Well-Known Member
hes just all over the place. he tries to give this act like its not Cleveland he hates- but LeBron- but then says how much he would laugh if LeBron went to out to California. It comes down to the fact that he was just 100% sure the Cavs would lose- kept posting stuff for weeks on end during the playoffs, #runneruptrophy etc... and now that history and karma has taken a big bite out of his ass he is grasping at the thinnest of straws because for some reason he cant take us Cleveland fans basking in the glory of our well deserved title.
Him and LAD just cannot let it go and say- yup I was wrong and leave it at that...no matter how succesful the Cavs and LEBron are they will try and find whatever cracks their are to exploit for their own purposes. Its just something you have to accept when you root for the Cavs and LeBRon at this point...there will always be people like that when you have achieved this level of success and have an owner like Dan G who speaks his mind and backs it up with the biggest wallet in the league.
I said my opinion was 65% chance they'd lose, so quit making shit up,
and unlike you I can deal with being wrong vs hiding like a fucking coward.
I also said I'd laugh cause of the reaction from clowns like you, not because I have anything against real Cavs fans or the city in general.