Anointed One
Land of the Free
Good thing the Mariners invited Healy to a play date... 4-3...
what a fantastic bullpen Dip has traded for
Another thing you can thank Cano for. Krueger was talking about how he expects Haniger to snap back out of it once Cano is back to take 3rd in the order and he can go back to a more natural batting slot. A guy that doesn't even have a full season under his belt hitting 3rd is asking a lot.Dee leading off needs to stop.
Haniger has 1 HR since June 28th and only 8 since April. For whatever reason he has no power anymore but he at least still has a good OBP because he walks.
Solution Haniger at leadoff please.
Yeah, because putting Felix out there isn't enough of a handicap, we need to put the worst hitter in the organization out there to make sure that bullpen has something to blow late.