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Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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The current issue is the law isn’t being followed. That is all I ask. Make a law and enforce the law. Don’t let people off the hook. If you want more immigrants, change the law. If you want less, change the law. From there, we should be going after businesses that employ the illegals, much like we do in the drug war.

The problem is the law isn’t being followed. If you can pick and choose laws which laws to enforce, there are essentially no laws. There is simply people using power to create whims.

I would like to stop illegal immigration by taking away the reason for them being here. You do this by punishing businesses who employ illegals to the point of seizing personal assets for aiding and abetting. I would stop all government assistance to anybody in the country illegally. Only accept those legally who can take care of themselves. Stop birth right citizenship which literally encourages a crime.

Trump would like to build the wall. He is looking for funding. This is a literal impediment and walls exist for a reason. It makes it harder to get through, not impossible. Trump is trying to enforce US law which is good. Special interest groups are trying to impeded that. He has pushed Congress to do their jobs and they have refused. He has pushed for E-verify which is good.

Sorry but Im gonna have to call BS on that.

There are laws broken ALL the time. People speed, people drnk and drive, people smoke weed, etc. People are doing these things ALL the time. Yet nobody gives a shit. You can say you wish those laws were enforced to but you dont really care. Theres a reason immigration causes a freak out and constant claims of "just enforce the laws" but those others dont.

Trump would like to build a wall. Thats a costly project for little to no gain. Would you be ok spending that much money just to stop a few extra people from speeding? I thought you were fiscally conservative?

Trump and his admin are also working to limit LEGAL immigration which by definition doesnt break the law and therefore isnt something you should have a problem with. So I am assuming you dislike some of Trumps immigration policy then?


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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I believe you should have more than ten and less than 500 rounds for every gun you own. Ammo sales should be tracked.

I believe that if you are going to keep guns, the LAW should require them to be locked in a safe anytime you are not in the home. Said safe should have regulations of being

1. Fire Proof
2. Bolted into place
3. Auto locking upon closure
4. Should have a manual lock release on the inside in the off chance the safe is left open and a child closes themselves inside

Yes i do believe if you leave your guns unsecured and they are stolen and used to commit a crime, you as the owner should be held responsible in some form.

The system from day one has been created and maintained to favor white men, it has been slowly changing to become a more equal playing field. Some folks dont like that. I get it.

Have all the guns you want.. register them. Close the gun show loop holes. IM all for mandatory minimum if one is caught with an illegal, unregistered, or illegally modified fire arm. Stand your ground should not be a legal defense if you as the gun owner instigate a confrontation and then feel the need to defend yourself from the fight you picked.

As for the guns I own, A bolt action rifle is damn near useless for anything other than hunting, target shooting or long distance. The 20 gauge is home defense. The .22LR is a semi, but again not quite in the AR-15 class

Earlier you said people shouldn’t have enough rounds to shoot up a school. Now you limit it to 500 rounds per gun. Are you suggesting you can’t shoot up a school with 500 rounds? Why is 500 the limit?

Why can you put limits on the only law that says shall not be infringed to the tune of thousands of dollars to exercise the right, yet you believe an ID card is equivalent to a poll tax?

Let’s say a car is stolen and runs a pedestrian down, should the owner be held responsible?

There is no gun show loop. It is a myth.

What purpose would the government have on registration, other than confiscation? You also believe in no punishment for drug crimes but you want to hammer minor gun crimes...which are not actual crimes...and have people exercising their actual RIGHTS be criminals?

Please...a bolt action is fine for let’s say DC sniper killings.
You do know the AR comes in .22LR? Why is it different than yours? I will tell you. It fits your narrative.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Earlier you said people shouldn’t have enough rounds to shoot up a school. Now you limit it to 500 rounds per gun. Are you suggesting you can’t shoot up a school with 500 rounds? Why is 500 the limit?

Personally I dont feel the need to keep even 500 rounds. But if I said 100 rounds I know you would scream... BUT MY RIGHTS even louder.

Why can you put limits on the only law that says shall not be infringed to the tune of thousands of dollars to exercise the right, yet you believe an ID card is equivalent to a poll tax?

If you require a passport, or a certified copy of a birth certificate in order to vote, its a poll tax unless you are going to give away htose forms of ID which you need to get a valid ID to vote for free. It is designed to keep poor people from voting. A passport costs $150 or more to get. No big deal if you make $50K or more a year. But if you make $8 an hour, and live paycheck to paycheck, having to drop what amounts to the cost of a bill in order to get ID so you can vote... is a poll tax.

Let’s say a car is stolen and runs a pedestrian down, should the owner be held responsible?

Depends.. did you report the car stolen?? Was your car stolen by your child and used to run over his classmates?? I find it odd that you think we should have less responsibility for something that was designed to take a life than you do for a car.

There is no gun show loop. It is a myth.

Bullshit.... I have seen plenty of people go into a gunshow and purchase guns and ammo with no wait period and no sort of tracking on where those guns came from or where they go.

What purpose would the government have on registration, other than confiscation? You also believe in no punishment for drug crimes but you want to hammer minor gun crimes...which are not actual crimes...and have people exercising their actual RIGHTS be criminals?

First off, some folks NEED their guns confiscated. But the point in tracking and registration is the same reason you track and register cars. For accountability.

Please...a bolt action is fine for let’s say DC sniper killings.
You do know the AR comes in .22LR? Why is it different than yours? I will tell you. It fits your narrative.

Yep.. and you know what.. I have yet to see a single shooter with a bolt action walk into a school and kill 8-10 kids. My .22lr is a bolt action. And yes if i truly wanted to kill someone with it, Im more than capable. BUt these high capacity semi's do nothing more than embolden and enable people who would otherwise be too much a coward to act out.

Fun fact... Japan has some of the strictest gun laws on the planet. Not only do criminals not use guns, but gun suicide in japan is non existent. Difference is, Japan apparently is not stuck in some societal group fear that they need guns to protect them against the ever present invaders. That apparently is something Americans cling to. I get it by the way, do onto others before others can do unto you.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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Personally I dont feel the need to keep even 500 rounds. But if I said 100 rounds I know you would scream... BUT MY RIGHTS even louder.

If you require a passport, or a certified copy of a birth certificate in order to vote, its a poll tax unless you are going to give away htose forms of ID which you need to get a valid ID to vote for free. It is designed to keep poor people from voting. A passport costs $150 or more to get. No big deal if you make $50K or more a year. But if you make $8 an hour, and live paycheck to paycheck, having to drop what amounts to the cost of a bill in order to get ID so you can vote... is a poll tax.

Depends.. did you report the car stolen?? Was your car stolen by your child and used to run over his classmates?? I find it odd that you think we should have less responsibility for something that was designed to take a life than you do for a car.

Bullshit.... I have seen plenty of people go into a gunshow and purchase guns and ammo with no wait period and no sort of tracking on where those guns came from or where they go.

First off, some folks NEED their guns confiscated. But the point in tracking and registration is the same reason you track and register cars. For accountability.

Yep.. and you know what.. I have yet to see a single shooter with a bolt action walk into a school and kill 8-10 kids. My .22lr is a bolt action. And yes if i truly wanted to kill someone with it, Im more than capable. BUt these high capacity semi's do nothing more than embolden and enable people who would otherwise be too much a coward to act out.

Fun fact... Japan has some of the strictest gun laws on the planet. Not only do criminals not use guns, but gun suicide in japan is non existent. Difference is, Japan apparently is not stuck in some societal group fear that they need guns to protect them against the ever present invaders. That apparently is something Americans cling to. I get it by the way, do onto others before others can do unto you.

I would say RIGHTS regardless of 100 or 1000. Your numbers are completely arbitrary. Let’s say you limit people to 100 rounds...does that save a single life? Outside of Paddock, I don’t know of anybody getting off more than a hundred rounds and definitely nobody getting off 500.

So taxing the poor to vote prevents them from exercising their rights. Forcing people to purchase safes also prevents people from exercising their rights...correct? First off, a passport doesn’t cost $150. Secondly, you wouldn’t support a voter ID if it were free. So please.

A car is a tool. A gun is a tool. One is a right...the other is not. I find it funny that you think a law abiding citizen, who has his gun locked in his house, should be held accountable for other people stealing his property. Honestly, it is completely asinine.

That isn’t the gun show loop hole. The government doesn’t require tracking of guns. At a gun show, you have a waiting period, unless you have a CCL, which is the same as buying it in a store. At a gun show, you are required to have a background check to purchase a weapon, just as you would a store. There is no gun show loop hole.

Cars are tracked and registered so they can be taxed. Driving is not a right. Registering your car has nothing to do with accountability. So why should some people not have guns? Let me guess...they may hurt somebody. SOunds a lot like JimCrow except it is a different group. I am sure you would like to restrict the rights of millions of what some call mentally ill people who have never committed a crime.

So now you are trying to save people who want to kill themselves. Well, gun suicides in Japan may be non-existent, but their suicide rate is two to three times higher than the US. People who want to die, and people who want to kill, will.


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Jul 4, 2013
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So taxing the poor to vote prevents them from exercising their rights. Forcing people to purchase safes also prevents people from exercising their rights...correct? First off, a passport doesn’t cost $150. Secondly, you wouldn’t support a voter ID if it were free. So please.

The fee is $35 and is paid at the acceptance agent facility, usually the post office or county clerk. New Passport (for adults age 16 and older): For a new adult passport book: $110 application fee and a $35 execution fee. The new total fee is $145.

I would say RIGHTS regardless of 100 or 1000. Your numbers are completely arbitrary. Let’s say you limit people to 100 rounds...does that save a single life? Outside of Paddock, I don’t know of anybody getting off more than a hundred rounds and definitely nobody getting off 500.

When your rights put others life at risk, its time to reevaluate said rights period.

A car is a tool. A gun is a tool. One is a right...the other is not. I find it funny that you think a law abiding citizen, who has his gun locked in his house, should be held accountable for other people stealing his property. Honestly, it is completely asinine.

A car was designed to transport people from a-b. A gun was designed to kill people. When some one dies because of a car, more often than not its an accident. When some one dies due to the use of a gun, more often than not its intentional. Kinda of a big difference there dontcha think??

That isn’t the gun show loop hole. The government doesn’t require tracking of guns. At a gun show, you have a waiting period, unless you have a CCL, which is the same as buying it in a store. At a gun show, you are required to have a background check to purchase a weapon, just as you would a store. There is no gun show loop hole.

Again dude i call bullshit. Because people have and do go into gun shows and make purchases without a three day wait, no paper trail. Again I think ALL guns should be registered and tracked, no exceptions.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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The fee is $35 and is paid at the acceptance agent facility, usually the post office or county clerk. New Passport (for adults age 16 and older): For a new adult passport book: $110 application fee and a $35 execution fee. The new total fee is $145.

When your rights put others life at risk, its time to reevaluate said rights period.

A car was designed to transport people from a-b. A gun was designed to kill people. When some one dies because of a car, more often than not its an accident. When some one dies due to the use of a gun, more often than not its intentional. Kinda of a big difference there dontcha think??

Again dude i call bullshit. Because people have and do go into gun shows and make purchases without a three day wait, no paper trail. Again I think ALL guns should be registered and tracked, no exceptions.

Just got mine renewed a year ago for $80.

Except my rights don’t put other people’s in jeopardy. Choices people make do. I don’t sacrifice my rights for other people’s choices. It is hilarious to me that a black man who believes the system is rigged against them would give more power to the system.

The gun was not designed for murder. The car was not designed for murder. Both can be used for such. You don’t hold an individual responsible for what happens when their car is stolen, so why would you for a gun?

You can call bullshit, but you would be wrong. Is it possible somebody is illegally selling firearms? Of course. As for tracking and registering, your opinion doesn’t matter...the Constitution does. Again, if you are going to apply the poor person defense for voting, shouldn’t the same application be used for all rights...or do you believe the rights of the poor are less significant?


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Jul 4, 2013
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Just got mine renewed a year ago for $80.

Thats a renewal, if you dont have one and the only reason you NEED one is in order to prove who you are so that you can legally vote... that is the definition of a poll tax.

Except my rights don’t put other people’s in jeopardy. Choices people make do. I don’t sacrifice my rights for other people’s choices. It is hilarious to me that a black man who believes the system is rigged against them would give more power to the system.

No I would give less power and ability to people who feel they have some sort of RIGHT to maintain a system by force if necessary. IfI need to limit the number of gunns you have in order to also prevent the really racist fucks who would gladly shoot my kids from having them... well Im willing to make that trade.

The gun was not designed for murder. The car was not designed for murder. Both can be used for such. You don’t hold an individual responsible for what happens when their car is stolen, so why would you for a gun?

The Gun was a scaled down version of he chinese cannon. Both were designed to kill first and foremost. A car was not. If you left your tank unsecured and some one stole it and drove it through a school, I would want you held accountable. And yes you should be required to have more security on your guns than your car. Because once again if some one steals your car, I doubt its with the intention to possibly use it to kill someone a little later.

You can call bullshit, but you would be wrong. Is it possible somebody is illegally selling firearms? Of course. As for tracking and registering, your opinion doesn’t matter...the Constitution does. Again, if you are going to apply the poor person defense for voting, shouldn’t the same application be used for all rights...or do you believe the rights of the poor are less significant?

I believe the 2nd amendment is and has been long overdue for an update to fit the time and the weapons available. The right for women. poor people and minorities to vote was ADDED later. The 2nd was written by a bunch of guys more concerned with maintaining power and control by them and for them.. and sorry but I wasnt allowed to be one of them genetically. As such, I dont hold it in as high esteem as you obviously do.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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Thats a renewal, if you dont have one and the only reason you NEED one is in order to prove who you are so that you can legally vote... that is the definition of a poll tax.

No I would give less power and ability to people who feel they have some sort of RIGHT to maintain a system by force if necessary. IfI need to limit the number of gunns you have in order to also prevent the really racist fucks who would gladly shoot my kids from having them... well Im willing to make that trade.

The Gun was a scaled down version of he chinese cannon. Both were designed to kill first and foremost. A car was not. If you left your tank unsecured and some one stole it and drove it through a school, I would want you held accountable. And yes you should be required to have more security on your guns than your car. Because once again if some one steals your car, I doubt its with the intention to possibly use it to kill someone a little later.

I believe the 2nd amendment is and has been long overdue for an update to fit the time and the weapons available. The right for women. poor people and minorities to vote was ADDED later. The 2nd was written by a bunch of guys more concerned with maintaining power and control by them and for them.. and sorry but I wasnt allowed to be one of them genetically. As such, I dont hold it in as high esteem as you obviously do.

Except there are other ways to prove you are legal with an ID. And like I said, you wouldn’t support it if it were free because you want illegals to vote.

Let me ask this...why are you so afraid of racists when blacks are usually killed by blacks? I don’t fear whites or blacks and I know whites kill more whites. It just seems to me that your fear is misplaced.

Kill...not murder. THere is a huge difference. A gun is simply a tool, the same way a car is. So, if somebody steals my car, and runs over their girlfriend, should I be responsible?

The second amendment was written by a bunch of guys that knew power corrupts. The only way to thwart your own government tyranny is for the people to reserve the right to bear arms. After all, they had just fought a war with a tyrannical government that tried to disarm them.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Except there are other ways to prove you are legal with an ID. And like I said, you wouldn’t support it if it were free because you want illegals to vote.

MAybe I just dont fear people voting against m position so much that I would be up for doing everything possible to limit the vote. I dont want non americans voting. But I also think that suppressing the legal vote has been the way certain people have maintained power in this country for generations.

Let me ask this...why are you so afraid of racists when blacks are usually killed by blacks? I don’t fear whites or blacks and I know whites kill more whites. It just seems to me that your fear is misplaced.

My fear, isnt misplaced. I realize that blacks kill blacks. I also know that whites with guns have been periodically killing blacks simply for being black off and on for the better part of 200 years in this country. And the more this country shifts demographically, the more likely those people with guns that feel like the real problem is the damn immigrants, blacks and liberals may get a wild hair up their ass and decide its a good idea to go shoot up a church full of blacks or Jews.

The second amendment was written by a bunch of guys that knew power corrupts. The only way to thwart your own government tyranny is for the people to reserve the right to bear arms. After all, they had just fought a war with a tyrannical government that tried to disarm them.

Again dude... that dog dont hunt these days. If the government decided to come for us, that AR-15 does dick against a tank. BUt again as i have said, Im fine with owning guns, Im not fine with not knowing who has them and at minimum keeping an eye on who is stocking up ammo for some expected war that likely wont be against another country, but against other Americans.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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MAybe I just dont fear people voting against m position so much that I would be up for doing everything possible to limit the vote. I dont want non americans voting. But I also think that suppressing the legal vote has been the way certain people have maintained power in this country for generations.

My fear, isnt misplaced. I realize that blacks kill blacks. I also know that whites with guns have been periodically killing blacks simply for being black off and on for the better part of 200 years in this country. And the more this country shifts demographically, the more likely those people with guns that feel like the real problem is the damn immigrants, blacks and liberals may get a wild hair up their ass and decide its a good idea to go shoot up a church full of blacks or Jews.

Again dude... that dog dont hunt these days. If the government decided to come for us, that AR-15 does dick against a tank. BUt again as i have said, Im fine with owning guns, Im not fine with not knowing who has them and at minimum keeping an eye on who is stocking up ammo for some expected war that likely wont be against another country, but against other Americans.

Apparently you do. Fraud is rampant in all facets of life. You have democratic candidates and a former POTUS essentially calling for illegals to vote. It isn’t suppression...it is wanting only legal votes to count.

Yep...Dillon Roof versus Chicago...and you worry about Roof. Liberals are the threat to Jewish people and you know it. But if you want to talk shootings, look at the liberals.

THe tank isn’t the government. The tank is military. They are two different beasts. Pitch forks were supposed to be nothing against guns too but how did that work for England? So what if somebody stock piles for a war that never comes? Again, the only reason the government would have for a registration is confiscation.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Apparently you do. Fraud is rampant in all facets of life. You have democratic candidates and a former POTUS essentially calling for illegals to vote. It isn’t suppression...it is wanting only legal votes to count.

Yep...Dillon Roof versus Chicago...and you worry about Roof. Liberals are the threat to Jewish people and you know it. But if you want to talk shootings, look at the liberals.

THe tank isn’t the government. The tank is military. They are two different beasts. Pitch forks were supposed to be nothing against guns too but how did that work for England? So what if somebody stock piles for a war that never comes? Again, the only reason the government would have for a registration is confiscation.

If voter fraud were as rampant as you seem to think, the Presidents federal commision would have found at least SOME of these illegals voting that you and he seem to think took place. They found bupkus.

The majority, the vast majority, of mass shootings in this country as of late have been done by right wing extremists. Do left wing and islamists do this as well?? Yep.. but whats the common denominator?? Oh yea thats right.. the ease with which guns are available in this country.

The Military is controlled and funded by the government. We just sent military troops to the border, so to say the government cant and wouldnt use the military against civilians is not logical. To say, you need to be armed to the teeth against a possible invasion by another country is a foolish thought because unlike 200 years ago, hell unlike 70 years ago, nothing larger than a fishing trawler would get close to the coast without being detected, and likely destroyed by that self same military if it were a threat. And the only reason to fear registration is if you silently harbor some idea that should the government or society go in a direction you dont like, you would be armed to overthrow the government.


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Jul 18, 2013
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If voter fraud were as rampant as you seem to think, the Presidents federal commision would have found at least SOME of these illegals voting that you and he seem to think took place. They found bupkus.

The majority, the vast majority, of mass shootings in this country as of late have been done by right wing extremists. Do left wing and islamists do this as well?? Yep.. but whats the common denominator?? Oh yea thats right.. the ease with which guns are available in this country.

The Military is controlled and funded by the government. We just sent military troops to the border, so to say the government cant and wouldnt use the military against civilians is not logical. To say, you need to be armed to the teeth against a possible invasion by another country is a foolish thought because unlike 200 years ago, hell unlike 70 years ago, nothing larger than a fishing trawler would get close to the coast without being detected, and likely destroyed by that self same military if it were a threat. And the only reason to fear registration is if you silently harbor some idea that should the government or society go in a direction you dont like, you would be armed to overthrow the government.

Would they if the states don’t cooperate? We both know it exists.

Really? Go through the names and list their political affiliation. Why limit it to mass shootings? Why not list murderers in general?

Nikolas Cruz...legally obtained a gun when the FBI failed to follow up on death threats.
Devin Kelly’s passed a background check even though he couldn’t legally own a gun.
Steven Paddock legally purchased firearms in private sales.
Omar Mateen legally purchased guns even though he admitted to having terrorist ties.
Syed Farouk legally purchased his guns.

It wasn’t the ease of getting a gun. These people went through the waiting periods and none went through any of your “gun show loopholes,” which doesn’t exist anyways. That is the thing about rights...you have to do something to deserve having them taken. Even when you do something to deserve them taken, the federal government screws it up. If you want to change the rights we have...have a constitutional convention and see how liberals like the result.

The military is not completely controlled by the government. The oath is to the Constitution and to obey LAWFUL ORDERS. Military attacks on US citizens would be unlawful and in direct violation of heir oath. If given that order, it would likely lead to soldiers defying and overthrowing the powers that be. Even if half followed those orders, the vets in this country would fight back.

Who said invasion by another country, even though China does have a large enough army to try...if we weren’t armed. Why do you think our oath says all enemies...foreign and domestic. You are damn right we should be armed to overthrow our government in the event things go sideways like I don’t know...enslaving blacks...or wait...maybe you want to enslave whites..to get even


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Would they if the states don’t cooperate? We both know it exists.

I have never said voter fraud does not exist. I do how ever think voter suppression has existed in this country much longer and has been and continues to be a concerted effort. I also think its a much larger issue than fraud, because at the end of the day, i think suppressing the vote is something certain parties would rather have in place.

Really? Go through the names and list their political affiliation. Why limit it to mass shootings? Why not list murderers in general?

Again.. mass shooting or just random murders.. the common denominator... the fact that we have more guns than people in this country. the 120.5 guns per person does not even factor in the guns owned and accounted for by police and the military. Throw those in and you come close to having two guns for every toddler in the country. But.. more guns right??

Who said invasion by another country, even though China does have a large enough army to try...if we weren’t armed. Why do you think our oath says all enemies...foreign and domestic. You are damn right we should be armed to overthrow our government in the event things go sideways like I don’t know...enslaving blacks...or wait...maybe you want to enslave whites..to get even

That last part really seems to worry you. News flash, white people worry about blacks and hispanics enslaving them to some how "Get even" alot more than blacks, hispanics or any other group even considers this notion. But it does explain one of the core reasons why you all seem to cling to the idea of being armed as much as you do. I guess that makes sense though.


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Jul 18, 2013
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I have never said voter fraud does not exist. I do how ever think voter suppression has existed in this country much longer and has been and continues to be a concerted effort. I also think its a much larger issue than fraud, because at the end of the day, i think suppressing the vote is something certain parties would rather have in place.

Again.. mass shooting or just random murders.. the common denominator... the fact that we have more guns than people in this country. the 120.5 guns per person does not even factor in the guns owned and accounted for by police and the military. Throw those in and you come close to having two guns for every toddler in the country. But.. more guns right??

That last part really seems to worry you. News flash, white people worry about blacks and hispanics enslaving them to some how "Get even" alot more than blacks, hispanics or any other group even considers this notion. But it does explain one of the core reasons why you all seem to cling to the idea of being armed as much as you do. I guess that makes sense though.

I am sorry but the suppression thing is garbage IMO. You need an ID to do almost everything in this country; yet, it is too hard to have one of those forms to vote? Really? From there, I will openly admit I want votes from one block banned. That block is the ignorant.

We do have way more guns than let’s say Japan; yet, our murder rate is only 3 higher than Japan and our suicide rate is one third to one half of Japan...both per 100k. Nobody wants more gun rights....we already have those rights. We just want people to stop trying to take them.

Not really...but that is the point of having that right. I cling to the Constitution because I took an oath to it. I have also seen the evil of government control.


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I am sorry but the suppression thing is garbage IMO. You need an ID to do almost everything in this country; yet, it is too hard to have one of those forms to vote? Really? From there, I will openly admit I want votes from one block banned. That block is the ignorant.

We do have way more guns than let’s say Japan; yet, our murder rate is only 3 higher than Japan and our suicide rate is one third to one half of Japan...both per 100k. Nobody wants more gun rights....we already have those rights. We just want people to stop trying to take them.

Not really...but that is the point of having that right. I cling to the Constitution because I took an oath to it. I have also seen the evil of government control.

1 Voter Suppression is more than just IDs. Its wiping voters from voter roles when they were legally registered to vote. Its Closing polling places in districts that would tend to vote against your platform. And yes also changing ID requirements to make it harder for poor people to get the proper ID required to vote.

You might wanna check here for Japan vs US crime rates to include Murder

Japan vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

We outperform them in every metric.

Its all fine and well to cling to the constitution. But its rather apparent some folks are more concerned with it never being updated or amended to fit the time we live in as others.


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Jul 4, 2013
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I am sorry but the suppression thing is garbage IMO. You need an ID to do almost everything in this country; yet, it is too hard to have one of those forms to vote? Really? From there, I will openly admit I want votes from one block banned. That block is the ignorant.

We do have way more guns than let’s say Japan; yet, our murder rate is only 3 higher than Japan and our suicide rate is one third to one half of Japan...both per 100k. Nobody wants more gun rights....we already have those rights. We just want people to stop trying to take them.

Not really...but that is the point of having that right. I cling to the Constitution because I took an oath to it. I have also seen the evil of government control.

By the way.. Trump would disagree with removing the ignorant from the voter pool



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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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1 Voter Suppression is more than just IDs. Its wiping voters from voter roles when they were legally registered to vote. Its Closing polling places in districts that would tend to vote against your platform. And yes also changing ID requirements to make it harder for poor people to get the proper ID required to vote.

You might wanna check here for Japan vs US crime rates to include Murder

Japan vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

We outperform them in every metric.

Its all fine and well to cling to the constitution. But its rather apparent some folks are more concerned with it never being updated or amended to fit the time we live in as others.

Oops...I was off by one per hundred thousand. Now let’s see why...

Japan has exceptionally low crime rates. But there's a dark side to its justice system.

Japan’s crime problem? Too many police, not enough criminals

Japan: Gun Control and People Control

Now...why don’t we just import more Japanese? I am fine with upping their rates if you like but no, you want South American countries...murder rates follow...

Mexico- 19.26/100k
Guatemala- 27.26
Honduras- 56.52

Now, I am sure you will come up with some bullshit spin.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Oops...I was off by one per hundred thousand. Now let’s see why...

Japan has exceptionally low crime rates. But there's a dark side to its justice system.

Japan’s crime problem? Too many police, not enough criminals

Japan: Gun Control and People Control

Now...why don’t we just import more Japanese? I am fine with upping their rates if you like but no, you want South American countries...murder rates follow...

Mexico- 19.26/100k
Guatemala- 27.26
Honduras- 56.52

Now, I am sure you will come up with some bullshit spin.

I will take Japanese, Chinese, South and central Americans, Africans, Hatians...

IM good with any of them actually.
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