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Jul 4, 2013
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yea ok ya got me ... only whity kills perfect strangers.

IM just saying man. IF the only crime 90% of these people commit (your number by the way) Is coming here to TRY and get a better life than what they have in Mexico. They work, pay taxes and by all accounts are fine upstanding people, why the social uproar and the need to paint them all as these low life border jumpers.

I will give you a hint... every few years America needs a new bad guy. For years it was Blacks are going to lead to social ruin in America, then they added Muslims to the list. Recently they have added Mexicans to the list under the guise of them being this economy draining skerg that is also a bunch of criminal low lifes. And America has fallen for it by and large and painted an entire ethnic group as the enemy once again.

So since GK wouldnt answer, I will give you the same question. Once the wall is built, the border safe and we have found and deported all the illegals, whats the next step??

Here is my thought.

After hey deport the illegals, they move onto the Children born of illegals, because after all technically they were born here illegally.

Follow that up by arrest and prosecution of those who helped, harbored or employed illegals. After all harboring a fugitive is a crime.

And before you say it could never happen, we would never go there.... go read up on the rise of Nazi Germany and check the correlations.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Well when you put it that way it sounds so logical. Kinda like that whole Germany thing a few decades back. How well did that work out for those who were deemed a drain on society I wonder??

Hmmm...weren't the Jews legally in the country? Who is trying to get rid of those here legally?


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All IM going to say is, its a slippery slope to paint an entire group based on the publicized bad actions of a few. After all, I dont see many Mexicans lugging 23 high powered rifles into a hotel and shooting up a country music concert. Maybe we should start deporting white men with guns??

Is anybody painting an entire group?

Those white guys are US citizens. Some are actually carrying legally and within their rights.

Let's not start to equivocate things irrationally because all black men in Chicago would end up being involved.


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Hmmm...weren't the Jews legally in the country? Who is trying to get rid of those here legally?

Since when has that stopped this country from deciding some other ethnic group is in the way?? The Jews were determined to be unwelcome and unwanted. The ruling party decided they needed to go, and that was basically all it took.

But yea dude, its all about keeping our borders safe... thats the party line any way.


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Since when has that stopped this country from deciding some other ethnic group is in the way?? The Jews were determined to be unwelcome and unwanted. The ruling party decided they needed to go, and that was basically all it took.

But yea dude, its all about keeping our borders safe... thats the party line any way.

The Jews weren't protected by our Constitution, just like Illegals are not. They do not have a right to be here. It has nothing to do with ruling party. It has everything to do with the rule of law.

That should be the party line of both parties.


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The Jews weren't protected by our Constitution, just like Illegals are not. They do not have a right to be here. It has nothing to do with ruling party. It has everything to do with the rule of law.

That should be the party line of both parties.

No thats the fall back of the ruling party thats comfortable with the rule of law because by their social and ethnic standing, said law cant and wont affect them or theirs in any negative way.

But its cool, I get the comfort factor because in the end if the wall goes up it will benefit making America great again.

I guess the only question is, whats your vision of a great America. (that was a rhetorical question by the way)


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Aug 7, 2013
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He only wants to ban those that are here illegally. Although I'm against him deporting those that have already established themselves here and breaking up families (as long as they don't have criminal records) (not suggesting all illegals do) I do wholly support him of no more illegals in this country until citizenship is obtained. Listen, you may be fully open-armed at the flooding of illegals entering this country but a country in chaos is not a healthy country. Where do illegals go when they get here? Family perhaps... friends...maybe on the streets... but how do they support themselves... the majority of them who aren't fortunate to have a place to go,, food to eat,, jobs to work at. Not suggesting they all turn to crime but many have to just to survive. However, that's not even the real issue at play. It's jobs that are being taking away for our children. Opportunities being taking away. Laws that are implemented to help these unfortunates at the expense of my child... your child. Yes, I believe Trump is not a racist just a realist who sees america first. Asshole yes,, racist no. Trump can't do right by the left like Obama couldn't do right by the right. That's where the division is that is ailing this country and keeping us divided. Fake news to make the other side look heartless is the real crime of being racist. Was there this much division between blacks and whites when Clinton was in office? When Bush 1 was in office? Reagan? Bush 2? Only when Network news shows came into existence and gain popularity of their respected parties did tension begin growing to the point we're at now. Realize that please.

Until party leaders get their heads out of the toilets and work together can america obtain equality. Same privilege for all that are here legally. We we're moving forward now we want to make amends and reparations overnight for the injustices that plague our nation. Ok,, being white does have it's benefits, but I'm not apologizing for being born white. I didn't set the rules. Don't take away from whites and give to others just to make amends. That's not fair. How about laws that give to each that need help. Education is free to everyone not just white people. Parent our children the importance of education. Because now that masses are flooding into our country opportunities have gone bye bye for everyone. Good luck getting a job and obtaining the life style that we on this forum no doubt enjoyed without a college degree that now cost upwards of $100,000 plus... that is, for those that have no help.

This world is so far gone I don't believe any president can fix it.


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Jul 18, 2013
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No thats the fall back of the ruling party thats comfortable with the rule of law because by their social and ethnic standing, said law cant and wont affect them or theirs in any negative way.

But its cool, I get the comfort factor because in the end if the wall goes up it will benefit making America great again.

I guess the only question is, whats your vision of a great America. (that was a rhetorical question by the way)

See, I figured a country where all citizens are treated equally under the law and their rights guaranteed would be a good thing for all.

If the wall goes up, it benefits Americans. It hinders people from coming into the country illegally. Isn't it a good thing to stop people who have no right to be here?

Rhetorical but I will answer anyways. A great America is where there is accountability and everybody is treated equally under the law. A great America is where the politicians are actually held responsible for their actions and put Americans ahead of foreigners.


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May I chime in on the Sty and Gkekoa conversation. As you all may know, or have figured out, im as white as they come. Im also a fair, reasonable and logical man. In fact, I base my existance on it. On my tombstone it will read “Here lies a logical man who lived in an illogical world.” I lived many years and have come to appreciate animals more so than humans. Humans are heartless. We all, and I emphasize the word all, have a predjudice towards those who dont look like you,,, those who are not of your family,,, and even those not of your generation. Thats not what makes humans heartless.. that simply makes them human. People become heartless when those predjudices become personal.

Do I hate the look of pants below the ass? Damn right, but I hate that look on all groups of people. The reason I bring that simple example up is because im tired of being called a racist simply because im white. In fact, im tired of being told I have white priviledge because last I checked Ive been pulled over many times. I owed full tiition at a college for my white daughter. My neighbors (fantastic law abiding people) who again, live in the same affluent neighborhood, who have high paying jobs; recieved helped with their childs tuition from the state because of her color. How do I know this? Because im not ignorant... oh, and my daughter is freinds with theirs. Equality should start their wouldn't you agree? They’re are many poor white families who would love handouts, as well.

I understand, as much as my whiteness will allow; the frustrations of the african american people. Everyone understands the stereo-typical mistreatment that blacks have had to endure throughout our history at the hands of whites. I can promise you Sty that not all platation owners owning slaves were racist. You cant be born into a world of a specific time and be deemed as evil and vile as actual racist are simply because you are living the life handed you.

My point with this rant is that not all whites are racist. I don’t even believe Trump is a racist. He may be an asshole but he’s not a racist. He’s about america first. “Americans” first... regardless of race. Kaps message would have been better recieved had he did as the Cowboys did. Take a knee before the anthem and not during. You say its not a protest against america but the flag epitomizes everything America. Freedom, liberty and justice for all, and yes, blacks are included. I can promise you as well that 95 percent of police officers arent notching their belt loops with every black they have to kill. I can assure you it sickens them to have to take a life. I see so many FB vids of blacks being pulled over and giving the officer a rash of shit because of their rights. In my logical mind and reasoning, nobody, black, white, yellow, brown or indifferent, has any un-compliant right when being questioned by an officer. How ignorant does someone have to be to run from a cop, fight with a cop, or hold a video camera up to a cops face while being a.. well.. an un-compliant dick. Be compliant... and chances are youll recieve your warning or deserved ticket and youll live to see tomorrow. Nobody is more pissed off then me when being pulled over... but I put my hands on wheel.. be as nice and compliant as can be and hope for the best.
Lastly, we’re not all Neo-nazis because we have these views. In fact, it is such a small percentage of whites who share their sentiment. Yes, these people are the true racist and should be called out. Blotted out if I had my way. Ill never understand the concept that blacks cant be racist. Theres hatred on both spectrums.. just for different reasons. I actually support the black lives matter movement. I can understand what they mean by the phrase, but their movement would have been better served to read “black lives matter too.” Just that simple notation added and many more whites would be empathetic to the cause. Much more. Because we all want equal treatment as humans, and deservedly so.

Until we as a people can come together, politically especially, but to the realization that evil is evil and good is good, no matter the color, we will never get anywhere.

Christ,, didnt realize I rambled for so long. Apologies.... now how bout dem Redskins!!

Before I decide to respond to this "fair" "reasonable" and "Logical" post, I have a few questions if you don't mind.

1. Outside of birth rite, what does it mean to be "American?"

2. Outside of support, what are the responsibilities of "Americans?"

3. Do you think that change comes because protest is admired or well placed, or when it makes their intended targets uncomfortable?

4. Military men such as @dad, @Shark and myself have risked everything because we believe/ believed in the promise of this country. What actions or activities should those who also believe in the promise of this country do in order to make it the best that it can be?

5. First slavery, then Jim Crow, followed by James Crow esquire, why do you not believe that racism in its current form is NOT an off-spring of those systems?

I don't want to overdo this so I'll temporarily end with this:

6. Do you support the notion that in this country, we should all be comfortable with a system that overwhelmingly supports one group, often at the expense of other groups, including the poor, invites all others to join, at partial measure, just as long as they support that system?


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Jul 4, 2013
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See, I figured a country where all citizens are treated equally under the law and their rights guaranteed would be a good thing for all.

If the wall goes up, it benefits Americans. It hinders people from coming into the country illegally. Isn't it a good thing to stop people who have no right to be here?

Rhetorical but I will answer anyways. A great America is where there is accountability and everybody is treated equally under the law. A great America is where the politicians are actually held responsible for their actions and put Americans ahead of foreigners.

Eloquently put. Just a few points on that.

1. The laws you speak of, by and large were not written to treat all men equally. In fact the constitution was written at a time when I would have been considered at best 1/3 of man, and at worst live stock to be bought and sold at the whim of "MEN".

2. This country became a country by a group of "MEN" coming here illegally and uninvited, then deciding they wanted to claim it for their own, and the original occupants be damned. And when the right to be here is determined based on ethnic or religious background more so than actual character or merit, its a system set up to be misused.

3. I have shown you instances where every one is NOT treated equally. And our political agents are held accountable to only their own interests or those of their particular ilk. But they put Americans that fit into their own particular bent first and foremost all the time. he Bush boys made sure their oil buddies were taken care of. Trump will likely make sure to assist all the Hurricane victims by lining his and his construction buddies pockets.

So as I said, very well put. But forgive me if I dont have ultimate faith in a constitution that was written by folks that didnt even consider me human.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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Eloquently put. Just a few points on that.

1. The laws you speak of, by and large were not written to treat all men equally. In fact the constitution was written at a time when I would have been considered at best 1/3 of man, and at worst live stock to be bought and sold at the whim of "MEN".

2. This country became a country by a group of "MEN" coming here illegally and uninvited, then deciding they wanted to claim it for their own, and the original occupants be damned. And when the right to be here is determined based on ethnic or religious background more so than actual character or merit, its a system set up to be misused.

3. I have shown you instances where every one is NOT treated equally. And our political agents are held accountable to only their own interests or those of their particular ilk. But they put Americans that fit into their own particular bent first and foremost all the time. he Bush boys made sure their oil buddies were taken care of. Trump will likely make sure to assist all the Hurricane victims by lining his and his construction buddies pockets.

So as I said, very well put. But forgive me if I dont have ultimate faith in a constitution that was written by folks that didnt even consider me human.

(1860) Frederick Douglass, “the Constitution of the United States: Is It Pro-Slavery or Anti-slavery?” | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed

I am a big fan of Frederick Douglas. You would have been considered 3/5 a man as a slave and a whole man as a free person, I believe.

The Indians were not the first humanoids here. They killed off the previous humanoids. Also, this was during a time of expansionism in the world. Indians were not a nation. They were a bunch of warring tribes.

Political corruption is our fault. We continue to vote the same idiots in, both sides. Put somebody like me in power and I will be the shortest termed president in history because I would use the IRS to expose all of them.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Looks like JJ Watt is done for the season.


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Jul 19, 2013
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Dallas did the same thing we did against the Chiefs. Im glad Dallas lost but what an awful call on 2nd an 1 to throw it deep to Dez and stop the clock. Even is dez catches it for a score it gives way too much time for Rodgers to BEAT you. How is that not a run there on 2nd and 1. Why would you stop the clock for Rodgers? What a gift we got.

Dallas fans are going nuts right now. They cant believe the paly calling. Well at least eh ones I know. Why don't these coaches understand situational play calling.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Dallas did the same thing we did against the Chiefs. Im glad Dallas lost but what an awful call on 2nd an 1 to throw it deep to Dez and stop the clock. Even is dez catches it for a score it gives way too much time for Rodgers to BEAT you. How is that not a run there on 2nd and 1. Why would you stop the clock for Rodgers? What a gift we got.

Dallas fans are going nuts right now. They cant believe the paly calling. Well at least eh ones I know. Why don't these coaches understand situational play calling.

So you are down by 4, you have to score a TD, and you think it is wise to be more worried about the clock than scoring?


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
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Ex Skins Oline coach



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Jul 19, 2013
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So you are down by 4, you have to score a TD, and you think it is wise to be more worried about the clock than scoring?

you don't stop the clock in that situation. Plenty of time to score.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Let me see if I have this correct. Dallas is down by 3 on 2nd down w/ 1:24 to go at the GB 11 yd line. They have a chance for a TD & they are supposed to forego that in order to take time off the clock? Stupid.

What if they take your advice & wind up getting only 3? They very likely could use pass plays that also stop the clock & GB still has one timeout left & would only need a FG in that situation. Are you also suggesting that they should only use running plays? This is a losers mentality. How about perhaps giving some credit to Rodgers? My guess is that regardless of situation he might figure out a way to beat the Boys (& most teams).

Again you portray things as if the entire game comes down to the last few series. Far from it. The Cowboys had control of this game in the 1st half (just like the previous week) but let the game slip away from them. Forget the last series - how about the pick six at the start of the 4th QTR? That was huge.

Cute how you act like you are the only one on the planet who knows how to coach a football team. I truly believe that in your delusional mind you believe that you can coach an NFL team. Keep dreaming.
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warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Eloquently put. Just a few points on that.

1. The laws you speak of, by and large were not written to treat all men equally. In fact the constitution was written at a time when I would have been considered at best 1/3 of man, and at worst live stock to be bought and sold at the whim of "MEN".

2. This country became a country by a group of "MEN" coming here illegally and uninvited, then deciding they wanted to claim it for their own, and the original occupants be damned. And when the right to be here is determined based on ethnic or religious background more so than actual character or merit, its a system set up to be misused.

3. I have shown you instances where every one is NOT treated equally. And our political agents are held accountable to only their own interests or those of their particular ilk. But they put Americans that fit into their own particular bent first and foremost all the time. he Bush boys made sure their oil buddies were taken care of. Trump will likely make sure to assist all the Hurricane victims by lining his and his construction buddies pockets.

So as I said, very well put. But forgive me if I dont have ultimate faith in a constitution that was written by folks that didnt even consider me human.
I suppose your talking bout Christopher Columbus coming to America in the late 1400's and claiming stakes to the ground that was occupied by Indians in certain areas. (Note I said Indians since there was no America and the term Native Americans couldn't exist... not being disrespectful). So a group of sophisticated white men come to a new country (btw, they didn't come here illegally. What laws existed then that would deem that) so they come to a new country that is occupied by warriors and savages living in the trees and there surrounding jungles (note again, not saying the white men weren't savages,, just sophisticated and intellectually smarter) and claim a world not owned by anyone at that time... a world only with occupants. Right or wrong; this is a world where the strongest survive. Not gonna delve into the new world since it's so ancient.

Listen, you, me or anyone will never live in a world where everyone is treated equally. Even if laws insisted on it there will always be unfair treatment. You have to stop holding whites ( not you personally, but the black race) hostage on what took place in the states two, three and even four hundred years ago. Not one person living today had anything to do with slavery. I understand the black man has been held back throughout history... I understand that. Im educated enough to also understand that as a result of this it held blacks back...even today. Lack of good jobs meant lack of living conditions which meant lack of respect and lack of education which meant lack of opportunities which meant lack of a quality life for families which meant broken families which meant turning to drugs and crime were the only ways to survive which meant the stigma we have today on the black race. In my opinion the way to fix this injustice has to come with time. Since the great late MLK and his peaceful pleas of equality we have come a long way in righting a wrong. I also understand how sick and tired blacks are of being singled out by cops... pulled over and asked questions and what not, and yes, sometimes shot unjustifiably... but waging a war on police and of everything american is not the way to be heard.

Lastly, if you're gonna single out republican presidents of being corrupt then why not include the democratic presidents too. Clinton certainly was corrupt. There pockets and their advocates certainly made a dime or two and the expense of you and I. This is part of the problem in america. Our two political parties are at war with each other. If this quote by the great Abraham Lincoln doesn't hold true here in this instance of political upheaval it never will.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."

This logical statement rings truth in political policy to the average citizen. Unfortunately, I personally believe we will never be a united people. Our political practice is to far apart, and it's sad, because we all want the same things (save for a few nut case groups that are of small percentage... but are made out in the media that all whites, and all blacks, feel this way of each other) we all want a great and promising life for our families. All I can do is respect my neighbors of all colors and watch the world crumble before me.
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warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Dallas is down by 3 on 2nd down w/ 1:24 to go at the GB 11 yd line.
They were down 4. I'm with Gkekoa here and SoCal... you have to score a TD,,, not just a FG. You have to take the shots if presented to score. Yes, Ideally you want to score the winning points with no time left but if you're worried your defense can't stop a team from scoring in just a minutes time then you probably have bigger problems than just clock management.
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