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Pats accused of cheating again


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I agree on all counts.

I also fully agree BB simply went overboard but why can't pats fans acknowledge this? I have no trouble saying my team was in the wrong or dumb for doing something wrong. Instead they are always innocent....i just don't get the logic. I guess serial killers could say hey everyone else is killing so I'm must he innocent! :noidea:


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
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I also fully agree BB simply went overboard but why can't pats fans acknowledge this? I have no trouble saying my team was in the wrong or dumb for doing something wrong. Instead they are always innocent....i just don't get the logic. I guess serial killers could say hey everyone else is killing so I'm must he innocent! :noidea:

Because it means admitting that BB cheated to win titles and they can't do that. They want (need?) to believe that their titles were pure.

Rather Be Fishin'

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Because it means admitting that BB cheated to win titles and they can't do that. They want (need?) to believe that their titles were pure.

Maybe they'll agree with your stupidity as soon as you ADMIT that FOUR of the Steelers SB's weren't "pure". 3 by doping and cocaine use and ONE because the refs gifted you the Seahawk super bowl.

BOOM, you just got a full dose of education. :yahoo:


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Nov 30, 2013
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just havent won since

Yet Peyton did it without cheating, so it's pretty easy to see who the best QB is of those 2.....Just thought I'd throw that in for the debaters sake...:lol:


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Maybe they'll agree with your stupidity as soon as you ADMIT that FOUR of the Steelers SB's weren't "pure". 3 by doping and cocaine use and ONE because the refs gifted you the Seahawk super bowl.

BOOM, you just got a full dose of education. :yahoo:

I don't understand why you're using deflection we're debating spygate here and how it affected the patsies super bowl runs not the steelers issues. Why don't you start another thread if you have a hard on for player drug use?

I still haven't heard one relevant argument against this....although I found it comical that one pat fan blamed the camera guy for placing it in the wrong place. Yep that was surely the reason for the large fine and loss of a 1st round pick haha!


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Wonder why the Jets were not fined then?

Same thing the Pats did. So why fine one and not the other?

Then there is the rule:

Page 105 of the 2007 NFL Game Operations Manual states, "No video recording devices of any kind are permitted to be in use in the coaches' booth, on the field, or in the locker room during the game...All video shooting locations must be enclosed on all sides with a roof overhead."


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Oh...OK...here you go:

Spygate - The Patriots' illegal taping scandal - Boston.com

From the NFL's Constitution & Bylaws (article 9): "Any use by any club at any time, from the start to the finish of any game in which such club is a participant, of any communications or information-gathering equipment, other than Polaroid-type cameras or field telephones, shall be prohibited, including without limitation videotape machines, telephone tapping, or bugging devices, or any other form of electronic devices that might aid a team during the playing of a game

Got any other excuses I can shoot in the ass for you?

I've highlighted the part where you are getting confused.

The Pats never used the tape during the game, they used it as coaching and scouting for any future games, which is legal and allowed.

Not to mention how impossible it would be to take 30 minutes of game time and process it at half-time and put in changes and new plays (being that half-time is what 10 minutes?)


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Newsflash to everyone: This is professional sports and if you are not cheating you are not trying hard enough. Rubbin is racin.

I dont give a fuck if BB went too far. We won the championships. Is it tarnished?? Maybe in someone's eyes but not mine.

Look at baseball. Who is juicing and who is not? Yes I include Big Papi in that statement as well as Manny. I also include probably 3/4 of baseball for the last 10+ years.

Where do you draw that line?

Pro sports has not been pure for a lot of years. Stop pretending that the Patriots are the only team that did that shit. Stop pretending that every other team is not going to the extremes on every little detail to try and get a edge.

BB legacy? Pppplease he is a HOF and possibly the GOAT.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
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I've highlighted the part where you are getting confused.

The Pats never used the tape during the game, they used it as coaching and scouting for any future games, which is legal and allowed.

Not to mention how impossible it would be to take 30 minutes of game time and process it at half-time and put in changes and new plays (being that half-time is what 10 minutes?)

The part you highlighted is key.

That's the part that BB said he 'misinterpreted'. So, to clarify this, the NFL sent out a memo to all teams.

BB ignored it.

They were still breaking the rule, but if BB had just stopped Goodell let's it slide. Your coach thought himself above the rules and Spygate was born.

You're making the same argument that BB made - and lost.


Apr 17, 2013
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Maybe they'll agree with your stupidity as soon as you ADMIT that FOUR of the Steelers SB's weren't "pure". 3 by doping and cocaine use and ONE because the refs gifted you the Seahawk super bowl.

BOOM, you just got a full dose of education. :yahoo:

Florida St. Miami Heat and the Broncos favorite teams. Bandwagon much?


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The part you highlighted is key.

That's the part that BB said he 'misinterpreted'. So, to clarify this, the NFL sent out a memo to all teams.

BB ignored it.

They were still breaking the rule, but if BB had just stopped Goodell let's it slide. Your coach thought himself above the rules and Spygate was born.

You're making the same argument that BB made - and lost.

Pats never used the tape during the games (this was proven)

The Jets were caught filming in 2011 and nothing was done.

The difference: a green vest

by the way NE could film from the first row stands and it not be against the rules. That is a similar (and even better) angle then the sidelines.


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Have we mentioned Eric Mangini being a big pussy yet?

....carry on.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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Pats never used the tape during the games (this was proven)

The Jets were caught filming in 2011 and nothing was done.

The difference: a green vest

by the way NE could film from the first row stands and it not be against the rules. That is a similar (and even better) angle then the sidelines.

Again, you're using the same defense BB did and he lost with it. That means you're wrong.

I don't doubt for a moment that the Pats didn't use this in game.

Doesn't matter. You're not allowed to use any equipment save polaroid type cameras and telephones for intelligence gathering.


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Again, you're using the same defense BB did and he lost with it. That means you're wrong.

I don't doubt for a moment that the Pats didn't use this in game.

Doesn't matter. You're not allowed to use any equipment save polaroid type cameras and telephones for intelligence gathering.

So then why did the Jets not get fined.

They were clearly breaking the rule.

Filming is legal, it is legal from the stands, from the sanctioned areas, and from the sidelines with a green vest. A team cannot use the tape/film during the playing of a game. It can be used for other games.

Unless you feel those pictures they get on the sidelines are cheating, or every team who says "we had a good plan, we learned a lot from the coaching tape and game film" should also be fined.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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So then why did the Jets not get fined.

They were clearly breaking the rule.

Filming is legal, it is legal from the stands, from the sanctioned areas, and from the sidelines with a green vest. A team cannot use the tape/film during the playing of a game. It can be used for other games.

Unless you feel those pictures they get on the sidelines are cheating, or every team who says "we had a good plan, we learned a lot from the coaching tape and game film" should also be fined.

Because the NFL doesn't want big scandals and have to drop the hammer unless they need to. It damages the shield. I'll agree that we probably had multiple teams doing it and, to clear things up, Roger had the memo sent out. Of all the teams doing it, only your HC was arrogant enough to continue. He sent the memo out because teams were breaking the rules - said rule may have been a bit unclear - but they were still breaking it. In order to give amnesty here, a memo was released telling teams to knock it off.

Had BB just listened to the memo, we never find out about what happened. Your coaches arrogance is what got you in trouble.

Filming is NOT legal from the stands, or if you wear a green vest, etc.

Not from the team prospective.

There's a guy from the networks - he's allowed. NFL films is also allowed. Clubs, however, are only allowed polaroid cameras during the game. After the game film footage is provided to both clubs but said film is ONLY of the field. It's not of the coaches, or the down/distance/situation.

Could you please show me where it says taping from the stands is allowed? Or if you're wearing a green vest?

I ask this because I showed you a rule where it says the opposite.
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Jul 27, 2013
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personally.....I dont care what the facts of the situation were....I think that years ago was a good time to move beyond the whole "spygate/cheatriot" thing....all of this is just very very old by now. Cant think of a single good reason to even bring it up anymore.


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personally.....I dont care what the facts of the situation were....I think that years ago was a good time to move beyond the whole "spygate/cheatriot" thing....all of this is just very very old by now. Cant think of a single good reason to even bring it up anymore.

Because not only do pats fans not acknowledge this they start bringing up dynasty talk which is completely absurd when there was a scandal involving their team. If you're caught cheating in the Olympics you are stripped of your medals. When the Russians took it to another level with blood doping the whole ski team was kicked out. Unfortunately in football the pats get to keep their trophy but we should at least be able to place an asterisk beside those wins as fans of the game to acknowledge that the win was tainted.
Jan 20, 2014
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Jason you are wrong. The videos clearly showed the hand signal being video taped, then the time clock, then the play on the field. The guy filming these videos was clearly doing it to steal hand signals and to sync them with the time clock so they know exactly what play was run with that signal. If they went this far to steal signals, it's obviously clear that they would go as far as using these IN GAMES IN REAL TIME. It doesn't take much equipment or knowledge to do so. The Patriots were known to intercept radio signals and to deliberately shut off communications against opposing teams during critical times in games when the Patriots were losing or needed a win. I find it ironic in the rule book where it states that there will be no radio/communication interceptions, illegal video taping from certain locations, etc and Belichick didn't read it? It's like Belichick read the rule book and realized all the cheating possibilities there were and did exactly what the rule book stated not to do. The guy was a cheater plain and simple and the team got fined exactly like they should of. No, other teams didn't cheat. The only coach who ever admitted to stealing signals was Jimmy Johnson (the only coach who was a dynasty in the 90s - ironic?), Belichick's best friend and mentor. Spygate lives on...
Jan 20, 2014
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Jason you are wrong. The videos clearly showed the hand signal being video taped, then the time clock, then the play on the field. The guy filming these videos was clearly doing it to steal hand signals and to sync them with the time clock so they know exactly what play was run with that signal. If they went this far to steal signals, it's obviously clear that they would go as far as using these IN GAMES IN REAL TIME. It doesn't take much equipment or knowledge to do so. The Patriots were known to intercept radio signals and to deliberately shut off communications against opposing teams during critical times in games when the Patriots were losing or needed a win. I find it ironic in the rule book where it states that there will be no radio/communication interceptions, illegal video taping from certain locations, etc and Belichick didn't read it? It's like Belichick read the rule book and realized all the cheating possibilities there were and did exactly what the rule book stated not to do. The guy was a cheater plain and simple and the team got fined exactly like they should of. No, other teams didn't cheat. The only coach who ever admitted to stealing signals was Jimmy Johnson (the only coach who was a dynasty in the 90s - ironic?), Belichick's best friend and mentor. Spygate lives on...

If you want the Spygaters to stop talking about it then stop bringing it up Jason. The haters are trying to slowly stop talking about it but Pat fans want to keep bringing it up and defending the obvious cheating that went on. I think we all want to move on away from that era but we can't do so with morons like you still defending the cheating. Let's hope Belichick retires soon so that it can be completely cleansed from your team.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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If you want the Spygaters to stop talking about it then stop bringing it up Jason. The haters are trying to slowly stop talking about it but Pat fans want to keep bringing it up and defending the obvious cheating that went on. I think we all want to move on away from that era but we can't do so with morons like you still defending the cheating. Let's hope Belichick retires soon so that it can be completely cleansed from your team.

In their defense though, this thread was started by a Steelers fan. So they didn't bring it up this time.