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I guess no different than Zeke pounding the hell out of that young girl. Yea, tuff love may be a bit much in both cases,,, maybe just a spanking instead... or just take his power ranger away for a couple hours,,, that usually does the trick too.

Of which you have no proof. We're talking about a child asshole.


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Except one is a Constitutional Right...whereas, the other is an actual crime you want to allow.

Perhaps one of those riots will get a little too close to my house. Perhaps the tyranny you fear from this POTUS will spill into my yard.

It isn’t meeting anybody in the middle. You are asking US citizens to give up their rights in return for something viewed as defense of the nation.

Again, we should look into crime statistics between liberal hypocrites and gun toting conservatives. I will say with great confidence our prisons are filled with liberals.

Now, as a black man, I find it really funny that you want the same government you claim to be tyrannical limiting your ability to defend yourself.

All I see in this response is... you are afraid and guns and a wall would make you less afraid.

Afraid of change, and wanting o be able to use guns to prevent that change if needed.

Funny that i said all I want is stricter gun control, and yes we should know WHO has these guns and in what quantity. You jumped straight to dont take my guns because the riot might break out and i should be armed to be able to defend my home.

I dont want your guns, I just want someone to know who has all these guns, in what quantity and for there to be some accountability for those that chose to be lax in their handling of those guns.

IM not afraid of the government taking my ability to defend myself. Im more worried that folks who fear change will use those guns to try and prevent change that they are not comfortable with.

Sportster 72

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Let's see, we have name calling … non football discussion I come here for football. I'd like to think it is going to stay that. There are a ton on non-Redskin fans talking about how to rear children. I am so tired of this crap. We have one of the best boards on the Hoop and we are allowing others to come use OUR forum for their personal view points on child rearing. :L:nono:


US ARMY retired /mod.
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How long before our President steps up and says all players who spank their children should be fired?
no more politcal posts outside the off topic lounge please


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Wow... more guns and people dying.

Who would have thought??

They shot the wrong man!’ Police said they killed a mall shooter — then said they made a mistake.



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All I see in this response is... you are afraid and guns and a wall would make you less afraid.

Afraid of change, and wanting o be able to use guns to prevent that change if needed.

Funny that i said all I want is stricter gun control, and yes we should know WHO has these guns and in what quantity. You jumped straight to dont take my guns because the riot might break out and i should be armed to be able to defend my home.

I dont want your guns, I just want someone to know who has all these guns, in what quantity and for there to be some accountability for those that chose to be lax in their handling of those guns.

IM not afraid of the government taking my ability to defend myself. Im more worried that folks who fear change will use those guns to try and prevent change that they are not comfortable with.

Not at all. I don’t fear guns, and I don’t fear immigrants. Guns have never hurt a single person. Very few immigrants hurt people. About the only thing I fear in this topic is the lack of legal reasoning and stomping on of the Constitution.

No...I answered your question. You asked when I may need a high capacity magazine. So I answered. Why should the government know how many guns I have? What use do they have of the information? “Shall not be infringed” is a rather strong statement. Why don’t you tell me what being lax in the handling looks like? Should I be forced to put them in a safe? Should I be held responsible for somebody stealing my guns and using them? Why should we limit this RIGHT, but you would consider an ID to be a poll tax? What is wrong with a poll tax in this manner but taxing of other amendments is OK?

You claim there is systemic racism. The system is the government. Then you want to give the system the power. That should really bother you.


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In all seriousness,

In as much detail as you can provide...

What do you see as the problem with America's current immigration status (illegal, legal, whatever)?

Why do you feel this is such a problem for America?

What do you want to see done and what does the solution look like?

What is Trump doing to fix the problem?

The current issue is the law isn’t being followed. That is all I ask. Make a law and enforce the law. Don’t let people off the hook. If you want more immigrants, change the law. If you want less, change the law. From there, we should be going after businesses that employ the illegals, much like we do in the drug war.

The problem is the law isn’t being followed. If you can pick and choose laws which laws to enforce, there are essentially no laws. There is simply people using power to create whims.

I would like to stop illegal immigration by taking away the reason for them being here. You do this by punishing businesses who employ illegals to the point of seizing personal assets for aiding and abetting. I would stop all government assistance to anybody in the country illegally. Only accept those legally who can take care of themselves. Stop birth right citizenship which literally encourages a crime.

Trump would like to build the wall. He is looking for funding. This is a literal impediment and walls exist for a reason. It makes it harder to get through, not impossible. Trump is trying to enforce US law which is good. Special interest groups are trying to impeded that. He has pushed Congress to do their jobs and they have refused. He has pushed for E-verify which is good.


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Where do you draw the line with that logic? If I see a man punching a toddler in the face, should I just let it slide because it’s not my job to tell him how to parent? Just about every study on spanking has concluded that it has negative long term impacts on children. As a society, we should just stop it but people are far too invested in the fact that they got spanked and “turned out ok”, even though in many cases that is just not true. What kind of society are we if it is more important to let parents harm their kids than tell them not to?

Are we as a society more poorly behaved than we used to be? Do we spank as much as we did?

Did the studies come back as causal or correlated?


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I read a similar article too. The did research on death row criminals and every one was hit as a child. Every one!

The point was adults think if you spank a child they stop and learn a lesson... and it seems valid and to work. But the truth is the way a child’s brain interprets it differently. They learn. If someone bigger then you doesn’t like what you’re doing they can hurt you. And the last bit on the death row criminals is that guns make you the bigger and stronger person.

Let me ask you this. Do you smack a child’s hand when they stick metal into a light socket? Or do you simply try to reason with a three year old and hope they understand?

It teaches them consequences for poor behavior. It teaches them there are levels of wrong.

Ask women who have defended themselves what a gun can do.


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Let me ask you this. Do you smack a child’s hand when they stick metal into a light socket? Or do you simply try to reason with a three year old and hope they understand?

It teaches them consequences for poor behavior. It teaches them there are levels of wrong.

Ask women who have defended themselves what a gun can do.

The death of Jemel Roberson shows that black men aren’t allowed to be the good guy with a gun.


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Of which you have no proof. We're talking about a child asshole.
Oh I'm sure there was proof. Not everything gets leaked to the news. You don't get a 6 game suspension cuz the commish don't like you. Too funny. AP whipped his kid a little to hard... don't think he should have gotten a season long suspension for trying to father his child. He should have received counseling instead. Zeke had run in with the law I think like 4 times... one involved pellet guns that appeared real trying to break into a house. Not sure if it was his girlfriends house who he was reported as physically abusing on another occasion. Bottom line: he deserved that 6 games. But lets get back to AP. peace.


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C'mon March and that successful delivery!! Congratulations and Good luck to you and the wife!

By the way: Now that it's out there, we're all going to be expecting our virtual cigars when the new addition arrives!

Thank you. We are so excited.

Amazing how he is the only thing that matters right now.


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The death of Jemel Roberson shows that black men aren’t allowed to be the good guy with a gun.

Ethel Jones for one.

From there, you really want to give up the right to defend yourself with a government so willing to shoot good black men on purpose?


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Ethel Jones for one.

From there, you really want to give up the right to defend yourself with a government so willing to shoot good black men on purpose?

What the hell is your mental block?? I dont want you to give up your guns. IM not giving up mine.

The difference between us is, im fine with all my guns being registered. Im fine if the amount of ammunition I am legally allowed to keep in my house is limited to some where well below the lets go out and shoot up a school level. And yes if my guns get stolen because I did not secure them properly, I would fully expect to be held accountable.

And at the end of the day, I dont keep guns in the event society changes in a direction Im not to found of. I keep one gun for personal defense, one for home defense, one for hunting, and two are from when I did competition shooting. When I leave, the shotgun goes in the safe along with everything else.

NOw to my point in this post..Jemel Roberson.... gunned down by police while doing his job.
EJ Bradford.. shot by police in a Mall was an Army officer on leave, first thought from the police is well he must be a criminal, so he was gunned down.

The answer to gun violence is not more guns and everyone being armed. That concept is about as rational as saying the answer to cancer is more cigarettes. The cure for obesity is more McDonalds.


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What the hell is your mental block?? I dont want you to give up your guns. IM not giving up mine.

The difference between us is, im fine with all my guns being registered. Im fine if the amount of ammunition I am legally allowed to keep in my house is limited to some where well below the lets go out and shoot up a school level. And yes if my guns get stolen because I did not secure them properly, I would fully expect to be held accountable.

And at the end of the day, I dont keep guns in the event society changes in a direction Im not to found of. I keep one gun for personal defense, one for home defense, one for hunting, and two are from when I did competition shooting. When I leave, the shotgun goes in the safe along with everything else.

NOw to my point in this post..Jemel Roberson.... gunned down by police while doing his job.
EJ Bradford.. shot by police in a Mall was an Army officer on leave, first thought from the police is well he must be a criminal, so he was gunned down.

The answer to gun violence is not more guns and everyone being armed. That concept is about as rational as saying the answer to cancer is more cigarettes. The cure for obesity is more McDonalds.

So you believe we should be allowed ten bullets in our home? Wait, I mean 8.

You also believe the home owner is responsible for a criminal breaking into their house? Wow.

Wait. So you have three guns? Why would you ever need three guns? You only have two hands. You should be limited. The second amendment wasn’t about home defense...it was about defense from tyranny. That is how this country was founded. That is also how black people were freed.

Oh...I know your point. The system is rigged against black people. Were you at these locations? Have you been to locations where white people have been involved? Were the white guy and black guy acting exactly the same? Has a white good guy ever been shot?

Oh...I agree the answer is not more guns. The problem is the question. Murder rate in e US has been about 5 per 100k forever. The murder rate lowest areas are 2 per 100k. The difference is extremely small. Take away gang violence and we are on par with the rest of these non-violent countries.


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So you believe we should be allowed ten bullets in our home? Wait, I mean 8.

You also believe the home owner is responsible for a criminal breaking into their house? Wow.

Wait. So you have three guns? Why would you ever need three guns? You only have two hands. You should be limited. The second amendment wasn’t about home defense...it was about defense from tyranny. That is how this country was founded. That is also how black people were freed.

Oh...I know your point. The system is rigged against black people. Were you at these locations? Have you been to locations where white people have been involved? Were the white guy and black guy acting exactly the same? Has a white good guy ever been shot?

Oh...I agree the answer is not more guns. The problem is the question. Murder rate in e US has been about 5 per 100k forever. The murder rate lowest areas are 2 per 100k. The difference is extremely small. Take away gang violence and we are on par with the rest of these non-violent countries.

I believe you should have more than ten and less than 500 rounds for every gun you own. Ammo sales should be tracked.

I believe that if you are going to keep guns, the LAW should require them to be locked in a safe anytime you are not in the home. Said safe should have regulations of being

1. Fire Proof
2. Bolted into place
3. Auto locking upon closure
4. Should have a manual lock release on the inside in the off chance the safe is left open and a child closes themselves inside

Yes i do believe if you leave your guns unsecured and they are stolen and used to commit a crime, you as the owner should be held responsible in some form.

The system from day one has been created and maintained to favor white men, it has been slowly changing to become a more equal playing field. Some folks dont like that. I get it.

Have all the guns you want.. register them. Close the gun show loop holes. IM all for mandatory minimum if one is caught with an illegal, unregistered, or illegally modified fire arm. Stand your ground should not be a legal defense if you as the gun owner instigate a confrontation and then feel the need to defend yourself from the fight you picked.

As for the guns I own, A bolt action rifle is damn near useless for anything other than hunting, target shooting or long distance. The 20 gauge is home defense. The .22LR is a semi, but again not quite in the AR-15 class


Jul 14, 2013
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Spanking has been used for years. These days maybe not so much. A proper spanking never hurt anyone for more than a minute or two.

Once when I was a teen my father got mad and beat me up. I did not fight back because overall I respected him as a good day. There's my link.

But on another level, who are you to tell anyone here how to raise their kids. You do your thing, that is your responsibility as a father and I hope it all works out well for you and your children. But telling others they are doing it wrong is not your responsibility. Sty's post was right on. Best to you and your kids but my suggestion is you don't tell other people they aren't doing it correctly.

I don't see how you can say with confidence it never hurt anybody long term. We simply don't know that.

And as for telling parents how to raise kids. Yes we can do that. We DO do that. I'm sure you would agree that it is wrong for a parent to starve their kid for days as punishment for something. Or to outright beat them.

So you DO agree we can tell parents how to raise their kids. You're just disagreeing on whether this specific issue is harmful.

But if it can be shown to be harmful then yes we should do what we can to criticize and stop parents who do it.
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