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Ok this made me sick to my stomach


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Apr 22, 2013
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So last season i had the coaches film, it was great as i could go over game tape and see all the WR that were open but Wilson missed. When we heard rumblings about our passing game and WR not being able to separate i had the tape to see that this was in fact not true. There were many open WR on almost every play but either Wilson was running for his life or he went to a different WR that was not as wide open.

Well my friend has the Coaches film this season so yesterday i watched our games we lost and i couldn't believe what i was seeing. Wide open WR and TE being ignored or totally missed. Wilson is missing his reads and wide open targets. When he says "it's on me" when asked what the team needs to do to improve the passing game he is 100% right. I saw a lot of wide open players last year but in the 4 games i watched i saw probably MORE open players than i saw all of last season lol. Ok that's not funny, i guess it was a nervous laugh.

Russell is in a funk that has more to do with him than the Oline. He just isn't seeing the whole field like he was at the end of last season. The good news is this can change as we all know Russell will fix it, what ever "IT" is. It gives me hope, but if he doesn't pull out of this funk even the greatest Oline won't help him all that much. Maybe it is the amount of hits he has taken this season and now his eyes have dropped to the line and not the field. Could be, but he has to trust his ability to "feel" the pressure and focus down the field better.

What do you all think the problem is that he is missing wide open players? i do not want to hear " the oline sucks" because he was missing them when he had great protection also. I am shocked Lockette isn't throwing his hands up on every play he is on the field because he has been open a TON, Also same goes for Kearse.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Did it look like there was a good passing lane to get it to them? If he's missing guys because he just can't see them then that's a huge deal.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Did it look like there was a good passing lane to get it to them? If he's missing guys because he just can't see them then that's a huge deal.

Most of the time he seemed to be looking the other way, bad luck? bad timing? bad play design? blocked vision? or maybe a little of everything.

One thing i did notice is Lockette is manhandling CB's and they need to get him on the field more in the passing game. I think that Russell needs to go to Him more often even when he only has a step or two on the defender.


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Jul 16, 2013
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Most of the time he seemed to be looking the other way, bad luck? bad timing? bad play design? blocked vision? or maybe a little of everything.

One thing i did notice is Lockette is manhandling CB's and they need to get him on the field more in the passing game. I think that Russell needs to go to Him more often even when he only has a step or two on the defender.

I think a some of it has to do with him making his first read then getting his eyes down because he's expecting to get creamed. This o-line has been awful for a lot of different reasons and it's going to take its toll on any qb. I always felt he's a rhythm qb and we just haven't done a very good job of letting get into the groove.


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
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Yep, I've noticed as well. It was a problem last year at times too (vs Tenn being the biggest example).

I don't always watch the all-22, but I go to all the home games and I see it happen way more than it should.

Lockette, Norwood, Helfet and Baldwin specifically have been getting good separation in the games I've seen. Richardson on the other hand, has not. I cringe every time the receivers are blamed because I think they get an unfair rep.
Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It seems to me that Kevin Williams is doing a good job of getting upfield. Does the film confirm that?


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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It seems to me that Kevin Williams is doing a good job of getting upfield. Does the film confirm that?

Norwood? He's Bobby Engram reincarnated IMO. Very good sense over the middle of the field. Not going to be confused with Randy Moss in terms of a downfield threat though.
Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Norwood? He's Bobby Engram reincarnated IMO. Very good sense over the middle of the field. Not going to be confused with Randy Moss in terms of a downfield threat though.

That sounds pretty good. But actually, I wanted to know if out DT Kevin Williams was doing a good job of getting upfield. Sorry for the confusion.


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Aug 28, 2014
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Guard and TE HAVE to be major draft priorities this offseason.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Guard and TE HAVE to be major draft priorities this offseason.

Curious, if G is a major priority is your vision replacing Carp or Sweezy?


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
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Curious, if G is a major priority is your vision replacing Carp or Sweezy?

Sweezy had a rough game Sunday, but he's playing at almost a pro-bowl level this year.

Carp, on the other hand, I have no interest in keeping. He's always hurt, and isn't that great the few times he's able to get on the field.


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Yep, I've noticed as well. It was a problem last year at times too (vs Tenn being the biggest example).

I don't always watch the all-22, but I go to all the home games and I see it happen way more than it should.

Lockette, Norwood, Helfet and Baldwin specifically have been getting good separation in the games I've seen. Richardson on the other hand, has not. I cringe every time the receivers are blamed because I think they get an unfair rep.

The question is are they getting separation at the right time? As a QB goes thru his reads, is his first read open when Wilson looks at him, or a bit later after he has gone to the next read? Is the second read open early, but then covered? Does the OL give Wilson enough time to go to a third read?

Went to a lot of home games, and frankly, I think you can get a better view watching TV with all their great camera angels now a days. When your watching live, you tend to follow the ball and you only get one chance to take in every thing, from all the receivers to the blocking, etc., unless they do a replay on the screen, some thing that is very miss or hit, mostly miss. Not even HCs think they get every thing, which is why they say " I got to watch the film"


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I counted three wide open receivers during the entire Chiefs game. I was at Arrowhead, so I had a view of the entire field. Russell completed passes on every one of those plays (though not always to the best receiver).

I was also at the Rams game, and to say Russell was good would be an incredible understatement. It was one of the best singular performances I've ever seen, win or lose. He did miss one wide open receiver (on a poor throw, not a missed read), but other than that he was close to perfect.

So let's hear some specifics. Because, again, I have been at half of his losses this year. I saw both of the other two on television. And frankly, I have no clue what you are talking about.


Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Hell, I'll be more direct: Of the several dozen pro and high college games I've been to, I have never seen a game where WRs for a team had less separation than they did for the Seahawks last week.

I thought Russ played a great game, all things considered. And while PFF has its issues from time to time, they graded Russ very highly and said the same things I did.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Hell, I'll be more direct: Of the several dozen pro and high college games I've been to, I have never seen a game where WRs for a team had less separation than they did for the Seahawks last week.

I thought Russ played a great game, all things considered. And while PFF has its issues from time to time, they graded Russ very highly and said the same things I did.

Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Hell, I'll be more direct: Of the several dozen pro and high college games I've been to, I have never seen a game where WRs for a team had less separation than they did for the Seahawks last week.

I thought Russ played a great game, all things considered. And while PFF has its issues from time to time, they graded Russ very highly and said the same things I did.

I think the Chiefs probably deserve a lot of credit for that, though. I think they're near the statistically near the top in terms of pass defense, so their DBs are probably quite good at coverage. That said, I still think we have one of the least potent WR corps in the NFL.


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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The question is are they getting separation at the right time? As a QB goes thru his reads, is his first read open when Wilson looks at him, or a bit later after he has gone to the next read? Is the second read open early, but then covered? Does the OL give Wilson enough time to go to a third read?

Went to a lot of home games, and frankly, I think you can get a better view watching TV with all their great camera angels now a days. When your watching live, you tend to follow the ball and you only get one chance to take in every thing, from all the receivers to the blocking, etc., unless they do a replay on the screen, some thing that is very miss or hit, mostly miss. Not even HCs think they get every thing, which is why they say " I got to watch the film"

I used to watch the all-22, but just don't have the time anymore. Which is a bummer, because I used to really enjoy it.

As far as your question, the most memorable examples Im thinking of are generally on the plays where he holds the ball for a lengthy amount of time. My first reaction is to look downfield and see if there's separation. As I noted, I frequently see Baldwin with enough separation and to a lesser extent, Helfet and Norwood.

I think the issue is two-fold:

1. I don't think seeing the field is a strength of Russell's. In fact, I'd call it one of the weaker elements of his game.

2. My guess is that he's really bought into Pete's "all about the ball/protect the call" mantra - to almost an extreme. He generally will not take many chances, unless it's a desperate time. That's when the gray area of "separation" comes in. There are many times when a guy is open to the point where a good throw is a guaranteed completion, but a poor throw could just as easily be a pick. I appreciate Russell's ability to not turn the ball over, but there are times I think he leaves plays on the field by being so conservative.


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I used to watch the all-22, but just don't have the time anymore. Which is a bummer, because I used to really enjoy it.

As far as your question, the most memorable examples Im thinking of are generally on the plays where he holds the ball for a lengthy amount of time. My first reaction is to look downfield and see if there's separation. As I noted, I frequently see Baldwin with enough separation and to a lesser extent, Helfet and Norwood.

I think the issue is two-fold:

1. I don't think seeing the field is a strength of Russell's. In fact, I'd call it one of the weaker elements of his game.

2. My guess is that he's really bought into Pete's "all about the ball/protect the call" mantra - to almost an extreme. He generally will not take many chances, unless it's a desperate time. That's when the gray area of "separation" comes in. There are many times when a guy is open to the point where a good throw is a guaranteed completion, but a poor throw could just as easily be a pick. I appreciate Russell's ability to not turn the ball over, but there are times I think he leaves plays on the field by being so conservative.

To be honest, never heard of all- 22. Going to add that to places to surf.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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To be honest, never heard of all- 22. Going to add that to places to surf.

Coaches film and all 22 are used interchangeably, although technically the all 22 is a different view than the high end zone coverage that is also part of the coaches film. You can subscribe to see them for every game at NFL.com.