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New Orleans


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Look at the highlights I posted. Where in those highlights did Wilson throw any balls from outside the pocket?

I'll wait.

Barnwell: MVP or not, nobody is topping Russell Wilson

Again, 2nd half of last season. Please review.
This is like nit picking stats. It proves he made some plays from in the pocket, against certain teams. Sorry I've already creditted him with 5 great games. This doesn't prove anything more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
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I think you missed my point. It's the agenda of the poster that seems to determine the pertinent stat. . Usually we see most points against or most yards against, now we have moved on to points per drive...certainly to be followed up soon by yards per drive...

Which are good measures. Look it isn't close lately. The fact someone would even need to come out and show the numbers of how bad they are to people that watch the NFL seems pretty crazy.

If the poster's agenda is that the blatantly obvious worst D in the NFL in recent memory who is showing that again this year is the worst D... Go for it. If you want to find people to dig up random things that say "well look, they are only 5th worst in this stat" have at it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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No they've been easily the bottom of the barrel for a while there. Early on every year after only playing a handful of games you have all sorts of change that can happen from 1 game here or there. The chiefs last week before the Philly/Min game were leading the league in turnovers, entirely based on the Fitzpatrick game.

But the saints have been easily the worst defense in the past 2.5 years in the NFL.

But everyone loves jumping on those bandwagons first. Oh Bradford is elite now. Oh Crowell is the best young RB in the league... no wait it's Jordan Howard, no wait, Ezekiel Elliott, no wait it's Jay Ajayi...
Wonder if losing an HC for a year or worrying about additional bounty fines/penalties play into that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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He certainly improved last year. This year hard to tell with his injuries.

See when your feet are held to the fire, you can eventually not post absolute tripe. Well done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Which are good measures. Look it isn't close lately. The fact someone would even need to come out and show the numbers of how bad they are to people that watch the NFL seems pretty crazy.

If the poster's agenda is that the blatantly obvious worst D in the NFL in recent memory who is showing that again this year is the worst D... Go for it. If you want to find people to dig up random things that say "well look, they are only 5th worst in this stat" have at it.
Honestly, now I'm confused. Did you get my point??? Because I didn't weigh in on who I think is the worst defense OR which stat I personally think should be used...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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Wonder if losing an HC for a year or worrying about additional bounty fines/penalties play into that?

I think so. I also think when Rex showed up a few years ago they hit lightning in a bottle that one year and doubled down on everything that worked for them which has been a terrible mistake since then.

But kinda like Indy, it's been really bad drafting on defense combined with atrocious FA moves there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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This is like nit picking stats. It proves he made some plays from in the pocket, against certain teams. Sorry I've already creditted him with 5 great games. This doesn't prove anything more.

Sure. To anoint him God, you want to see him do it for a full season(s). Fair enough. A half season DOES show that he has the capability to be that guy for a longer stretch.

But I see you dancing around proclaiming him NOT a pocket passer because he's actually playing on an injury that would shelve 90% of QB's.

Knock yourself out. I'm glad I get to watch him for another decade or so, assuming that Fant doesn't get him killed in the next few weeks. Sowell was smart enough to at least hold guys who'd beat him, instead of letting Wilson get blown up.

Lots of time to see if he continues to morph into a 'pocket QB.'


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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Honestly, now I'm confused. Did you get my point??? Because I didn't weigh in on who I think is the worst defense OR which stat I personally think should be used...

Well I think the fact that he even feels the need to pull out stats in a debate about the Saints being the worst defense is pretty unneccesary on his part. It's like pulling out the game scoring log to show the Bronco's won last years SB. You can if you want.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Sure. To anoint him God, you want to see him do it for a full season(s). Fair enough. A half season DOES show that he has the capability to be that guy for a longer stretch.

But I see you dancing around proclaiming him NOT a pocket passer because he's actually playing on an injury that would shelve 90% of QB's.

Knock yourself out. I'm glad I get to watch him for another decade or so, assuming that Fant doesn't get him killed in the next few weeks. Sowell was smart enough to at least hold guys who'd beat him, instead of letting Wilson get blown up.

Lots of time to see if he continues to morph into a 'pocket QB.'
Well we're at least on the same continent in our thinking now. Even if it was 8 games, he's played 70. No one outside of Seattle ever called him a pocket passer. Could he become one sure he can. Especially if he continues to get injured. He'll neec to. See Cam Newton and RGIII. One of RWs best qualities was/is his ability to not take the big hits. Time shall tell.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well we're at least on the same continent in our thinking now. Even if it was 8 games, he's played 70. No one outside of Seattle ever called him a pocket passer. Could he become one sure he can. Especially if he continues to get injured. He'll neec to. See Cam Newton and RGIII. One of RWs best qualities was/is his ability to not take the big hits. Time shall tell.

That's bullshit. He's received plenty of praise for his play in the pocket over the years. He's shown increasingly that he can hit his back foot, make progressions, and get the ball out. And people from everywhere in the country recognize this as the skill of a true pocket passer Of course you block it out, but that doesn't mean it doesn't regularly occur.

Even pocket passers struggle in the pocket when a. They have an injury that affects mechanics, and b. They don't have a pocket to step in to.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Stating an opinion that RW is not a pocket passer is fine. It's an ignorant opinion, but it's fine if it's yours. Stating it as fact that everyone agrees with is just retarded trolling.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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Stating an opinion that RW is not a pocket passer is fine. It's an ignorant opinion, but it's fine if it's yours. Stating it as fact that everyone agrees with is just retarded trolling.
It's hard...isn't it? I mean, not being a post critic and all.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LOL...always good for one to think their the authority...good for the ego and all

I'm sure you think you're being clever, but you're not.

Please, drop the obsession with me. Just because I called you on your passive aggressive nature, doesn't mean I really give a shit about you.

Although, thanks for taking my advice and dropping the incredibly phallic avatar you had going on for years.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
Hoopla Cash
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I'm sure you think you're being clever, but you're not.

Please, drop the obsession with me. Just because I called you on your passive aggressive nature, doesn't mean I really give a shit about you.

Although, thanks for taking my advice and dropping the incredibly phallic avatar you had going on for years.
sonny...I'm thinking you're either in your 20's or just outta of um.
You dish well but fold hard when volley is returned. I'm sorry but here's what I'm going to do.
I'll stop and only respond to you when you address a post of mine going forward. Then we can be clear about this obsession point you're spinning.

incredibly phallic avatar?? Your advise?? Well, my wife wanted me to put my grandkids up for awhile. You sure remain full of yourself. It's comedy gold to me. Bet your ass 1960's Cowboy Joe will return. :eek:


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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sonny...I'm thinking you're either in your 20's or just outta of um.
You dish well but fold hard when volley is returned. I'm sorry but here's what I'm going to do.
I'll stop and only respond to you when you address a post of mine going forward. Then we can be clear about this obsession point you're spinning.

incredibly phallic avatar?? Your advise?? Well, my wife wanted me to put my grandkids up for awhile. You sure remain full of yourself. It's comedy gold to me. Bet your ass 1960's Cowboy Joe will return. :eek:

Sounds great! Have a good one.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Stating an opinion that RW is not a pocket passer is fine. It's an ignorant opinion, but it's fine if it's yours. Stating it as fact that everyone agrees with is just retarded trolling.
But you can retort it stating an opinion that he's received plenty of praise over the years isn't? Got to love the Seattle Spin. Stop listening to local radio and tv.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But you can retort it stating an opinion that he's received plenty of praise over the years isn't? Got to love the Seattle Spin. Stop listening to local radio and tv.

It's not an opinion. It's a fact, plenty of people outside of seattle have recognized Wilson's ability to be a pocket passer. I don't listen to local, it's commercial riddled garbage. I mostly listen to Sirius.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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It's not an opinion. It's a fact, plenty of people outside of seattle have recognized Wilson's ability to be a pocket passer. I don't listen to local, it's commercial riddled garbage. I mostly listen to Sirius.
Plenty of people outside of Seattle also don't embarrass themselve's by calling him a pocket passer. Find another station. Great Fact plenty of people outside Seattle...:pound: