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3 guns found at #CTshooting scene: .223 Bushmaster, Glock, Sig-Sauer, police say. Children and adults gunned down in Connecticut school massacre – This Just In - Blogs
There really is no way to truly stop this shit from happening. If people can think it (for the most part) it will happen.
true.. but there is a way to reduce it.. really bad, evil people will still find weapons through illegal means.. but i gotta believe shootings like this will diminish if/when guns are prohibited.. i feel like some of these have to be reaction type things that aren't thought through and if the guns not around, it cant/wont be used
It won't though. You prohibit alcohol, it flourishes. You prohibit drugs, it flourishes. You prohibit guns, criminals are still going to get them. They will be obtained illegally even moreso.
It won't though. You prohibit alcohol, it flourishes. You prohibit drugs, it flourishes. You prohibit guns, criminals are still going to get them. They will be obtained illegally even moreso.
maybe Im on the wrong thinking here. but its not really criminals doing these acts is it? most of these people were normal people in their circles minds. so if you take away the option for that non criminal to get the gun it will limit these instances. it wont stop them we all know that. but it will limit them I have a hard time believing they wont. so the argument of criminals still getting them doesnt work in this case to me. I understand what you mean however but I just dont think that argument works in this scenario
maybe Im on the wrong thinking here. but its not really criminals doing these acts is it? most of these people were normal people in their circles minds. so if you take away the option for that non criminal to get the gun it will limit these instances. it wont stop them we all know that. but it will limit them I have a hard time believing they wont. so the argument of criminals still getting them doesnt work in this case to me. I understand what you mean however but I just dont think that argument works in this scenario
Are we as a nation becoming desensitized to violence?
I think the answer is a resounding affirmative. Look at the ages of the two most recent mass attackers. Just young adults. Neither over the age of 25. From my perspective, still just kids.
It surprises me to see this take place, but it still isn't a complete shock. We are inherently violent by nature. We entertain ourselves with violence in the theater, in video games and even in sports.
ive never seen so many professionals (news reporters and the president) break down as much as they have in any massacre I have ever seen. I hope the world changes today just even a little bit.
... but it should be about minimization of risk ...
true.. but there is a way to reduce it.. really bad, evil people will still find weapons through illegal means.. but i gotta believe shootings like this will diminish if/when guns are prohibited.. i feel like some of these have to be reaction type things that aren't thought through and if the guns not around, it cant/wont be used
Are we as a nation becoming desensitized to violence?
As a whole (the majority)? Yes. People are more concerned with the battery life of their smart phone.
Individually? No. I, and many others like yourself still show true concern for innocence in this grim world.
Can't quote this enough. Risk is worst case scenario x likelihood / threat vector x impact.
Likelihood is the hardest to quantify as the likelihood seems to increase by the day.
Problem with the discussion is it is centered around these sensationalized incidents, when 3-5 times as many acts of violence happen singularly. Going back to the risk equation you have a relatively low (albeit increasing) likelihood event with a high impact. The higher frequency events are relatively low impact. The discussion has to include all of that. From the husband threatening his wife with a gun to this fucking animal. Every factor has to be considered before real discussion on solutions can happen. Nobody wants to do that because it's too hard.
no. sorrow like the rest of us.I have BF4L on ignore but see he's posted in the thread a lot. Is he regaling us with bullshit stories of how he singlehandedly saved Boston one night and the cops all thanked him and hugged him and told him he had the biggest penis ever and all wanted to touch his Golden Peacemaker of Peace?
Or is he sticking to the "Outlaw guns and only outlaws will have guns DERP DERP DERP" argument so far?
Funny how I don't see his name in any thread until bullets have ripped through some innocent person's flesh.
Do you think video games such as Modern Warfare, or Call of Duty share in this desensitized outlook this country has towards violence? Namely, gun violence