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Peppers picked a peck of pickled Packers.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Just imagine how happy you'll be if X, X, X and X actually produce on the field. Look out!

If the Lions have a quality draft like last year and draft for the defense -- I will be doing cartwheels up and down my street.

Anyways -- off topic, but how are you enjoying fatherhood? How are the twins doing? My boy turned 10 months a week ago. It is amazing to watch them grow.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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Tapp is completely replaceable. He's on a one year, vet minimum contract. He's here because he wanted to be here, plays all three phases of special teams well, and signed for cheap. He's no lock to make the roster, not by a long shot. If we draft a DE, Tapp is the odd man out. When you're the 4th out of 4 DEs and you're an aging veteran who has washed out for three or four different teams your roster spot is never safe.

Xanders didn't draft Tebow, Josh McDaniels reportedly had full control over personnel the one year he was there. The next year he and Xanders were let go so John Elway could be handed the reigns...

Did you read my post before you quoted it?


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Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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TP -- what is the point of the thumbs up and thumbs down? I figured I would pass a couple of those back at ya, even though i don't have any clue what they are even for.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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If the Lions have a quality draft like last year and draft for the defense -- I will be doing cartwheels up and down my street.

I will also be very happy if they have another draft as well as last year.

Anyways -- off topic, but how are you enjoying fatherhood? How are the twins doing? My boy turned 10 months a week ago. It is amazing to watch them grow.

It's a lot of fun. They're good kids. I just gave them both a bath a few minutes ago, now they are sleeping. Is your kid getting close to walking yet?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's a lot of fun. They're good kids. I just gave them both a bath a few minutes ago, now they are sleeping. Is your kid getting close to walking yet?

Not walking yet, but he is starting to hold himself up by the couch and chair in the living room. He is cruising all over the place on the floor though. Doctor said he may take a little longer to walk because he is so long (he is in the 99% for height, which isn't surprising as everyone is 6'4" and up in both my wife and I's family, but ME) My wife was so excited, as his first word was momma a month or so back.

I just got done giving him a bath too. I love giving him baths, I do bath time every night and then wife feeds him the regular food, so we both get individual time with him.

It is getting to be really fun now -- My dad bought him this basketball hoop that cheers when you put the ball in the basket and he just goes crazy dunking the ball over and over. It is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm glad everything is going good with your little one's. Congrats again on fatherhood.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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TP -- what is the point of the thumbs up and thumbs down? I figured I would pass a couple of those back at ya, even though i don't have any clue what they are even for.

I do it bc it's easier to agree that way then to quote the post and then type "I agree". Or if a post is funny.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Thanks, you too. The only thing I don't enjoy about parenthood are all the other parents. I don't do Facebook, social media etc...yet every week I have people trying to send me the latest article they found on Facebook telling me how to raise my kids.

Our first lesson in old school vs. new school was when a young doctor (who just had her own first child) told us to bath our daughter every night and use this cream to rid her of some cradle cap (dry skin on her head). This young doctor said we needed to "let her natural skin oils" do their job. Well, this advice just made it worse and dried her head out even more.

So the next week I take her to someone else, an older doctor who calls herself "grandma", she has kids, her kids have kids etc..

she says NO don't bath her every night, she doesn't have the natural oils in her skin to help yet. Bath her twice a week and use this oil on her head.

Cleared up in 1 day.

So right now, I'm trying to avoid all the "great advice" from all these new parents who are all of a sudden experts lol


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
Hoopla Cash
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Rob or anyone else. Don't let other parents fuck with your head. Trust your instincts. People believe all kinds of dumb shit.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
Hoopla Cash
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Actually after saying that I will say read the ingredients on toothpaste for kids. Some of that training toothpaste shit doesn't have anything in it that actually cleans. It's just to teach them how to do it. When my daughter was 3 or or so she got a cavity and I found drop her dentist that that was why


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks, you too. The only thing I don't enjoy about parenthood are all the other parents. I don't do Facebook, social media etc...yet every week I have people trying to send me the latest article they found on Facebook telling me how to raise my kids.

Our first lesson in old school vs. new school was when a young doctor (who just had her own first child) told us to bath our daughter every night and use this cream to rid her of some cradle cap (dry skin on her head). This young doctor said we needed to "let her natural skin oils" do their job. Well, this advice just made it worse and dried her head out even more.

So the next week I take her to someone else, an older doctor who calls herself "grandma", she has kids, her kids have kids etc..

she says NO don't bath her every night, she doesn't have the natural oils in her skin to help yet. Bath her twice a week and use this oil on her head.

Cleared up in 1 day.

So right now, I'm trying to avoid all the "great advice" from all these new parents who are all of a sudden experts lol

Yeah -- I get daily "advice" from both my mom and my wife's mom on what I should or shouldn't be doing. I just politely say thank you and continue doing things the way I want.

About the only advice I really put to use is -- Putting the baby on a schedule. He has his bottles at the same time everyday, his regular food at the same time everyday and goes to bed at the same time everyday.

My sister in law is the one who told me this and her kids are absolute angels and she is a pediatric nurse at children's hospital. All she said was -- put them on a schedule and they will sleep much better thru the night. I don't know if this is the reason why my boy sleeps so good or it was just luck of the draw, but he sleeps from 8:15 pm to 7:00 am and wakes up like clockwork at 7, has been that way since 2 months old. He has got up 2 or 3 times when he has had a cold, but he has slept like a champ other than that.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Actually after saying that I will say read the ingredients on toothpaste for kids. Some of that training toothpaste shit doesn't have anything in it that actually cleans. It's just to teach them how to do it. When my daughter was 3 or or so she got a cavity and I found drop her dentist that that was why

A family member of mine is SUPER into "organic food". Fed her kid everything organic, and kept him from stuff like tap water, milk, all kinds of stuff. Kid is 4 years old, has already had over 12 cavities, and already had a root canal.



Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Yeah -- I get daily "advice" from both my mom and my wife's mom on what I should or shouldn't be doing. I just politely say thank you and continue doing things the way I want.

About the only advice I really put to use is -- Putting the baby on a schedule. He has his bottles at the same time everyday, his regular food at the same time everyday and goes to bed at the same time everyday.

My sister in law is the one who told me this and her kids are absolute angels and she is a pediatric nurse at children's hospital. All she said was -- put them on a schedule and they will sleep much better thru the night. I don't know if this is the reason why my boy sleeps so good or it was just luck of the draw, but he sleeps from 8:15 pm to 7:00 am and wakes up like clockwork at 7, has been that way since 2 months old. He has got up 2 or 3 times when he has had a cold, but he has slept like a champ other than that.

The twins are also on a sleeping schedule. My son wakes up for a late night bottle but my daughter sleeps through the night. Almost the same as yours. Our are about 8pm-6am. Kid powerhouse usually takes a 4am bottle and is back to sleep before he's finished.

They both eat about every 3 hours. He eats a lot more than her though.


Former 5x UFC Champion
Apr 18, 2013
that way
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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A family member of mine is SUPER into "organic food". Fed her kid everything organic, and kept him from stuff like tap water, milk, all kinds of stuff. Kid is 4 years old, has already had over 12 cavities, and already had a root canal.


Isn't tap water good for teeth?


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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Isn't tap water good for teeth?

Ya, it has fluoride in it. But she's very persuaded by bottled water and filter marketing, so she only gave/gives her kid bottled water.

4 years old and his teeth are rotting out of his head. I'm into sales for work, but I avoid it off the clock. ;-)