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Paul George traded to OKC


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I've said this before - outside of dumping his contract there isn't much else to care for in this trade.

I'm a guy that likes long term strategy and thinking. Teams with a vision, a plan. There were plenty of ways to dump that salary if that's all they wanted to do. I'm looking to see what other moves they make, because if the object is not to create a team that can be competitive moving forward, then there really is no point. You're either contending or rebuilding.......hell lives in between.


That is long term thinking. They made a trade to improve their chances of keeping Westbrook by forming a core with him and George. And if it doesn't work out, they can easily pivot to rebuild mode because they'll have cap flexibility. They literally set themselves up for either scenario. You're overthinking this so much

Westbrook seemed headed towards signing that extension before they brought in PG. Now he's waiting...

That's not entirely true. They have no idea one way or the other. All that was known is the fact the OKC can offer him an extension. Up until this point, Westbrook or anyone close to him, hasn't given any real indication he was staying or leaving. The only comments coming from his side are just vague statements like "I'd like to see the Thunder improve this offseason"


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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That's not entirely true. They have no idea one way or the other. All that was known is the fact the OKC can offer him an extension. Up until this point, Westbrook or anyone close to him, hasn't given any real indication he was staying or leaving. The only comments coming from his side are just vague statements like "I'd like to see the Thunder improve this offseason"

Exactly. From what I have read and heard, OKC has the extension in place and is just waiting for Westbrook's signature but, as of now, Westbrook hasn't indicated whether or not he intends to sign.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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That is long term thinking. They made a trade to improve their chances of keeping Westbrook by forming a core with him and George. And if it doesn't work out, they can easily pivot to rebuild mode because they'll have cap flexibility. They literally set themselves up for either scenario. You're overthinking this so much

Yep, as I posted earlier, they have actually set themselves up fairly nicely imo. Best case scenario, is they re-sign both Westbrook and PG.

Worst case, they have to start a rebuild with plenty of cap space available to them.

Heck, you could almost make a case that PG leaving and Westbrook staying is the worst case scenario since it would basically leave them where they are now. A 1st or 2nd round exit level team trying to find someone willing to come play with Westbrook that would actually help them get better.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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This is a dangerous move for OKC. Now PG can be in westbrooks ear about going to the lakers next year every day. I don't think this will end well. Maybe if they can add another piece they might retain these players, but I doubt it. OKC has kind of been a slow moving train wreck since they let harden go.


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This is a dangerous move for OKC. Now PG can be in westbrooks ear about going to the lakers next year every day. I don't think this will end well. Maybe if they can add another piece they might retain these players, but I doubt it. OKC has kind of been a slow moving train wreck since they let harden go.

If Westbrook signs his extension in then next couple weeks then nothing else matters. Also OKC seemed to bend you bulls over on the Taj Gibson and Douggie Buckets deal.


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No one is worried about anyone being in Westbrooks ear. He isn't Durant. Doesn't mean he won't leave but he will do his own thing and won't lay in bed for 3 days over it, you can count on that.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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If Westbrook signs his extension in then next couple weeks then nothing else matters. Also OKC seemed to bend you bulls over on the Taj Gibson and Douggie Buckets deal.
Yeah, the bulls have been making awful moves for years. I gave up when they signed wade. The only team that really rivals them in the terrible moves they have made over the years is OKC. This PG deal could buck the trend of losing harden and Durant for nothing, but it could also lead to losing Westbrook.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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PG is a tradeable asset? Who will trade for him at the deadline for 35-40 games knowing he's leaving for Los Angeles in the summer? They'd get less than Indiana did.

Boston or Cleveland?

I bet OKC could get a lot more for PG than Indiana did.

They could get a nice haul of future assets from Boston, if that was the direction they chose to go.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Westbrook seemed headed towards signing that extension before they brought in PG. Now he's waiting...


Could it be that Westbrook isn't signing because he doesn't want help?

My theory from last summer was that Russ was as good as gone if KD stayed. He was linked to the Lakers because it was his hometown, but also because he would have been able to do everything. He signed the 1 year extension AFTER KD left, and now could be balking on a long term deal he looked poised to sign BEFORE they trade for George.

Sorry OKC fans, but if I am right on this, you have hitched your wagon to the wrong horse. If Russ can get his stats while winning, then great. But, if forced to choose, he is taking the stats. OKC should have traded Russ years ago.


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Could it be that Westbrook isn't signing because he doesn't want help?

My theory from last summer was that Russ was as good as gone if KD stayed. He was linked to the Lakers because it was his hometown, but also because he would have been able to do everything. He signed the 1 year extension AFTER KD left, and now could be balking on a long term deal he looked poised to sign BEFORE they trade for George.

Sorry OKC fans, but if I am right on this, you have hitched your wagon to the wrong horse. If Russ can get his stats while winning, then great. But, if forced to choose, he is taking the stats. OKC should have traded Russ years ago.

It's not that he doesn't want help. It's that the help that was chosen (George) isn't likely to stay. What are the odds that they can pull off another trade of to bring another player of that magnitude to OKC?


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It's not that he doesn't want help. It's that the help that was chosen (George) isn't likely to stay. What are the odds that they can pull off another trade of to bring another player of that magnitude to OKC?

In Presti we trust, all we can do. I personally don't think he is done.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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In Presti we trust, all we can do. I personally don't think he is done.

Yeah, I'd bet he's not done too. They may go into the regular season without anymore moves. But my guess would be it's so they can see how the team looks and then start planning a move around the trade deadline, if not sooner.

If what most are saying is true and PG only stays if they reach the WCF or better...then it would be smart for them to do everything they can to get themselves there.

Even if he leaves, it's a win/win for the Thunder. They show Westbrook they are serious about getting him help and going after titles and they show the same to future FA's.


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Jul 16, 2013
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[QUOTE="trojanfan12, post: 10267353, member: 4091"']Even if he leaves, it's a win/win for the Thunder. They show Westbrook they are serious about getting him help and going after titles and they show the same to future FA's.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure it's still win/win if this doesn't work if the only goal is to keep Westbrook. If PG isn't enough to get them deep into the playoffs, both could be gone (and I'm not talking LA necessarily, as I don't see Westbrook as a fit unless he suddenly morphs into a SG). It could be proof that it will never be as good for Westbrook in OKC as it was when they had KD. Never the less, getting PG was a move they had to try and even if all fails, it jump-starts the rebuild.