I have spoken
@outofyourmind this whole thread was started because you heard Sam Mays say something on the radio? You had another one earlier and I'm guessing it's for the same reason.
That dude, like I said he's on the radio for a reason. The Franchise really jonses for OU and they needed a guy willing to shit on his alma mater to appear balanced. His schtick is to take random internet chatter and blow it up. He doesn't have insider info because most see him as a turncoat. I wouldn't put too much faith in his opinion.
@outofyourmind this whole thread was started because you heard Sam Mays say something on the radio? You had another one earlier and I'm guessing it's for the same reason.
That dude, like I said he's on the radio for a reason. The Franchise really jonses for OU and they needed a guy willing to shit on his alma mater to appear balanced. His schtick is to take random internet chatter and blow it up. He doesn't have insider info because most see him as a turncoat. I wouldn't put too much faith in his opinion.