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R.J. MacReady

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If AP is suspended, the NFL will get sued. It isn’t illegal to spank a child.

What are you talking about?

Do you realize how may things you could do on your own time that are not illegal that can you fired from your job?

Go ahead, dress up as a NAZI and post them to your facebook page and make sure your boss see's it. I would fill out your unemployment papers first to save time.


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I see you're a 49er fan. Are you from San Francisco? Do you live there now? It's just a very liberal city is why I'm asking:mo:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting hitting with a belt until you draw blood, but not a damn thing wrong with a control spanking. At such a young age a tap on the butt feels like the world to em. They understand What not to do at a very young age. A valuable lesson. Standing in the corner or being sent to your room does indeed suck, but for me it doesn't drive home a message of whats right and wrong, or what's allowed or tolerated in the house. Someone mentioned up above, maybe this same guy, that serial killers and rapist etc... are all abused children. I would agree... fatherless children in its self is a form of abuse. Being molested by the mentally unstable uncle or dickwad down the road and etc etc etc...

I wouldn't put a spanking or even a controlled use of a belt in the category as reasons that lead to criminal activity. In my opinion they help prevent it.

The vast majority of studies on the impacts of spanking have shown that it is an ineffective means of discipline and it harms children psychologically. Spanking has been tied to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, depression and dating violence.


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Jul 18, 2013
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What are you talking about?

Do you realize how may things you could do on your own time that are not illegal that can you fired from your job?

Go ahead, dress up as a NAZI and post them to your facebook page and make sure your boss see's it. I would fill out your unemployment papers first to save time.

Actually, many states would consider it unlawful termination. From there, there is this little thing called the union and the CBA. There is not a single arbitrator in this world that would side with the NFL for spanking a child.


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The vast majority of studies on the impacts of spanking have shown that it is an ineffective means of discipline and it harms children psychologically. Spanking has been tied to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, depression and dating violence.

It hasn’t. Some idiots believe that and push an agenda to support it. What you are claiming is nothing more than genetics.


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It hasn’t. Some idiots believe that and push an agenda to support it. What you are claiming is nothing more than genetics.

I could provide you link after link to studies that show exactly that, but I’d be wasting my time. You’re emotionally invested in your ignorance.


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I could provide you link after link to studies that show exactly that, but I’d be wasting my time. You’re emotionally invested in your ignorance.

Not at all. I have seen them. Not a single one will say the cause of a behavior is spanking. There may be a correlation; however, wouldn’t that also yield a correlation of poor behavior as a child and poor behavior as an adult? Hmmm...dance puppet dance.

R.J. MacReady

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Actually, many states would consider it unlawful termination. From there, there is this little thing called the union and the CBA. There is not a single arbitrator in this world that would side with the NFL for spanking a child.

A grown man using a leather strap to whip his child is not spanking.

Spanking is striking the buttocks with an open hand.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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first a couple of things , no name calling here please . have the debate and act like adults

2nd lets stray away from politics . we have the off topic lounge for that

once this thread has played out i will move it to the off topic lounge

those that are new to the site welcome :suds:


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A grown man using a leather strap to whip his child is not spanking.

Spanking is striking the buttocks with an open hand.

I don’t make the definitions...I just know them.

slap with one's open hand or a flat object, especially on the buttocks as a punishment.


Jul 14, 2013
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They're illegal simply because it's against the law to be in the US without proper documents. Really, any country. Why do you want ours to be so different where you can come in unchecked and be unaccounted for? This I can't understand. Trump has never stated he want's all "brown people" to keep out. He just want's them to come in legally. How is that so hard for you to grasp. Not trying to be a dick here. I seriously don't understand your reasoning on allowing people to flood our country unchecked. Come in legally and be my neighbor. Ill have you over for a cookout. Come in unchecked and keep away from me... I have no idea who you are. Go live next to Shark,,, he apparently doesn't care.

In all seriousness,

In as much detail as you can provide...

What do you see as the problem with America's current immigration status (illegal, legal, whatever)?

Why do you feel this is such a problem for America?

What do you want to see done and what does the solution look like?

What is Trump doing to fix the problem?

Sportster 72

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The vast majority of studies on the impacts of spanking have shown that it is an ineffective means of discipline and it harms children psychologically. Spanking has been tied to increased aggression, antisocial behavior, depression and dating violence.

Spanking has been used for years. These days maybe not so much. A proper spanking never hurt anyone for more than a minute or two.

Once when I was a teen my father got mad and beat me up. I did not fight back because overall I respected him as a good day. There's my link.

But on another level, who are you to tell anyone here how to raise their kids. You do your thing, that is your responsibility as a father and I hope it all works out well for you and your children. But telling others they are doing it wrong is not your responsibility. Sty's post was right on. Best to you and your kids but my suggestion is you don't tell other people they aren't doing it correctly.

black francis

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How long before our President steps up and says all players who spank their children should be fired?


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Spanking has been used for years. These days maybe not so much. A proper spanking never hurt anyone for more than a minute or two.

Once when I was a teen my father got mad and beat me up. I did not fight back because overall I respected him as a good day. There's my link.

But on another level, who are you to tell anyone here how to raise their kids. You do your thing, that is your responsibility as a father and I hope it all works out well for you and your children. But telling others they are doing it wrong is not your responsibility. Sty's post was right on. Best to you and your kids but my suggestion is you don't tell other people they aren't doing it correctly.

Where do you draw the line with that logic? If I see a man punching a toddler in the face, should I just let it slide because it’s not my job to tell him how to parent? Just about every study on spanking has concluded that it has negative long term impacts on children. As a society, we should just stop it but people are far too invested in the fact that they got spanked and “turned out ok”, even though in many cases that is just not true. What kind of society are we if it is more important to let parents harm their kids than tell them not to?


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If you knew the history of serial killers and mass murderers, you’d know most were physically abused as children by their parents, regardless of political affiliation.

I read a similar article too. The did research on death row criminals and every one was hit as a child. Every one!

The point was adults think if you spank a child they stop and learn a lesson... and it seems valid and to work. But the truth is the way a child’s brain interprets it differently. They learn. If someone bigger then you doesn’t like what you’re doing they can hurt you. And the last bit on the death row criminals is that guns make you the bigger and stronger person.


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Where do you draw the line with that logic? If I see a man punching a toddler in the face, should I just let it slide because it’s not my job to tell him how to parent? Just about every study on spanking has concluded that it has negative long term impacts on children. As a society, we should just stop it but people are far too invested in the fact that they got spanked and “turned out ok”, even though in many cases that is just not true. What kind of society are we if it is more important to let parents harm their kids than tell them not to?

So completely true. They can’t read the facts that are right in their face on every study because they have hit their children and in to deep to change.
Go do the research. Hitting your child does not work long term. It’s a short term fix with sometimes devastating results.

Sportster 72

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Where do you draw the line with that logic? If I see a man punching a toddler in the face, should I just let it slide because it’s not my job to tell him how to parent? Just about every study on spanking has concluded that it has negative long term impacts on children. As a society, we should just stop it but people are far too invested in the fact that they got spanked and “turned out ok”, even though in many cases that is just not true. What kind of society are we if it is more important to let parents harm their kids than tell them not to?

Serious? Your argument is what if a man punchs a toddler. Gimme a break. Almost any reasonable person knows that is wrong and would do something. Sorry, I come from the era where spanking was accepted and I don't see a lot of poorly adjusted people. Certainly you can ask anyone here I have cussed at or offered to fight that I am well adjusted. :smash:

I also think we have left the realm of football and suggest this conversation be taking to some place where it is a pertinent subject. It is only pertinent here if it affects a football team.


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Serious? Your argument is what if a man punchs a toddler. Gimme a break. Almost any reasonable person knows that is wrong and would do something. Sorry, I come from the era where spanking was accepted and I don't see a lot of poorly adjusted people. Certainly you can ask anyone here I have cussed at or offered to fight that I am well adjusted. :smash:

I also think we have left the realm of football and suggest this conversation be taking to some place where it is a pertinent subject. It is only pertinent here if it affects a football team.

Do we or do we not have a violence problem in our country. No, not everyone spanked turns out bad but the studies have shown that spanking does not work even though it seems like it does. We think it works because the behavior stops but we think children learn right and wrong from spanking but the studies have proven the young brain interprets it as the bigger person gets to hurt the smaller person when they don’t like what they are doing. Why not try non violence discipline. I personally just couldn’t see myself hitting or hurting my kids.


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Corporal punishment isn't wrong because it's abuse... it simply doesn't work.

Another argument for another thread.

However, yes... it's dumb AP would be suspended for that.
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