Well-Known Member
that is about the most foolish crap i have ever heard .
immigration should be merit based but not because of some lame comfortable for conservatives crap you spew . its because this country cant afford to keep taking everyones problems and assimulate them to us
we also give these" shithole" countries billions of dollars in aid . no one is promised a damn thing in this life and why should someone who happens to be close to our border get preference over someone who doesnt ?
i have been around the world and back shark and NO immigrant is successful unless they can speak the native language .. all you do is change the location for their poverty
yes , secure the border first (to incude a wall but not the sole approach )
yes deport people here illegally , they have no DAMN RIGHT to be here PERIOD .but that can be in the future
my feeling is if you are here you can stay but you cant be a citizen EVER . your kids ? perhaps , their kids certainly
and TRUMP did offer to make a deal on DACA but the DEMS refused (twice ) again probably something you never heard about because you slurp democratic talking points delivered by the LSM . their propaganda arm
1. People have been coming here and not speaking english for more than 100 years, and yet they thrive and persist.
2. There is that some of them thing again. And I freely admit some of them do come here and commit crimes. But just as you dont want me calling you a KKK member because you happen to be white and conservative. Its rather a broad brush you are painting with that all of these people or even most of them are here to do harm and freeload.
3. For the "WINNERS" in all this, I find it odd you guys are still so bitter about everything even though you won, Trump is godking and he is doing everything to make America Great (for you) Again.
4. Trump was offered $25 BIllion for his wall in exchange for DACA and a path to citizenship for those already here, Stephen Miller talked him out of it because he like you felt that these people should be removed en masse.