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warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Presidential communications are saved and or recorded for posterity. So maybe not as difficult to find as one might imagine. We also live in the email/text era which is yet another source. Granted, it is a extremely stupid thing to do ( put these things on such media) but consider the sources. We're talking about NFL owners and this guy....


BTW: One player getting beat out by another isn't always what it appears to be. Who knows that better than we, who were witness to a time when Kirk was beat out by other players.:D (note my use of "beat out")
Please answer this question: Do you feel with all sincerity that posting a pic of Trump next to an orange orangutan insinuating that he looks like this animal differs any from a white person posting a pic of Obama next to an animal insinuating the same thing. This is blatant racist hatred in my book. Now I understand this is all in good fun in your book but in mine it's no different than the pics that floated around of Obama. Heres the thing Stymie, if we as a people can't respect, don't have to agree with, but if we can't respect the leader of our nation than how can we respect the white plumber, or the black electrician, or the janitors or the simple cashiers in our diverse world. If we can't even respect the highest authority than how can we respect each other as a people. Do you call Trump a white buffoon in front of your grandkids. remember,, heart of one color the moment we're born.. heart of one color unblemished or torn... ripped slowly away by a world ever cruel,, to judge and be judged is societies rule.

Im not calling you out personally I'm calling out every person that slanders others by what they look like, or don't look like. We lead our children by example. Teach them respect regardless if they don't like somebody, or agree with them. Gkekoa is correct in saying that had Obamas head been inserted in place all hell fire would soon follow. My question stands... how is this any different than what the black race have cried are racist pics. Hate the man all you want but have respect. He's not the racist man the left media has driven into your soul. He ain't perfect but then none of us are. Again, hate his policies, hate is personally being but have some respect. You're better than this.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Please answer this question: Do you feel with all sincerity that posting a pic of Trump next to an orange orangutan insinuating that he looks like this animal differs any from a white person posting a pic of Obama next to an animal insinuating the same thing. This is blatant racist hatred in my book. Now I understand this is all in good fun in your book but in mine it's no different than the pics that floated around of Obama. Heres the thing Stymie, if we as a people can't respect, don't have to agree with, but if we can't respect the leader of our nation than how can we respect the white plumber, or the black electrician, or the janitors or the simple cashiers in our diverse world. If we can't even respect the highest authority than how can we respect each other as a people. Do you call Trump a white buffoon in front of your grandkids. remember,, heart of one color the moment we're born.. heart of one color unblemished or torn... ripped slowly away by a world ever cruel,, to judge and be judged is societies rule.

Im not calling you out personally I'm calling out every person that slanders others by what they look like, or don't look like. We lead our children by example. Teach them respect regardless if they don't like somebody, or agree with them. Gkekoa is correct in saying that had Obamas head been inserted in place all hell fire would soon follow. My question stands... how is this any different than what the black race have cried are racist pics. Hate the man all you want but have respect. He's not the racist man the left media has driven into your soul. He ain't perfect but then none of us are. Again, hate his policies, hate is personally being but have some respect. You're better than this.

Rep.... I will simply say this. You can respect the office of President without respecting the person that sits in it.

I have the utmost respect for those that CHOOSE to become police officers, Fire Fighters, or Join the military. BUt thats because I respect the job. That being said, there are some who do the job that have not earned, nor will they ever have my respect because of how they choose to perform the job, and the actions of the person(s) in question.


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Aug 7, 2013
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Please answer this question: Do you feel with all sincerity that posting a pic of Trump next to an orange orangutan insinuating that he looks like this animal differs any from a white person posting a pic of Obama next to an animal insinuating the same thing. This is blatant racist hatred in my book. Now I understand this is all in good fun in your book but in mine it's no different than the pics that floated around of Obama. Heres the thing Stymie, if we as a people can't respect, don't have to agree with, but if we can't respect the leader of our nation than how can we respect the white plumber, or the black electrician, or the janitors or the simple cashiers in our diverse world. If we can't even respect the highest authority than how can we respect each other as a people. Do you call Trump a white buffoon in front of your grandkids. remember,, heart of one color the moment we're born.. heart of one color unblemished or torn... ripped slowly away by a world ever cruel,, to judge and be judged is societies rule.

Im not calling you out personally I'm calling out every person that slanders others by what they look like, or don't look like. We lead our children by example. Teach them respect regardless if they don't like somebody, or agree with them. Gkekoa is correct in saying that had Obamas head been inserted in place all hell fire would soon follow. My question stands... how is this any different than what the black race have cried are racist pics. Hate the man all you want but have respect. He's not the racist man the left media has driven into your soul. He ain't perfect but then none of us are. Again, hate his policies, hate is personally being but have some respect. You're better than this.

To be honest with you those pictures of Obama happened long before Trump's so there's that. It seems to me that the very thin skin and sensitivity that others are now showing weren't as accommodating when Obama was prez.
I've already told you why African Americans CANNOT be racist beyond against themselves or other minorities. Just as a reminder, RACISM is a system, prejudice is a choice.

Specifically, to your question, Trump ACTUALLY sued Bill Mahre for 5 million dollars because of that picture (that's why I selected it) because BM insinuated that this was Trumps parentage. The case was thrown out at the request of Trump when Trump himself COULD NOT produce evidence that it was not. That is a real case on the books, don't believe me? Look it up! Hell, until he proves otherwise, it's not even slander.

BTW: I don't hate Trump, I actually feel sorry for him and this country for voting in this con man. Respect is earned that comes with the office that he holds, it goes away when he, as has been detailed time and again in his short presidency disrespects those that he's supposed to represent and the office.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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respect is not earned , you can never earn my respect , you can only lose it . respect should be a given until someone loses yours


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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To be honest with you those pictures of Obama happened long before Trump's so there's that. It seems to me that the very thin skin and sensitivity that others are now showing weren't as accommodating when Obama was prez.
I've already told you why African Americans CANNOT be racist beyond against themselves or other minorities. Just as a reminder, RACISM is a system, prejudice is a choice.

Specifically, to your question, Trump ACTUALLY sued Bill Mahre for 5 million dollars because of that picture (that's why I selected it) because BM insinuated that this was Trumps parentage. The case was thrown out at the request of Trump when Trump himself COULD NOT produce evidence that it was not. That is a real case on the books, don't believe me? Look it up! Hell, until he proves otherwise, it's not even slander.

BTW: I don't hate Trump, I actually feel sorry for him and this country for voting in this con man. Respect is earned that comes with the office that he holds, it goes away when he, as has been detailed time and again in his short presidency disrespects those that he's supposed to represent and the office.

I have no problem with the picture of the orangutan but I would have no problem with Obama's either. Racism is not a system...the definition is prejudice and ultimately superiority. Yes, black people can be racist.

Don't feel sorry for the country unless you disagree with the policies. Trump is an asshole but he actually hasn't done much wrong.


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Aug 7, 2013
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I have no problem with the picture of the orangutan but I would have no problem with Obama's either. Racism is not a system...the definition is prejudice and ultimately superiority. Yes, black people can be racist.

Don't feel sorry for the country unless you disagree with the policies. Trump is an asshole but he actually hasn't done much wrong.

You're kidding.... right?


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Aug 7, 2013
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respect is not earned , you can never earn my respect , you can only lose it . respect should be a given until someone loses yours

While I agree with this in principle, there are situations where respect has to be earned. A really good example of this happens when, for example, a daughter brings home the guy that she claims to be in love with, I'm not so sure about others but that MF'er is going to have to earn it from me.


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Dec 15, 2016
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Trump is gaining the respect back for this country that sorry ass pussified Oboma lost


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Dec 15, 2016
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Worse fucking President in History (Oboma)


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Trump is gaining the respect back for this country that sorry ass pussified Oboma lost

At the risk of opening a can of worms... please explain how Trump is regaining respect that this country lost under Obama.

Mind you there is a difference between fear and respect. The world might be fearful that Trump would in fact start a nuclear war. But that in no way shape or form equates to respect.


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Nope. Be specific.

1. Specifically, RACISM is a system in this country, prove me wrong! (no definitions but the way it ACTUALLY functions here)

2. Trump did sue and withdrew because he couldn't prove slander, and the resultant connection to parentage.

3. I have no problem with those pictures either because I've grown accustomed to the way things are in this country and unlike some I'm neither thin skinned nor inclined to own, react or reply to anything or charge of that nature that doesn't pertain to me. It's what we do!


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Dec 15, 2016
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Plain and simple we cant let people like North Korea and Iran have nuclear capabilities. They are going to have to be dealt with no matter the consequences


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Jul 4, 2013
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Plain and simple we cant let people like North Korea and Iran have nuclear capabilities. They are going to have to be dealt with no matter the consequences

So aside from the fact that we actually live here, what in your opinion make America worthy of having a nuclear arsenal, while North Korea, Iran, Iraq and others are not?? Mind you we are the only country to ever actually USE a nuke on another country.

BUt unless IM mistaken, you are saying we CANT allow others to have these types of things because they might in fact use them on US right??

So again, better to be feared than respected??


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Dec 15, 2016
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I see you're point, but the difference is they are wanting them to use they have made that clear


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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At the risk of opening a can of worms... please explain how Trump is regaining respect that this country lost under Obama.

Mind you there is a difference between fear and respect. The world might be fearful that Trump would in fact start a nuclear war. But that in no way shape or form equates to respect.

I believe both have lost respect from the world in vastly different ways.


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Jul 4, 2013
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I see you're point, but the difference is they are wanting them to use they have made that clear

Again I will point out, we are the only country to ever have actually USED a nuke on another country. And we also used the threat of doing it again to force Japan to

1. Scale down their military and maintain a level so as to never threaten us again.
2. Annexed a good portion of Germany, again under the guise of keeping the peace.
3. We have installed puppet governments in plenty of other countries.

So are we the good guys, or the bullies??


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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1. Specifically, RACISM is a system in this country, prove me wrong! (no definitions but the way it ACTUALLY functions here)

2. Trump did sue and withdrew because he couldn't prove slander, and the resultant connection to parentage.

3. I have no problem with those pictures either because I've grown accustomed to the way things are in this country and unlike some I'm neither thin skinned nor inclined to own, react or reply to anything or charge of that nature that doesn't pertain to me. It's what we do!

1- Racism is not a system. Words have definitions. If the word doesn't fit the definition, you need a different word.

2- I didn't say he didn't but what does that have to do with anything?

3- good.
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