro-slavery supporters must have felt with emancipation! Their "beliefs" were rooted in their relationship to religion and certain interpretations of scripture. (sound familiar?) Then consider how totally destructive to the country a protracted war would have been over an issue that to date still doesn't sit well with a lot of folks in this country!

Abortion is no less divisive as an issue, that presents that same conundrum that slavery did/does. The difference is that outlawing it doesn't end it at all, it just moves it from a safer place to a much less safe place where it's performed. So what's best for the country? On this issue Stephen Douglas had it right, sort of. His statement on allowing separate communities decide merely brings us back to where we are now. While I agree with his sentiment, he doesn't go far to suit our modern issue. Instead of community the best way out of this mess must stop at the individual, in other words personal choice. Think about that for an instance, someone else's choice doesn't infringe upon anyone else's choice to oppose the same. It doesn't stop one from airing their opposition to the same and at the same time, doesn't prevent those most intimately involved from expressing their free will.

"Minding your (generic) fucking business!" is a very powerful argument against those who choose to involve themselves in someone else's business. Without such crude wisdom, we open up intrusive doors that we just might come to regret that opened because we now are all subject to such intrusiveness.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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So Lincoln was a smart man. I think we all can agree with that. I would almost go as far as to say he was even guided by an upper hand... as was Moses. You are my rod and my staff basically; to end this travesty of injustice we know as slavery... and as always,,, God wins and the job gets done. Back to D'Souza... this guy makes a good point regarding life. NASA is in search in distant galaxies to find a simple speck of a grain of sand size bacteria clung to a rock to beam to the world that they have finally found life. Yet the argument at home regarding a baby who has a heart beat and kicks at the womb is nothing more than a blob of nothing. Again, I believe in women having the right to choose but early on before life is clearly detected with a beat of a human heart. Yes they can't think, see, hear or speak,, but this is a living being... and even more.. a human being. We as a species are appalled when someone hurts a defenseless dog but never bat an eye when it's a defenseless human. As Lincoln said,,, nobody should have the choice to take the choice away from anyone. Though saying that it's a hard battle to fight regarding abortion. Old white law making men who now wanna do right by God to get their ticket stamped to Heaven have no care for the girl who was raped, made a teenage mistake, or baby has been deemed with life altering complications. I say to be fair in this world the woman has to be able to make a choice.... but a choice needs to come as soon as pregnancy is known and most importantly covered through insurance.
Life ? If you to touch the fetus it would react. It has cell division it takes in nutrients that looks like life to me


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And it doesn’t prove it didnt
(Which left fact check sites forget)

...and your posting doesn't prove that it did! I hope that you're finally getting the point about this stuff. In fact, now that we're on the subject, let me ask you, why do you think that there's a continual push to write the articles that you post here about immigrants and crime? I'll ask you about others later, but for now let's stick with this topic.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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I won't argue with your opinion, we all have them and to be frank are entitled to them unless/until they interfere with someone else's right to the same. That said, it's beyond lunacy to compare human reproduction to an extraterrestrial search for some form of life. Using his theory, visitors from some other planet could in fact come here looking for some form of life and totally dismiss all of us because we don't meet their definition of the same. The contrast is that we here on planet earth get to define what life is and isn't from our perspective. You agree with him and "believe" that two lines of blood and cells with an electrical impulse is life, it isn't!! Notice the difference? You "believe" and I make the positive declaration that it isn't! Get it?

Lincoln was conflicted and had to make what he considered difficult choices, they weren't had he been able to separate himself from himself. In the end he decided based on what's best for the country and in spite of the well established social norms instilled in him. The issue of abortion also isn't a difficult question once you consider what's in the best interest of your fellow countrymen/women/others in relation to their beliefs, their bodies, their pursuit of happiness, their relationship with whatever deity they confess to, their mate(s) and their right to not have you or anyone else including the government interfering with something that you and all government officials hold sacred for yourself and themselves. .
The minute the first cell
Divides , it is life


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Life ? If you to touch the fetus it would react. It has cell division it takes in nutrients that looks like life to me

This is true of a fetus, so once again I'll remind folks here that there's a marked difference between a fetus and of blood, cellular materials and some electrical conduction that takes place when the vast majority of abortions take place.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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...and your posting doesn't prove that it did! I hope that you're finally getting the point about this stuff. In fact, now that we're on the subject, let me ask you, why do you think that there's a continual push to write the articles that you post here about immigrants and crime? I'll ask you about others later, but for now let's stick with this topic.
More tap dancing , why am I posting these articles ? Go back and look as to why .

I know what the goal of open borders is


US ARMY retired /mod.
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This is true of a fetus, so once again I'll remind folks here that there's a marked difference between a fetus and of blood, cellular materials and some electrical conduction that takes place when the vast majority of abortions take place.
Doesn’t change the fact it is life


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Nonsense! There's not one credible physician alive who agrees with this!
It has no chance but to be life which no credible scientist would deny
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