Lifelong Cynic
Well, once the media starts equating the NRA with the Westboro Baptist Church, some real fireworks should start.
I think Jon Stewart did a pretty god job recently of dissecting the "Just enforce the gun laws on the books" argument with how the NRA has been fucking up the ATFs ability to do that.
Like anything else, the layout is
10% Wingnuts for --- 80% normal people --- 10% wingnuts against.
The way you win anything is by not pissing off those 80%. Convince them, rationally and they will swing support your way. Heckling the father of a dead child does not do that.
Unfortunately for all of us, those 10%-ers are the ones that draw the best ratings on 24 hour news channels and they're also the ones that vote most religiously, so they're the ones that the pols have to pander to non-stop.