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Pats accused of cheating again


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Jul 3, 2013
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Who knows at the time the rams maybe didn't even know who's camera that was as there's a million of them out there during this week. I'm sure if they realized what was actually happening they would have kicked the guy out! They're obviously pissed now for a reason.
And who on that Rams team is pissed? One guy came out and filed a lawsuit and it was almost immediately dropped.


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You mean like your coach broke the rules for 7 years straight?

Or that you haven't won a SB since Spygate?

Or that in every season in which you won a SB, you played someone in the regular season that you also played in the post season?

Or that Goodell called this cheating?
Goodell came out and said the tapes did not give the Patriots a competitive advantage.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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Every coach knew what was happening. You honestly think they saw a camera on the sidelines, waved to it, and no one EVER came out and said "something fishy is going on! They are stealing our signals! That's against the rules!"

So why didn't BB come out and tell people he was doing it?

Why is there a rule against it?

Why did he do it for seven years?

Why did he make NOTES on the tapes?

Why did the NFL send out a memo telling teams to stop?

How many more holes can I blow in your argument here?

Your franchise CHEATED to win 3 SB's and you've won NONE since.

Rather Be Fishin'

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You haven't blown any holes in anything. Your argument is stupid and is garbage rehashed from a decade ago. Get some new material. However, if you are so hung up on the past, please explain why the Steelers were dopin and high on Cocaine during three of their
SB wins? You have no game and just got schooled, yet again. Until you explain why you support a cheating franchise like the Steelers, I suggest you STFU.


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Jul 3, 2013
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So why didn't BB come out and tell people he was doing it?

Why is there a rule against it?

Why did he do it for seven years?

Why did he make NOTES on the tapes?

Why did the NFL send out a memo telling teams to stop?

How many more holes can I blow in your argument here?

Your franchise CHEATED to win 3 SB's and you've won NONE since.
1. He may as well have told teams he was doing it, everyone knew everyone was doing it. Like I said, the coaches were waving to teams on the sidelines and coaches have come out saying that it was common practice in the NFL.

2. There was no rule against filming opposing coaches. Hence why Goodell did not cite any such rule when laying down his punishment. The only rules he quoted were rules about camera placement that say absolutely nothing about filming coaches.

3. Because he was never told to stop and knew there was no rule against it.

4. Because you make notes on every piece of tape you make during the game.

5. Because every team was doing it and Goodell didn't like it. Doesn't mean he gets to just make up a rule saying you can't do it, all rules must be voted on by the competition committee and the owners.

6. You haven't blown any, you are just a Patriots hater.

7. No one has ever proven that, in fact the opposite has been proven. The Patriots have had more success post-Spygate than most teams in the NFL. The only idiots that keep talking about Spygate are internet tough guys and the typical emotional, unintelligent NFL fan.


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And who on that Rams team is pissed? One guy came out and filed a lawsuit and it was almost immediately dropped.

Marshall Faulk who is a well respected commentator and person called out the patsies but for the most part there was a gag order installed as all of this BS was a black eye to the league. They covered it up just like any other scandal and unfortunately you are so gullible you'll continue to drink Belicheats kool-aid. Whatever I'm not going to spend more time trying to convince people in your state of mind it was illegal, a memo was issued and Belicheat continued to tape....you'd have to be a moron not to realize this.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Marshall Faulk who is a well respected commentator and person called out the patsies but for the most part there was a gag order installed as all of this BS was a black eye to the league. They covered it up just like any other scandal and unfortunately you are so gullible you'll continue to drink Belicheats kool-aid. Whatever I'm not going to spend more time trying to convince people in your state of mind it was illegal, a memo was issued and Belicheat continued to tape....you'd have to be a moron not to realize this.
A memo was issued that misquoted a rule. Rules must be voted on by the competition committee and the owners. Every poster here as failed to post any rule that was cited by the commissioner when he was laying down the punishment on the Patriots. Why do you continue to do this? Because you know that every rule they violated was merely a camera placement rule. If the Patriots were sitting in the stands with a camera and videotaping the sidelines, they would get the exact same information, yet they wouldn't be breaking a rule. And these rules that Goodell used were put in place to "protect camera equipment and personnel". There are guidelines in place in that SAME list that Goodell quoted, which make it illegal to not have a heater in the filming room if the temperature is below a certain degree. Are you telling me it's cheating if your team fails to provide an AC or heater? It's ridiculous and I know you realize this, however you are just like every other Spygate moron and need to hold on to something to discredit an organization.

If Marshall Faulk thinks he was cheated out of a Super Bowl, then he's an idiot. Why would that surprise anyone? The guy plays football for a living, and you think he's going to be an objective observer? There has been no evidence that the Patriots cheated to win any Super Bowl.


Splendiferous Puddin' Pop
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I'd be more angry at this thread if i didn't think every team does/did it to some degree, but the Pats were the first to get caught.


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A memo was issued that misquoted a rule. Rules must be voted on by the competition committee and the owners. Every poster here as failed to post any rule that was cited by the commissioner when he was laying down the punishment on the Patriots. Why do you continue to do this? Because you know that every rule they violated was merely a camera placement rule. If the Patriots were sitting in the stands with a camera and videotaping the sidelines, they would get the exact same information, yet they wouldn't be breaking a rule. And these rules that Goodell used were put in place to "protect camera equipment and personnel". There are guidelines in place in that SAME list that Goodell quoted, which make it illegal to not have a heater in the filming room if the temperature is below a certain degree. Are you telling me it's cheating if your team fails to provide an AC or heater? It's ridiculous and I know you realize this, however you are just like every other Spygate moron and need to hold on to something to discredit an organization.

If Marshall Faulk thinks he was cheated out of a Super Bowl, then he's an idiot. Why would that surprise anyone? The guy plays football for a living, and you think he's going to be an objective observer? There has been no evidence that the Patriots cheated to win any Super Bowl.

So the league decided to fine your coach heavily and strip them of a 1st round draft pick because they accidentally placed the camera in the wrong spot? Are you seriously that delusional? Everyone knows that there was more to this but if they laid it all out there the league would have been shooting itself in its own foot....hence the burning of the files to save league integrity. They told everyone to shut up and let it die on the vine....if not do you not think that Belicheat wouldn't have appealed this? After all he's willing to argue about simple things like Welker taking out his CB on a crossing pattern which he most likely learned in New England to begin with..haha!


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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A memo was issued that misquoted a rule. Rules must be voted on by the competition committee and the owners. Every poster here as failed to post any rule that was cited by the commissioner when he was laying down the punishment on the Patriots. Why do you continue to do this? Because you know that every rule they violated was merely a camera placement rule. If the Patriots were sitting in the stands with a camera and videotaping the sidelines, they would get the exact same information, yet they wouldn't be breaking a rule. And these rules that Goodell used were put in place to "protect camera equipment and personnel". There are guidelines in place in that SAME list that Goodell quoted, which make it illegal to not have a heater in the filming room if the temperature is below a certain degree. Are you telling me it's cheating if your team fails to provide an AC or heater? It's ridiculous and I know you realize this, however you are just like every other Spygate moron and need to hold on to something to discredit an organization.

If Marshall Faulk thinks he was cheated out of a Super Bowl, then he's an idiot. Why would that surprise anyone? The guy plays football for a living, and you think he's going to be an objective observer? There has been no evidence that the Patriots cheated to win any Super Bowl.

Oh...OK...here you go:

Spygate - The Patriots' illegal taping scandal - Boston.com

From the NFL's Constitution & Bylaws (article 9): "Any use by any club at any time, from the start to the finish of any game in which such club is a participant, of any communications or information-gathering equipment, other than Polaroid-type cameras or field telephones, shall be prohibited, including without limitation videotape machines, telephone tapping, or bugging devices, or any other form of electronic devices that might aid a team during the playing of a game

Got any other excuses I can shoot in the ass for you?
Jan 20, 2014
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Lol at a Steelers fan calling out Patriots for cheating. How many super bowls did the Steelers win by using PED's and Cocaine, clearly giving them an edge over their opponent?

Your funky ass never likes to engage in that discussion. But you have no problem regurgitating the same Patriots bashing year after year. We get it, you like to watch ESPN and read yahoo sports to form your opinions. Hooray.

Yah like the Steeler fans have any say over this. Did Grizzly Adams have a beard?


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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1. He may as well have told teams he was doing it, everyone knew everyone was doing it. Like I said, the coaches were waving to teams on the sidelines and coaches have come out saying that it was common practice in the NFL.

2. There was no rule against filming opposing coaches. Hence why Goodell did not cite any such rule when laying down his punishment. The only rules he quoted were rules about camera placement that say absolutely nothing about filming coaches.

3. Because he was never told to stop and knew there was no rule against it.

4. Because you make notes on every piece of tape you make during the game.

5. Because every team was doing it and Goodell didn't like it. Doesn't mean he gets to just make up a rule saying you can't do it, all rules must be voted on by the competition committee and the owners.

6. You haven't blown any, you are just a Patriots hater.

7. No one has ever proven that, in fact the opposite has been proven. The Patriots have had more success post-Spygate than most teams in the NFL. The only idiots that keep talking about Spygate are internet tough guys and the typical emotional, unintelligent NFL fan.


Spygate - The Patriots' illegal taping scandal - Boston.com

Here's the rule.

From the NFL's Constitution & Bylaws (article 9): "Any use by any club at any time, from the start to the finish of any game in which such club is a participant, of any communications or information-gathering equipment, other than Polaroid-type cameras or field telephones, shall be prohibited, including without limitation videotape machines, telephone tapping, or bugging devices, or any other form of electronic devices that might aid a team during the playing of a game."

In case you missed it....it's in the NFL's Constitution and Bylaws. So it's a rule. You can quit saying it's not just because you don't want to admit it.


ESPN Defector
Jul 8, 2013
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If there was any advantage to stealing signals with video it was minimal. That's probably why they won all their Super Bowls with a fieldgoal.


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If there was any advantage to stealing signals with video it was minimal. That's probably why they won all their Super Bowls with a fieldgoal.

How do you not know that they quite possibly would have been blown out of those playoffs without the help of those stolen plays? You can look at this in many ways....


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Jul 23, 2013
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The Pats have not won a SB since 2005.

Lets ponder that for one minute......... :think:


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I am fairly certain no other team in the history of the NFL did this either....Oh wait other coaches admitted to doing it too. :omg:

Gimme a fucking break.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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I am fairly certain no other team in the history of the NFL did this either....Oh wait other coaches admitted to doing it too. :omg:

Gimme a fucking break.

Lots of reasons for that as well.

How much effort did those teams really put into it? Did they go as far as the Pat went?

All teams pass the ball, for example, but not all teams are equally as good at doing it. Yes?

The Pats put a LOT of work into this, as evidenced by the link I posted.

Is your HC an idiot?

Only an idiot would do something like this - breaking the rules (thus, risking penalty and tarnishing their legacy) and putting all that effort into it, and do so for 7 years - if he got nothing out of it.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Lots of reasons for that as well.

How much effort did those teams really put into it? Did they go as far as the Pat went?

All teams pass the ball, for example, but not all teams are equally as good at doing it. Yes?

The Pats put a LOT of work into this, as evidenced by the link I posted.

Is your HC an idiot?

Only an idiot would do something like this - breaking the rules (thus, risking penalty and tarnishing their legacy) and putting all that effort into it, and do so for 7 years - if he got nothing out of it.

Belichick would never be labeled an idiot. Maybe an arrogant prick but certainly not an idiot. Truth be told, he took it too far but all coaching staffs try to get any advantage they possibly can.