31 school shootings in USA since Columbine.
14 combined in the rest of the world.
yeah, I'd say something needs to be changed
Totally disagree. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong.
I don't feel any personal shame for bringing this subject up in a thread like this. Not one bit of shame.
26 people died today because a gun meant for a battlefield was brought into a school.
If you don't want to read about gun control in a thread about people dying by gun violence, then I suggest you don't read this thread. And shame on you for passing judgment on me. I said more than once in this thread that I feel extreme pain for the innocent who've died today. Apparently, you must have missed that part of my posts.
Sick to my stomach..
I will not argue the point but the weapons used in todays tragedy are not weapons meant for the battlefield. A Glock and Sig Sauer pistol was used.
Connecticut school shooting claims nearly 30 lives, source says - CNN.com
Much more important is the tragedy of this event by yet another crazy lunatic. So many kids killed and adults. Let alone the poor survivors who will have this emotional scar forever.
used to kill pesky squirrels?
we should arm the kids
i think this one is the last straw for me as far as the 2nd amendment goes.. i wouldn't really be surprised if it's the last straw for a lot of people
kindergarteners.. unbelievable..
That would be a AR 15 not a Glock or Sig. I use my AR15 for target shooting and Coyote hunting.
maybe we need more control
I don't think more control is the answer Matty, but taking more responsibility and accountability for our actions would be a step in the right direction.
gun control wont fix this. it wont stop it. its goes beyond. education systems have to change the ability to identify signs has to change. it goes way beyond controlling which gun is being sold. it will help yes. but its not the point. understanding this has to be a top study. maybe we have too many free rights as citizens we obviously cannot control ourselves. maybe we need more control
someone misidentified that gun in the image as used in the shooting
authorities now say the 3rd gun was a .223 Bushmaster
Bushmaster .223: Accurate, inexpensive - CNN
yah like i said ... for killing squirrels
i agree that needs to happen, but in the meantime, i'm starting to think gun bans are completely necessary.. it sucks to 'punish' the majority because of the acts of a very small minority.. but sometimes you have to do it to protect them
I agree.
I am as big a 2nd supporter as there is but I also agree that something needs to change. The current system is not working. Banning specific weapons is a knee jerk response and most likely one that will come to light very soon. I would prefer Federal changes in how one is to purchase any weapon at all.
Another thing I would want to see is that you MUST have a safe to store said weapons.